Part two:  Who “Created” Condi Rice?

By Linda Minor


In an earlier piece we posed the question: Is Condoleezza Rice a patsy? In the world of psychological operations ("psyops"), a "patsy" refers to a decoy deliberately inserted into a psyop to deflect attention away from a team performing a special activity (such as an assassination or coup d'état), thus allowing the team time to escape unnoticed while the patsy takes the blame. "Psyop" is a word used in intelligence circles to describe the entire operation, including a cover-up by media, designed to manipulate psychologically the belief mechanisms of the nation for political reasons.

It appears that Condi was groomed most of her life to be used in this way. She is not an actual decision maker, but a mere shield, as is her boss, George W. Bush. They have served their purpose by getting America involved in the war in Iraq. They are now disposable.

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