
I hope that this proposal will not cause controversy, but I really think that apart from Bryan’s work, all the provided scripts should be erased due to their obsolescence.

From d7625210aad9eda44df65f42b4fac24db5e5c8de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vincent Blut <vincent.deb...@free.fr>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2019 15:44:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] contrib: remove obsolete scripts

 contrib/andrew_bishop_1       | 114 ------------------------
 contrib/andrew_bishop_2       |  95 --------------------
 contrib/erik_bryer_1          |  65 --------------
 contrib/ken_gillett_1         | 100 ---------------------
 contrib/stephan_boettcher_1   | 162 ----------------------------------
 contrib/wolfgang_weisselberg1 | 118 -------------------------
 6 files changed, 654 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 contrib/andrew_bishop_1
 delete mode 100644 contrib/andrew_bishop_2
 delete mode 100644 contrib/erik_bryer_1
 delete mode 100644 contrib/ken_gillett_1
 delete mode 100644 contrib/stephan_boettcher_1
 delete mode 100644 contrib/wolfgang_weisselberg1

diff --git a/contrib/andrew_bishop_1 b/contrib/andrew_bishop_1
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c0b437..0000000
--- a/contrib/andrew_bishop_1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-From a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk Tue Aug 17 22:14:00 1999
-Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 19:00:24 +0100
-From: Andrew M. Bishop <a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk>
-To: rich...@rrbcurnow.freeserve.co.uk
-Subject: Re: Chrony and laptop configuration
-Attached is the apmd_proxy script from the apmd-3.0beta9 distribution.
-The changes that I would make are the following:
-Replace the update_clock function (line 122) with 
-update_clock () {
-chronyd -f /etc/chrony.conf
-Around line 171 (in the suspend actions section) I would kill chronyd.
-begin 644 apmd_proxy.gz
-Andrew M. Bishop                             a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk
-                                      http://www.gedanken.demon.co.uk/
diff --git a/contrib/andrew_bishop_2 b/contrib/andrew_bishop_2
deleted file mode 100644
index d3ede74..0000000
--- a/contrib/andrew_bishop_2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-From a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk Wed Sep  1 22:26:59 1999
-Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 17:30:14 +0100
-From: Andrew M. Bishop <a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk>
-To: rich...@rrbcurnow.freeserve.co.uk
-Subject: [a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk: Chrony and laptop configuration]
-What you need to do is replace with the network of the
-freeserve nameservers in the two scripts below.
-Other than that you can use it as is.
-------- Start of forwarded message -------
-From: "Andrew M. Bishop" <a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk>
-To: rich...@rrbcurnow.freeserve.co.uk
-Subject: Chrony and laptop configuration
-Date: Sat, 31 Jul 1999 11:02:04 +0100
-Attached are the ip-up and ip-down files that I use for chrony.
-(Actually because of the way that debian works they are separate file
-in the /etc/ppp/ip-up.d directory that are run in a SysV init style).
-They rely on the presence of an 'ipparam demon' or 'ipparam freeserve'
-line in the PPP options file.
--------------------- /etc/ppp/ip-up --------------------
-#!/bin/sh -f
-# A script to start chrony
-if [ $PPP_IPPARAM = "demon" ]; then
-   /usr/local/bin/chronyc << EOF
-password xxxxxxx
-if [ $PPP_IPPARAM = "freeserve" ]; then
-   /usr/local/bin/chronyc << EOF
-password xxxxxxx
--------------------- /etc/ppp/ip-up --------------------
--------------------- /etc/ppp/ip-down --------------------
-#!/bin/sh -f
-# A script to stop chrony
-if [ $PPP_IPPARAM = "demon" ]; then
-   /usr/local/bin/chronyc << EOF
-password xxxxxxx
-if [ $PPP_IPPARAM = "freeserve" ]; then
-   /usr/local/bin/chronyc << EOF
-password xxxxxxx
--------------------- /etc/ppp/ip-down --------------------
-Andrew M. Bishop                             a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk
-                                      http://www.gedanken.demon.co.uk/
-------- End of forwarded message -------
-Andrew M. Bishop                             a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk
-                                      http://www.gedanken.demon.co.uk/
diff --git a/contrib/erik_bryer_1 b/contrib/erik_bryer_1
deleted file mode 100644
index c551dfe..0000000
--- a/contrib/erik_bryer_1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# chrony        Start time synchronization. This script
-#               starts chronyd.
