Hi Jerry,

The CEF project is separate from the Chromium project, and CEF-specific
questions should not be directed to the chromium-dev mailing list.

The CEF project is alive and well, but as with most open source projects it
is run by volunteers. Chromium trunk is a fast-moving target and so the
primary CEF developer (me) must choose specific "green" Chromium builds to
target for CEF updates. Updating can be a time-intensive process and must be
balanced with new development against the total time I have available for
CEF.  If you want to avoid build errors you should use the last supported
Chromium revision listed in the CHROMIUM_BUILD_COMPATIBILITY.txt file.

Additional volunteers to assist with the update process are welcome, and I
encourage you to perform updates and submit patches as described in my
response to your question on the CEF forum.



On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Jerry Evans <je...@novadsp.com> wrote:

>  Hi, I'm trying to determine what is happening with the embedded
> framework. Builds are currently broken and there is radio silence on the CEF
> fora. Does anyone have insider knowledge? Thx++
> Jerry.
> >

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