I'll add:

I really think the reality of the situation today is that sheriffing
is a full time job. The days I last did sheriffing I found to do a
good job of it I basically couldn't do anything else (e.g. write code)
other than watch the tree. So I wanted to point out that when you are
sheriff, it's something that you need to focus your attention to. If
you're sheriff and are coding and start getting messages from other
team members wondering what's up with the tree, you need to evaluate
what you're focusing on.


I agree with amanda and jar that people need to take more
responsibility about their own checkins. (See my other comment in this


On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Peter Kasting<pkast...@google.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 8:00 AM, Marc-Antoine Ruel <mar...@chromium.org>
> wrote:
>> - The reliability test has been red for so long that a bad regression
>> hasn't been noticed before it was way too late.
>> - There was multiple webkit linux regressions that haven't been fixed.
>> (+ valgrind)
> I'm pretty frustrated with this week's tree.  Last Thursday and Friday Tim
> and I kept *everything* green at almost all times.  This week there's been
> constant redness, huge swaths of orange on the WebKit LayoutTest bots, and
> the tree's been open much of that time.  I have done a few things to help
> but I feel like I can either let the tree be red or be a full-time sheriff.
>  That's not how it should be.
> I wrote about what both sheriffs and others need to do at all times a week
> and a half ago.  Maybe nobody read my mail because it was too long, or maybe
> just nobody cares about the tree being in good shape.  It's disappointing.
> Exceptions: a few people like Chase, Tony, Nicolas, Darin, and some others
> (you know who you are) have indeed stepped up and helped out.  Kudos to you
> guys.
> PK
> >

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