(CCing today's sheriffs + Jay)

I was thinking of marking the bug to P1, except that won't change much if no
one has the time to work on it now.

I think to keep tree green, the entire test should be disabled until
singletons are cleared between each test, or it's switched to browser_tests

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 12:44 AM, Paweł Hajdan Jr.

> I think that the right fix is to switch interactive_ui_tests to
> browser_tests launcher (jcampan did some great work to make the launcher
> more flexible, it may be quite simple to do the switch now - if there are no
> UI tests in interactive_ui_tests).
> I also suggest bumping the priority of http://crbug.com/25997 to P1 and
> possibly marking it with FlakyTest label.
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 09:37, John Abd-El-Malek <j...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> This is related to bug 25997.  The tests are inherently flakey because
>> singeltons aren't released between runs, so cached MessageLoop pointers are
>> bogus.  Sometimes they're ok when the order of construction/destruction of
>> MessageLoop pointers is the same.  But if that changes, or other memory
>> allocations change, the tests start failing.
>> Just wanted to send a heads up since I spent a day debugging this last
>> week, and now they're failing again.
>> >>

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