2009/12/5 nachumk <nach...@gmail.com>:
> On Dec 5, 3:48 pm, Erik Corry <erik.co...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2009/12/5 nachumk <nach...@gmail.com>:
>> > Hi,
>> > I'm using Chrome
>> > Is there a way to enable chrome's javascript to be more verbose and
>> > to
>> > break on errors such as an undeclared variable (i don't want to
>> > implicity declare them)?
>> Not in Chrome.
>> You might want to look into the JS 
>> compilerhttp://closure-compiler.appspot.com/homehttp://googlecode.blogspot.com/2009/11/introducing-closure-tools.html
>> > Thanx,
>> > nachum
>> > --
>> > Chromium Developers mailing list: chromium-dev@googlegroups.com
>> > View archives, change email options, or unsubscribe:
>> >    http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev
> Thanx for the quick response. Do you know what flags can be used with
> chrome's startup switch js-flags, or where that documentation exists?

Here are the ones supported by the standalone V8 shell.  Not all of
them will work in Google Chrome.  Some of them will cause your browser
to be incompatible, slower, insecure or crashy.  For the boolean ones
you insert "no" (without a dash or underscore) after the double dash
to indicate they should be false.

  --debug_code (generate extra code (comments, assertions) for debugging)
        type: bool  default: false
  --emit_branch_hints (emit branch hints)
        type: bool  default: false
  --push_pop_elimination (eliminate redundant push/pops in assembly code)
        type: bool  default: true
  --print_push_pop_elimination (print elimination of redundant
push/pops in assembly code)
        type: bool  default: false
  --expose_natives_as (expose natives in global object)
        type: string  default: NULL
  --expose_debug_as (expose debug in global object)
        type: string  default: NULL
  --natives_file (alternative natives file)
        type: string  default: NULL
  --expose_gc (expose gc extension)
        type: bool  default: false
  --stack_trace_limit (number of stack frames to capture)
        type: int  default: 10
  --inline_new (use fast inline allocation)
        type: bool  default: true
  --stack_trace_on_abort (print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs)
        type: bool  default: true
  --trace (trace function calls)
        type: bool  default: false
  --defer_negation (defer negation operation)
        type: bool  default: true
  --check_stack (check stack for overflow, interrupt, breakpoint)
        type: bool  default: true
  --lazy (use lazy compilation)
        type: bool  default: true
  --debug_info (add debug information to compiled functions)
        type: bool  default: true
  --strict (strict error checking)
        type: bool  default: false
  --min_preparse_length (Minimum length for automatic enable preparsing)
        type: int  default: 1024
  --compilation_cache (enable compilation cache)
        type: bool  default: true
  --remote_debugging (enable remote debugging)
        type: bool  default: false
  --trace_debug_json (trace debugging JSON request/response)
        type: bool  default: false
  --debugger_auto_break (automatically set the debug break flag when
debugger commands are in the queue (experimental))
        type: bool  default: false
  --max_stack_trace_source_length (maximum length of function source
code printed in a stack trace.)
        type: int  default: 300
  --new_space_size (size of (each semispace in) the new generation)
        type: int  default: 0
  --old_space_size (size of the old generation)
        type: int  default: 0
  --gc_global (always perform global GCs)
        type: bool  default: false
  --gc_interval (garbage collect after <n> allocations)
        type: int  default: -1
  --trace_gc (print one trace line following each garbage collection)
        type: bool  default: false
  --trace_gc_verbose (print more details following each garbage collection)
        type: bool  default: false
  --collect_maps (garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached)
        type: bool  default: true
  --use_idle_notification (Use idle notification to reduce memory footprint.)
        type: bool  default: true
  --use_ic (use inline caching)
        type: bool  default: true
  --native_code_counters (generate extra code for manipulating stats counters)
        type: bool  default: false
  --always_compact (Perform compaction on every full GC)
        type: bool  default: false
