Dear Friends:
We are now getting some pledges for the 3rd Akha Journal Project.
We are working first on getting phase one done. The first phase will cost $2800 and then after that we will have a price on 5,000 copies to print, once we are press ready.
400-600 pages. Will be a lot of interesting documentation.
You can make a donation via Paypal or Western Union now, or directly to the Bank.
1. PayPal and Western Union Here:
2. The Akha Heritage Foundation, Wells Fargo Bank, Keizer, Oregon. Write for account number.
We have a new article up at Portland Indymedia:  or
We have more pics coming in as we can develop our bag of film, a little at a time as we have the money. Hope they turn out ok.
There is a lot of new stuff up on the website.
If you will note there is an ongoing flood of mission activity building fake "orphanages" and taking away Akha children. Very little media in the US that this is going on funded by churches RIGHT IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD!
Special articles on the home page, in content or news, if it is useful for you to send them an email, we put in the link. Sometimes we have time to highlight it and sometimes you have to copy/paste to your email.
As you might have noticed, web hits have been whipping along at about 5,000 per day. Not bad. We have a lot of new google searches for the site and other important sites.
We have a lot of information about the drug war because this and missionaries are the most dangerous threats to the Akha. In both cases predominantly a US war if you will, no other government is the source of so much death and pressure on the Akha as are US government and missionary actions. Frankly, it would be very hard to tell them apart and we are told very directly that the US works very closely with US missionaries in Thailand regarding the whole "orphanage" model.
We are asking American Indian groups to join our protest about this.
We have now lots of video for the web, hope to get it up there soon.
We are rather stuck in exile, so we won't be hearing or seeing the festivities, as we get close to the end of our second year deported from Thailand by the US Government.
No word on my wife's visa. So we have no idea when we will be back to the US if ever.
Make a donation if you would like to help our work. The website is free, the work and time it takes are not.
Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation. Akha Heritage Site.
PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

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