The third prerelease for chrony-4.0 is now available.

The source code can be downloaded here:

SHA256 sum:

Changes since version 4.0-pre2:

* Improve NTS support
* Add authselectmode directive to control selection of unauthenticated sources
* Add binddevice, bindacqdevice, bindcmddevice directives
* Add confdir directive to better support fragmented configuration
* Add sourcedir directive and "reload sources" command to support
  dynamic NTP sources specified in files
* Add dscp directive to set Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP)
* Add -p option to print whole configuration with included files
* Improve source selection with trusted sources
* Repeat iburst when NTP source is switched from offline state to online
* Add authdata command to print details about NTP authentication
* Add selectdata command to print details about source selection
* Add -k, -p, -r options to clients command to select, limit, reset data

Bug fixes
* Fix various bugs in NTS support
* Don't set interface for NTP responses to allow asymmetric routing

Miroslav Lichvar

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