I suspect there are things we can do that will avoid much of the need to do
a Chromium side change in unison with a WebKit side change.  #1 is probably
upstreaming some .gypi files so that the set of files to build can be stored
in svn.webkit.org.  The WebKit API will also help, and completing the
upstreaming of V8 is another biggie.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Adam Langley <a...@chromium.org> wrote:

> Dear Lords of the WebKit, I come to you seeking guidance about how
> best to avoid the mess that the tree got into this afternoon.
> Japhet and I both had two sided patches to land (where one needs to
> land both the WebKit and Chromium sides together). We emailed the
> merger for the day (jianli) and asked him to email us when the merge
> landed.
> He did so and I closed the tree. japhet and I both started landing
> upstream. I landed r45191 and the Chromium side (including a large
> DEPS roll) in r19287. japhet landed upstream in r45193 and r19291.
> The tree went red because V8IsolatedWorld had landed upstream in the
> mean time and needed an include file changed because of japhet's
> upstreaming. I TBRed upstream (r45201) and rolled DEPS (r19295).
> However, that pulled in several other upstream patches, one of which
> broke the build in another way! So I TBRed upstream to fix that
> (r45203) and rolled DEPS again (r19298). Thankfully, due to fleetness
> of keyboard, no other patches landed upstream in the mean time.
> In the past, for small patches, I've emailed the WebKit merger with
> the patch to land. However, for larger patches, esp those which might
> have conflicts, this seems unfortunate. It also breaks the SVN
> log/blame for the future.
> How best to deal with this now that we pull directly from upstream?
> Should I just have reverted Chromium at the first sign of trouble?
> >

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