-# Hacked by:    Erik Bryer <ebr...@spots.ab.ca> using inet as a template
-# chkconfig: 2345 02 82
-# description: chronyd helps keep the system time accurate by calculating \
-#              and applying correction factors to compensate for the drift \
-#              in the clock. chronyd can also correct the hardware clock \
-#              (RTC) on some systems.
-# processname: chronyd
-# config: /etc/chrony.conf
-# Source function library.
-. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
-# Source networking configuration.
-. /etc/sysconfig/network
-# Set path to include chronyd in /usr/local/sbin
-[ -f /usr/local/sbin/chronyd ] || exit 0
-[ -f /etc/chrony.conf ] || exit 0
-# See how we were called.
-case "$1" in
-  start)
-        # Start daemons.
-        echo -n "Starting chronyd: "
-        daemon chronyd
- 	[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/chrony
-	echo
-        ;;
-  stop)
-        # Stop daemons.
-        echo -n "Shutting down chronyd: "
-# If not dead killproc automatically sleeps for 4.1 seconds then does 
-# kill -9. "chrony.txt" prefers a 5 second delay, but this should be ok.
-        killproc chronyd -15
-	[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/chrony
-        echo
-        ;;
-  status)
-	status chronyd
-	exit $?
-	;;
-  restart)
-	$0 stop
-	$0 start
-	;;
-  *)
-        echo "Usage: named {start|stop|status|restart}"
-        exit 1
-exit $RETVAL
diff --git a/contrib/ken_gillett_1 b/contrib/ken_gillett_1
deleted file mode 100644
index 48b7999..0000000
--- a/contrib/ken_gillett_1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# chronyd      This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
-#              chronyd (NTP daemon).
-# chkconfig: 45 80 20
-# description: chronyd is the NTP daemon.
-# Source function library.
-. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
-# Source networking configuration.
-. /etc/sysconfig/network
-# Check that networking is up.
-[ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] && exit 0
-[ -x $CHRONYD -a -x $CHRONYC -a -f /etc/chrony.conf ] || exit 0
-dochrony() {
-	if [ -z "$(pidofproc chronyd)" ]; then
-		echo -e "\n\tchronyd not running\n\n"
-		exit 2
-	fi
-	KEY=`awk '$1 == "commandkey" {print $2; exit}' /etc/chrony.conf`
-	PASSWORD=`awk '$1 == '$KEY' {print $2; exit}' /etc/chrony/keys`
-		password $PASSWORD
-		$@
-		quit
-# make the first parameter' lower case
-set - `echo $1 | awk '{print tolower($1)}';shift;echo "$@"`
-# Expand any shortcuts.
-case "$1" in
-   on|1)
-	set - "online"
-	;;
-   off|0)
-	set - "offline"
-# See how we were called.
-case "$1" in
-   start)
-         # Start daemons.
-         echo -n "Starting chronyd: "
-         daemon $CHRONYD
-	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-		echo $(pidofproc chronyd) > /var/run/chronyd.pid
-		touch /var/lock/subsys/chronyd
-	fi
-         echo
-         ;;
-   stop)
-         # Stop daemons.
-         echo -n "Shutting down chronyd: "
-	killproc chronyd
-         echo
-         rm -f /var/lock/subsys/chronyd
-         ;;
-   status)
-	status chronyd
-	;;
-   restart|reload)
-	$0 stop
-	$0 start
-	;;
-   condrestart)
-	if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/chronyd ]; then
-		$0 stop
-		$0 start
-	fi
-	;;
-   "")
-	echo "Usage: chronyd 
-{start|stop|restart|reload|condrestart|status|[on|off]line etc}"
-	exit 1
-	;;
-	dochrony "$@"
-	;;
-   *)
-         echo -n "Chrony $1: "
-	dochrony "$@" > /dev/null
-	[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo_success || echo_failure
-	echo
-exit 0
diff --git a/contrib/stephan_boettcher_1 b/contrib/stephan_boettcher_1
deleted file mode 100644
index e5eda11..0000000
--- a/contrib/stephan_boettcher_1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-From step...@nevis1.nevis.columbia.edu Mon Jun  7 20:51:57 1999
-Date: 04 Jun 1999 00:17:25 -0400
-From: Stephan I. Boettcher <step...@nevis1.nevis.columbia.edu>
-To: rich...@rrbcurnow.freeserve.co.uk
-Subject: chrony 1.1 sysV startup script for notebooks
-Dear Richard,
-I installed chrony on my notebook, running RedHat 5.1 Linux.
