
On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Philipp Lenssen <philipp.lens...@gmail.com>
> Hi Peter and Marc-Antoine!
> (forwarding my post via email as the Google Groups discussion is

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> I'm glad to see the issues being looked at!
> The Fixedsys font problem is this: In my CSS, I have the line
>    font-family: fixedsys, consolas, monospace;
> but Chrome ignores the first font, and jumps to Consolas (Firefox
> finds Fixedsys fine). It being a system font might be part of the
> issue, I can also not locate Fixedsys in Chrome's monospace font
> options dialog.

No idea about this one in particular. Since this is on Windows, it may be
interesting to take a look at. Can you file a bug at http://new.crbug.com ?

>> He just needs to learn how to create an application shortcut. Copy a
>> chrome shortcut on the desktop, rename it, right click on it,
>> properties, edit the command line to add the arguments wanted.
> Could you please guide me through the steps, did you try associating
> files? Just a basic edited shortcut doesn't do the job for me, as
> Windows (Vista) will set up the file association -- which I need to
> open files system wide with double click -- with the source exe when
> picking the shortcut... i.e. with basic Chrome, not Chrome App
> (dragging the file over the shortcut behaves somewhat better, but I
> didn't further explore this route as it's not a solution).
> To clarify, my goal is:
> - set up Windows (Vista) so that all .foo files (like myfile.foo) will
> automatically be opened with Chrome App at the location
> http://example/#path-to-foo-file (e.g.
> http://example/#C:\somefolder\myfile.foo).
> My current suboptimal workaround as mentioned is associating my files
> with a CMD file which reads:
> C:\Users\...\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --app="http://example/#%1";

Ok I didn't understand what you wanted to do correctly at first. The easiest
fix is by editing the registry entry. I made it do a websearch as an example
but this is obviously useless as-is. The important part is the
type\shell\open\command\@ (default) registry value, by default it uses «--
"%1"». I just changed this part to use --app and a prebacked url instead.
You need to replace %USERPROFILE% by your user profile path.

--- CUT HERE ---
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="Web Search"



--app \"http://www.google.com/search?q=%1\"";

I don't think Google Chrome should be blamed by someone hooking up weird
file association like this. :)


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