  --never_compact (Never perform compaction on full GC - testing only)
        type: bool  default: false
  --cleanup_ics_at_gc (Flush inline caches prior to mark compact collection.)
        type: bool  default: true
  --cleanup_caches_in_maps_at_gc (Flush code caches in maps during
mark compact cycle.)
        type: bool  default: true
  --canonicalize_object_literal_maps (Canonicalize maps for object literals.)
        type: bool  default: true
  --h (print this message)
        type: bool  default: false
  --allow_natives_syntax (allow natives syntax)
        type: bool  default: false
  --optimize_ast (optimize the ast)
        type: bool  default: true
  --trace_sim (trace simulator execution)
        type: bool  default: false
  --stop_sim_at (Simulator stop after x number of instructions)
        type: int  default: 0
  --trace_exception (print stack trace when throwing exceptions)
        type: bool  default: false
  --preallocate_message_memory (preallocate some memory to build stack traces.)
        type: bool  default: false
  --usage_computation (compute variable usage counts)
        type: bool  default: true
  --preemption (activate a 100ms timer that switches between V8 threads)
        type: bool  default: false
  --trace_regexps (trace regexp execution)
        type: bool  default: false
  --regexp_optimization (generate optimized regexp code)
        type: bool  default: true
  --testing_bool_flag (testing_bool_flag)
        type: bool  default: true
  --testing_int_flag (testing_int_flag)
        type: int  default: 13
  --testing_float_flag (float-flag)
        type: float  default: 2.500000
  --testing_string_flag (string-flag)
        type: string  default: Hello, world!
  --testing_prng_seed (Seed used for threading test randomness)
        type: int  default: 42
  --testing_serialization_file (file in which to serialize heap)
        type: string  default: /tmp/serdes
  --help (Print usage message, including flags, on console)
        type: bool  default: true
  --dump_counters (Dump counters on exit)
        type: bool  default: false
  --debugger (Enable JavaScript debugger)
        type: bool  default: true
  --remote_debugger (Connect JavaScript debugger to the debugger agent
in another process)
        type: bool  default: false
  --debugger_agent (Enable debugger agent)
        type: bool  default: false
  --debugger_port (Port to use for remote debugging)
        type: int  default: 5858
  --map_counters (Map counters to a file)
        type: string  default: NULL
  --js_arguments (Pass all remaining arguments to the script. Alias for "--".)
        type: arguments  default:
  --log (Minimal logging (no API, code, GC, suspect, or handles samples).)
        type: bool  default: false
  --log_all (Log all events to the log file.)
        type: bool  default: false
  --log_runtime (Activate runtime system %Log call.)
        type: bool  default: false
  --log_api (Log API events to the log file.)
        type: bool  default: false
  --log_code (Log code events to the log file without profiling.)
        type: bool  default: false
  --log_gc (Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool.)
        type: bool  default: false
  --log_handles (Log global handle events.)
        type: bool  default: false
  --log_state_changes (Log state changes.)
        type: bool  default: false
  --log_suspect (Log suspect operations.)
        type: bool  default: false
  --compress_log (Compress log to save space (makes log less human-readable).)
        type: bool  default: false
  --prof (Log statistical profiling information (implies --log-code).)
        type: bool  default: false
  --prof_auto (Used with --prof, starts profiling automatically)
        type: bool  default: true
  --prof_lazy (Used with --prof, only does sampling and logging when
profiler is active (implies --noprof_auto).)
        type: bool  default: false
  --log_regexp (Log regular expression execution.)
        type: bool  default: false
  --sliding_state_window (Update sliding state window counters.)
        type: bool  default: false
  --logfile (Specify the name of the log file.)
        type: string  default: v8.log
  --oprofile (Enable JIT agent for OProfile.)
        type: bool  default: false

> nachum
> --
> Chromium Developers mailing list: chromium-dev@googlegroups.com
> View archives, change email options, or unsubscribe:
>    http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev

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