On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Drew Wilson<atwil...@chromium.org> wrote:
> SGTM. Note that we're essentially duplicating (assumedly intentionally so)
> the window.postMessage() APIs which require specifying a target domain and
> whose connect event has a "source" and "origin" attribute specifying the
> window that sent the message.

Yeah, intentionally so. It seemed OK in this instance to not try and
couple ourselves directly to postMessage() since the shape of
extensions and web pages are slightly different.

In the future, if it gets easier to use IDL (I hear other teams on
Chromium are working on this), we might adopt something closer to

> It's an excellent point about connectExternal and startup ordering - in
> fact, one of the problems with window.postMessage now is that there's no
> guarantee that your message will be delivered if the target window has not
> loaded yet.

I brought this up in the original design discussions, that messages
should be queued until the page either loads or fails. Web platform
APIs should be deterministic!

Blech. In extensions, we queue the messages :).

- a

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