I would need some advice on how to do one static initializer when it is
contained within the UI Thread. I want to try a simple example
like: /src/chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_view.cc Can I get a
confirmation whether what I am doing would be correct, and I have some
questions that I am a bit confused (ok really confused, I don't want to
submit a patch that I don't understand):
This is one of the static initializers in browser_view.cc

> SkBitmap BrowserView::default_favicon_;

And within the header file (browser_view.h) default_favicon_ is defined
there as well:

> static SkBitmap* default_favicon_

My first question, why is that done like that? Why do we have
default_fav_icon_ defined in the class and header file? And why couldn't we
just have it defined in the header file as this:

> SkBitmap* default_fav_icon_

And if we want it as static to make it one instance, we could just add
static at the beginning

default_favicon_ is only initialized within the function InitClass (which is
static) where it is being initialized like this:

> default_favicon_ = *rb.GetBitmapNamed();

Since we wanted to ensure a singleton (unless I am mistaken), should we
check if that variable is already initialized? From what I understand (mind
you I am very new to c++, and am reading books that were recommended to me)

I would just delete the field declared in the class:

> void BrowserView::InitClass()

And define it as a pointer in the header file:

> static SkBitmap* default_favicon_

And within the init function I check if its valid and if it isn't I set it.

> if (default_favicon_)
>   default_favicon_ = *rb.GetBitmapNamed();

I have submitted two patches for remove static initializers but then deleted
them because I "really" didn't understand what is going on. If anyone could
shed some light, it would be highly appreciated! I am coming from a Java
background if that would help.

Thanks! And sorry for this long email.

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Dmitry Titov <dim...@chromium.org> wrote:

> They also contribute to launch time.  Generally speaking, the less
>> code we have to execute during startup, the better it is for the user
>> experience.
> This is especially important, because even though initialization is often
> trivial, the page with the code for each initializer should be loaded from
> disk into memory on startup. This paging often constitutes most of the app
> startup time.
> >

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