
Sorry to keep asking the list, but I'm still struggling to get my PPS 
synchronized to my system. I'm sure I'm overcomplicating something or 
misunderstanding something.

Is there any way to increase my PPS's properties/metrics like LastRX and reach? 
I've done what I think has given me the best "results" which is the following:
                Poll 0 (since a pulse comes once every second, a poll of 0 
should just use the pulse that comes)
                Set an offset by having noselect for the PPS and seeing how far 
off it is from the NTP using sourcestats
                Set width to be the width of the pulse (20us in my case)
                Added 'prefer' and 'trust' since I want this to be the main 
source of synchronization

Am I forgetting something or misunderstanding something? Is maybe why my PPS so 
hard to sync to because the pulse is so short?

Do you have any suggestions on how to get chrony to better sync to my system? I 
did notice it seems to receive packets better when its not selected as a 
source, but that defeats the whole purpose.

Any feedback would be appreciated,

Benjamin Chang
Research Engineer I

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