Rumsfeld's lighter-and-righter, quick-and-dirty, get in fast
and get out slow, privatized, monopolized(no-bid two-bit
king's charters from unelected hereditary monarchy), and
occupation versus disarmament, substitute Phoenix
program and latin american death-squadding for Saddam,
all part of fools rush in, in to a quagmire.

But the one we hear about most is lighter-and-righter, as
if more troops could push IED Hoopdy Duty over the top of
anything but shameful Israeli style labor camp village
walls to their sudden and irremediable fragmentation.

Lighter and Righter Humber3 dealers ought to have a test
quagmire out front to play in.

Yet Even Lighter and Rightier Yellow-Ribbon Humber3:

...she's white, she's a chickenhawk, she's wearing yellow, and
she don't do plebeian quagmires, they're just plain common.
And we're wearing sunglasses, albeit rose-tinted ones. Are
we ready to roll Blues Brothers 2?

Le Humber "Rapid-Triomphe"--

Can all the unelected hereditary monarch's men put
IED Hoopdy Doody back together again? What they can do
is sell us heavier SUV's, beyond Humber and Dumpty.


Sean McBride wrote:
That's what Rumsfeld said in July 2003.  And he has been hailed in some circles as a visionary genius.
Now it is almost January 2006, and we are, of course -- as many people emphatically predicted before the war started -- trapped in a quagmire in Iraq.
The Vietnam experience meant nothing to Rumsfeld.  The insights of Bush Senior, Brent Scowcroft and the military establishment fell on deaf ears.  Neocons like Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith and Richard Perle led Rumsfeld around by the nose.
So: at some point will the light dawn in Rumsfeld's mind, as it did it in Robert McNamara's?  Will he ever write a memoir providing an honest account of how he went so far off the tracks?
Donald Rumsfeld DOES do quagmires, on a stunning scale.  The Iraq War is on track to cost Americans as much as a trillion dollars, with probably a disastrous political outcome in the Middle East.  Iranian-backed Islamists -- and a few war-profiteering cronies of Dick Cheney -- have been the primary beneficiaries of the Iraq War.

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