
Okay, that’s damn creative. A very interesting alternative to disabling power 
management. :)

Kinda cool.

One thing however...

Comments from the code:

 * When using unidled, assert that all of gpsd, chronyd and unidled are set
 * to run on the same core and with realtime privilege (unidled highest,
 * followed by gpsd and then chronyd whith lowest privilege). Make sure that
 * the pps serial interrupt is served by the same core, use a script to
 * irqbalance to assert this, if required.

Setting real-time priority for gpsd and chronyd will be counterproductive, 
particularly when you have them bound to the processor that is handling the IRQ 
for the serial port. When using kernel PPS (KPPS), the PPS timestamp is set by 
the kernel IRQ handler relative to the system clock at that point. Gpsd is not 
involved in this process. When gpsd subsequently runs, it uses the kernel’s PPS 
timestamp as the basis for what it delivers to chronyd. Yes, without KPPS, gpsd 
would be the generator of the timestamp and process priority could certainly 
have an impact, but with KPPS it should not offer benefit. Likewise, while 
chronyd previously benefited from real-time priority before support for 
kernel/hardware packet timestamping was introduced, it doesn’t really offer 
benefit anymore.

Running processes at real-time priority unnecessarily, particularly if you are 
not using a preempt-able kernel, will have an adverse effect on the jitter of 
the IRQ timestamp. It makes sense to keep a high process priority for unidled, 
but you should see comparable or better results if you run gpsd and chronyd at 
normal priority. Note that IRQ jitter is heavily masked by the larger polling 
interval and median filter. If you want to get a good view of the actual PPS 
jitter you can pull the raw clock data out of refclocks.log and do calculations 
based on that. Or use ppswatch.

FWIW, the best result I see is with a pre-emptable kernel @ 1000HZ, power 
management disabled, and a single core servicing the serial IRQ (and no other 
IRQs). I test with on a C2558 based system with a serial driver that doesn’t 
support MSI. With a poll interval of 3 and a median filter length of 8, I see 
an average offset in chrony of ~7us (IRQ response time), with an average 
standard deviation of ~200ns. However if I look at the underlying PPS signal, 
the actual standard deviation is ~700ns.

Your mileage may vary.


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