-It looks like it works.  No problems.
-Thank you!
-I like to donate my sysV startup script, appended below.
-Special feature:  the `online' command scans the config file to
-selectively turn some servers online, depending on the pcmcia SCHEME.
-booting:                 /etc/rc.d/init.d/chrony start
-/etc/ppp/ip-up:          /etc/rc.d/init.d/chrony online
-/etc/ppp/ip-down:        /etc/rc.d/init.d/chrony offline
-logrotate cron:          /etc/rc.d/init.d/chrony cyclelogs
-a user:                  /etc/rc.d/init.d/chrony status
-a sysadmin:              /etc/rc.d/init.d/chrony restart
-shutdown:                /etc/rc.d/init.d/chrony stop
-Best regards
-Stephan Boettcher                                   FAX: +1-914-591-4540
-Columbia University, Nevis Labs                     Tel: +1-914-591-2863
-P.O. Box 137, 136 South Broadway      mailto:step...@nevis1.columbia.edu
-Irvington, NY 10533, USA          http://www.nevis.columbia.edu/~stephan
-########################### cut here ###################################
-#! /bin/bash
-#  /etc/rc.d/init.d/chrony
-#  SYS V startup script for  
-#  chrony ntp daemon 
-#  on Linux 2.0.3x notebooks with pcmcia scheme support
-#  $Id: stephan_boettcher_1,v 1.1 2000/04/24 21:36:04 richard Exp $
-#  1999-06-02 SiB <step...@nevis1.columbia.edu>
-# For PCMCIA users:
-# In /etc/chrony.conf, precede the server commands for each SCHEME 
-# with a comment line that contains the word SCHEME and the name of
-# the scheme(s) that should use the servers, up to the next line that
-# contains the word SCHEME.  The servers must be `offline' and 
-# specified by their IP address.  The hostname will not do.
-# Like:
-#	# SCHEME nevisppp nevislan
-#	#       stephanpc.nevis.columbia.edu
-#	server   offline
-#	# SCHEME desyppp desylan
-#	#       dsygw2.desy.de
-#	server   offline
-#	#       dscomsa.desy.de
-#	server  offline
-# See if we got all we need:
-[ -f $CHRONYD -a -f $CHRONYC -a -r $CONF ] || exit
-[ -r $KEYS ]							\
-&& CMDKEY=`awk '/^commandkey/{print $2}' $CONF`			\
-&& PASSWORD=`awk -v KEY=$CMDKEY '$1==KEY{print $2}' $KEYS`
-case "$1" in
-  start)
-	echo -n "Starting chronyd "
-        $CHRONYD -r -s -f $CONF
-        echo
-        ;;
-  stop)
-        echo -n "Shutting down chronyd "
-	/usr/bin/killall chronyd
-        echo
-        ;;
-  restart)
-	$0 stop
-	$0 start
-	;;
-  on*)
-	[ -f /var/run/pcmcia-scheme ] && SCHEME=`cat /var/run/pcmcia-scheme`
-	awk  -v SCHEME=${SCHEME:-default}  -v PASSWORD=$PASSWORD  \
-		'
-		BEGIN { 
-			SEL=1;
-			print "password", PASSWORD; 
-		}
-		/SCHEME/ { 
-			SEL=match($0, SCHEME); 
-		}
-		SEL && /^server[ \t]*[0-9.]+[ \t].*offline/ { 
-			print "online"  $2; 
-		}
-		'	\
-		$CONF	\
-	;;
-  off*)
-	cat <<-EOF | $CHRONYC
-		password $PASSWORD
-		offline
-		trimrtc
-		dump
-		EOF
-	;;
-  *log*)
-	cat <<-EOF | $CHRONYC
-		password $PASSWORD
-		cyclelogs
-		EOF
-	;;
-  stat*)
-	cat <<-EOF | $CHRONYC
-		sources
-		sourcestats
-		tracking
-		rtcdata
-		EOF
-	;;
-  *)
-        echo "Usage: chronyd {start|stop|restart|status|online|offline|cyclelogs}"
-        exit 1
-	;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/contrib/wolfgang_weisselberg1 b/contrib/wolfgang_weisselberg1
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c41752..0000000
--- a/contrib/wolfgang_weisselberg1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-> Is it possible to limit chronyc to only those commands that
-> are readonly plus those necessary to bring a dialup connection up
-> and down? That is: online offline dump writertc and password.
