In the chronyd man page the -Q option states "it allows chronyd to be started 
without root privileges"

However, when I use the -Q option to check the syntax of my chrony.conf file I 
am getting a fatal error when I try to add a refclock to my configuration.

refclock SOCK /var/run/chrony.clk.tty.usbserial-1420.sock offset 0.5 delay 0.1 
refid GPS

bryan@number9 ~ % /usr/local/sbin/chronyd -Q -f /etc/chrony.d/chrony.conf
2023-03-31T21:49:47Z chronyd version DEV[4.3-71-g0189dac] starting (+CMDMON 
2023-03-31T21:49:47Z Disabled control of system clock
2023-03-31T21:49:47Z Fatal error : Could not open socket 

When I run as root it works fine, but is at odds with the documentation.
I am using the current git head to build chrony.

Bryan Christianson

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