There's one other bookmark notification you don't have, BookmarkNodeMoved.

Other interesting bookmark related methods:

If you want to enable folks to replace the ntp, then shouldn't you
provide a way to get the items displayed by the ntp? If someone is
writing their own history sniffer or history page replacement that'll
need to know when a new visit is added.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Nick Baum <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I fleshed out a few more APIs. I've put them in separate documents since the
> API pattern doc was getting a bit long. Below are some notes, feedback
> appreciated.
> In particular, I'd love feedback from Scott on history and from Paul on
> downloads.
> -Nick
> Bookmarks
> Do we want to distinguish removeBookmark from removeFolder, or is that
> unnecessary?
> Should changes to the contents of a folder trigger eventbookmarkupdated for
> that folder? How about the folders above it?
> In BookmarkItem, should fields that don't apply be null or simply not
> present?
> In BookmarksQuery, do the root and bookmarksBar booleans make sense?
> How does returning the children recursively work with updates? Can you
> update all these items at the same time?
> Downloads
> Should getDownloads take a DownloadsQuery object? The current downloads page
> includes search.
> What kind of events does clearAllDownloads trigger? do we need a separate
> event for this? Do we even need this in the first place?
> How should we deal with progress updates? It seems like overkill to trigger
> an event for each change in percentage, but on the other hand extensions
> should be able to track this.
> History
> I'm assuming HistoryItems are immutable, so there is no update.
> The internal history structure is split between visits and urls. Visits
> don't contain the actual url, so we have to fetch the url object either way.
> I therefore merged the visit and url objects into one. Is this reasonable?
> There are a number of stats (timeSpent, fromId, totalVisitCount,
> totalTypedCount). Do we want to expose those for v1?
> >

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