*Failing Test Count*

The number of failing WebKit layout tests (WinXP) has been reduced to *622*.
(We had ~800 when we started keeping track.)

*LTTF Dashboard*

dpranke@ has put together a nice
dashboard<http://chromiumlttf.appspot.com/> showing
some important metrics, along with corresponding issue tracker links. These

   - flaky/fail/skip test counts
   - tests with invalid bug ids
   - non LayoutTests-labeled bugs
   - other good info

Check it out at: http://chromiumlttf.appspot.com/.
(Click on each line to expand.)

*Recent Work*

http://tinyurl.com/lttfstatus has the details, but some of the things being
worked on include:

   - getClientRects
   - accessibilityController
   - CSS2.1 test suites
   - drag-related tests
   - EventSendingController
   - setTimeout
   - PlainTextController
   - canvas
   - Skia
   - paste-xml
   - type=search input

-- Jeff, on behalf of the LTTF

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