thank you,it work


程业春 chengyechun
Mobile: +86-13736096892

发件人:Miroslav Lichvar <>
收件人:chrony-users <>
时 间:2022-11-23 17:47:39
主 题:Re: 答复: [chrony-users] how to get the status of chronyd in namespace

On Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 08:50:00AM +0000, chengyechun wrote:
> Yes, I tried this command, but it didn't seem to work; If there are multiple 
> namespaces, the client and server are deployed on the same host, as shown in 
> the following figure.

Does the namespace have the loopback interface configured with Are there any error messages from the chronyd process?

> If you can access the Unix socket, that shouldn't be necessary.
> How do you use this?

You specify a socket in chrony.conf with bindcmdaddress and then
specify it for chronyc with the -h option. One socket per chronyd

Miroslav Lichvar

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