Sometimes, it's hard to work on a product and actually use it at the
same time.  The rapid stop/start cycles aren't exactly conducive to
keeping long-lived activities like your e-mail open.  "I work on
Chromium, but I surf in Camino, or Safari, or Firefox."  Does that
sound familiar?  I've worked on other browsers in the past, and I've
had the same problems with them too.

Fortunately, Chromium supports multiple user profiles, so it actually
is possible to leave a long-lived process around for your daily
surfing hooked up to one profile, while you're developing in another.
For the past couple of days, I've been trying this out, and I think it
 would be a good idea if everyone else who's not already doing so gave
it a try too.

Here's what I'm doing: I'm starting my long-lived Chrome (in my case,
an official Google Chrome dev-channel build - ideally it shouldn't be
the executable/bundle you're actively working on) with an alternate
profile by telling my shell to do this:

/Applications/Google\\ Chrome
--user-data-dir=~/Library/Application\ Support/ChromeToo >& chrome.out

leaving the "main" profile at ~/Library/Application Support/Chrome
free for development.  (You could easily do it the other way around,
but since I'm more likely to want to start the "development" Chromium
more frequently, I figure I'll save myself some keystrokes.)

So far, the biggest drawback has been "no YouTube," but I bet you knew
that already.

I think it would be a great idea for everyone developing for the Mac
to join me in eating our dogfood.


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