Many thanks to all who have so kindly and promptly replied to my request for technical help. I received so many replies that I could not reply in sufficient detail to each one individually, although I did try to acknowledge them all. Let me outline my problem and give a summary of the ideas sent me.

I am about to have someone start helping me with the Chodosh investigations and other duties. As such, this person needs to have access to the file of Chodosh-related contacts that I have accumulated over the many years. This data is stored in the Contacts file of Outlook on my computer and is also synced with my Blackberry. She and I will continue to add to and modify this list of contacts, as we proceed in our work in parallel. We have a need to synchronize our two versions of the contact list on a constant ongoing basis to make sure that we are both up to date. With that background, let me outline the ideas sent me:

>Use the Export and Import, or Backup and Restore feature of Outlook to transfer my data to the other person. This is very doable on a one-time basis, but is not practical for synchronizing and merging two contact lists.

>Use a service provider that provides use of a Microsoft Exchange server to synchronize two Outlook files. This is available for less than $10 per month and remains an option.

>Use special software that allows such synchronization without the use of Exchange. That is also possible.

>Use one or more services offered by Google, such as Wireless Contact sync for Blackberry, or Outlook sync between two on-line computers. This is also being considered.

>Some people generously offered their expert services, and in one case even offered to pay to have a professional work up a custom solution for me. At this point, it does not look like my problem is so complicated that it justifies the need for a professional custom solution. My assistant and I have to work through all these ideas to see which fits our work environments best.

Everyone’s input is very greatly appreciated. Above all, it shows that there is a caring community out there that jumps in and is willing to help to help me continue in this mitzvah project. May Ha-shem give His brochos to all of you. I will keep all you messages on file for future technical reference. They will also be there to continue to give me a warm feeling of having a community behind me

Yoseph Herman/Guide to Chodosh

29 Kislev 5770.

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