Dear Friends:
Lots of hits on the website
We have noted that Salem, Oregon area churches are much more deeply involved in taking Akha children away from their families than they are informing their congregations. One church bosts building a new 500 bed orphanage.
We came on it while asking OMF to change their website. You can see the OMF information at
We continue to work to put together the donors and funds to do the first part of the 3rd Akha Journal part. We have our first $275 donated to this, which will cost us $2800. After we have done all to get that ready, we will be ready to go to press which is phase 2.
All donations appear on the left side of the website, month by month, donation by donation. We have heard the comment that people feel certain that a website like this can only be from a "rich ngo" but I can assure you this is not the case, it is rather done by long hours on line and much effort. Just that in itself takes money for pictures, on line time, etc.
We have a lot of information on the site regarding the drug war and the widespread death that it means for Akha people. This is not an event that happened in a closet. Many many reports exist that condemn the US policy that brought about this humanitarian disaster. New reports are coming in as fast as we can load them to the site. On there are many docs as well about this situation.
The United States is a very dangerous country to the world. Most certainly from the Akha perspective.
We have asked UNESCO why they don't have any funding for traditional Akha projects, we haven't gotten a reply so far. Yet this falls within the UNESCO mandate. Rather they are funding mission based projects from the Bangkok Office such as Paul W. Lewis's New Life Foundation.
The time it takes to reach our publishing goal can be shortened by your donation to our work.
Thank you for remembering us.
Matthew McDaniel
Ethnocide: "Intentional and systematic destruction of an ethnic culture",

The Akha Heritage Foundation. Akha Heritage Site.
PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

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