On Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 1:56 AM <jack...@f-m.fm> wrote:
> I've been using chirp for a few days and I've run into an issue. Lines 
> 1036-1041 of uv5r.py, specifically. The radio can be put into "factory mode" 
> (freeband mode) by starting it up while holding moni+ptt+vfo/mr but these 
> lines in the driver preclude duplex operation outside the amateur bands. I 
> plan on keeping it in "amateur" mode most of the time, but I would like these 
> channels to be programmed correctly. I presume these lines exist just to 
> prevent having an uplink frequency out of band with downlink in-band, but 
> would it not suffice just to warn the user rather than lock these settings 
> down? As a temporary measure, can I simply comment these lines out? FYI, 
> switching between "factory" and "amateur" (ptt+5) modes did not appear to 
> affect the image that chirp downloads as they both had an identical checksum. 
> Any relevant info is appreciated.
> Jackson

I believe that when support was developed, there was nothing known
about a "freeband" mode. CHIRP support was programmed to match the
behavior of the radio. I'm not positive, but I think this may have
been done at the vendor's request. I believe that the vendor also
donated the radio that was used for development.

If you have switched the radio to "freeband" mode and don't want these
restrictions, you should just program it using the UV-5R model

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