Dear Friends:
The work to protect the Akha in Thailand continues.
Go to to look at recent articles including part of the UN report on Thailand's appearance before the Human Rights Commission.
We were able to present a statement before the UN Working Group on Indigenous Issues with the help of our friends from FPCN in Germany and the UK.
We now have 320 subscribers on our website, if you haven't subscribed, please do so.
We have close to a million hits on the site since we rebuilt it last year.
We have helped Czech TV to put together a comprehensive documentary on the Akha and protection of their culture.
But we are not satisfied to relax on past successes.
I look for your support, I need your support to continue this work.
Right now we are building some new phases of the work, some great challenges and leaps forward for the Akha.
But we need to rebuild our donations.  Maybe a few have equated our no longer being in Thailand with discontinuing the project, but in fact we continue to work on.
Can you make a one time donation of $20, $50, $100 or more?
Can you make a monthly donation?
There is a lot of work left to do, and we need your continued donations in order to do it.
Please consider our ongoing committment of years to this singular cause and make a donation today.
Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation. Akha Heritage Site.
PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

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