-This is trivial on the same host and workable for non-local
-hosts: use a wrapper program or script.  An *untested*
-sample follows.  To use it, best create a special user (say
-chronyc) and a special group (say chronyg).  Make the script
-chronyc:chronyg, and 4750 (suid, rwxr-x---).  Add all users
-who may run the script to the group chronyg.
-Make a chrony password file e.g.
-/usr/local/etc/chrony_password.  It should be owned by chronyc
-and readable only for the owner, containing only the chrony
-password (and maybe a newline) in the first line.
-In this way only the script (call it run_chrony, for example)
-can read the password.  It will allow only those commands you
-explicitely allow.  You can add a password check -- especially
-if you add an internet port so you can access it over the
-internet this is advisable.  You really want to add logging
-to this untested script as well.
-BTW, if you use some sort of PPP, you probably can use
-/etc/ppp/ip-up and /etc/ppp/ip-down to transparently set chrony
-on- and offline as the ip connection goes up and comes down.
-This is _far_ more user friendly, IMHO, and a DOS by switching
-chrony offline all the time is avoided as well.
-#! /usr/bin/perl -T
-use v5.6.1;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-sub laundered_command();
-sub order_chrony($$);
-sub read_password();
-sub usage($);
-our $CHRONY = "/usr/local/bin/chronyc";
-# NOTE: select the file system protection wisely for the
-our $PASSWORDFILE = "/usr/local/etc/chrony_password";
-    'online',                 # switch online mode on
-    'offline',                # switch online mode off
-    'dump',                   # save measurements to file
-    'writerc',                # save RTC accumulated data
-    'clients',                # which clients are served by us?
-    'rtcdata',                # Quality of RTC measurements
-    'sources(?: -v)?',        # Show our sources (verbose)
-    'sourcestats(?: -v)?',    # How good are our sources (verbose)?
-    'tracking',               # whom do we adjust to?
-    # 'burst \d+/\d+',          # allow them to send bursts?
-usage("No command given.") unless $ARGV[0];
-%ENV = ();    # nuke all environment variables.  Rather
-              # drastic, but better safe than sorry!
-              # Add whatever you really need to get it
-              # working (again).
-$ENV{'PATH'} = '/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin';
-order_chrony(laundered_command(), read_password());
-exit 0; # command succeeded
-sub usage($) {
-    print STDERR "Error: ", shift, "\n";
-    # OK, this eats the -v...
-    print STDERR "Legal commands are:\n\t", join "\n",
-      map { $_ =~ m:(\w+):; $1 } @ALLOWED_COMMANDS;
-    exit 1;     # error
-sub laundered_command() {
-    my $regexp = "^(" . join ( "|", @ALLOWED_COMMANDS ) . ")\$";
-    my $parameters = join " ", @ARGV;
-    $parameters =~ m:$regexp: or usage("Command $parameters not allowed.");
-    return $1;    # this value, then, is untainted.
-sub read_password() {
-      or die "Could not read protected password file: $!";
-    my $password = <PASS>;
-    chomp $password;
-    return $password;
-sub order_chrony($$) {
-    my ($clean_command, $password) = @_;
-    open CHRONY, "| $CHRONY &> /dev/null" or die "could not run $CHRONY: $!\n";
-    print CHRONY "password $password\n";
-    print CHRONY "$clean_command\n";
-    close CHRONY
-      or die "Error running command $clean_command\n", "\ton $CHRONY: $!\n";

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