I am trying to figure out how to add mouse listeners on a normal
view::Button, but I can't seem to figure it out. Within the ToolbarView,
there is buttons such as home, back, forward, I would like to be able to add
a middle mouse click functionality to those buttons, but the way it works
now is by executing the following:

 controller_->AddManagedButton(reload_, IDC_RELOAD);

That line of code is letting the CommandHandler manage key events and mouse
events. But I want to be able to manage the middle mouse click event, and
that event differs from left click. how would I do so?

Would have been nice if we could pass in data to the CommandHandler, so if
we have done a mouse click or a key release, the CommandHandler would have
had access to that.

Any help is appreciated!

- m0

Merry Christmas!

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