Please send far and wide:

Lt. Colonel Marvin-TrineDay Legal Defense Fund

Dear Friends and believers in the right to publish the TRUTH: We Need You!!

We Are Two Against the Special Forces Association.

We Have Won!
More at blog

We owe our attorneys approximately $100,000 for what they have done, we have paid them approx. $45,000 to date. The Special Forces Association wants Marvin's book off the market and want to ruin Marvin & TrineDay financially so that they may no longer author or publish the truth about covert operations.

Please Help Us!! We are just regular folk, already stretched thin.

72 Year-Old Lt. Col. "Dangerous Dan" Marvin and TrineDay, an Oregon publishing house, have defended themselves in a costly legal battle to exercise their first amendment rights that began in Federal District Court in Charleston, SC on October 31, 2005. On Wednesday, November 2, a mistrial was declared. The plaintiffs lead attorney bizarrely disappeared from the courthouse the day before and admitted himself to a local hospital. The trial was rescheduled for January 23, 2006. On trial was Col. Marvin and his book,
Expendable Elite – One Soldier’s Journey Into Covert Warfare: a Vietnam wartime story of his experience commanding an independent Special Forces operation in 1966 in the district of An Phu among the Hoa Haos (Wha Hows), a militant Buddhist sect. The book was written in 1988 and published in 2003 by TrineDay. On January 20, 2006, after about just two hours of deliberation the jury found Lt.Col. Marvin and TrineDay innocent.
The Special Forces Association (SFA), a fraternal organization of active and retired operatives has tried to brashly influence these legal proceedings. The SFA has bankrolled the plaintiff's action, supplying lawyers, and apparently even advancing expense money to the plaintiffs. The SFA has a history of "steamrolling" other historical revelations. Any one who reads this book will know they laid down a smoke screen, hoping to convince the jury that what they say is true and that the book is a lie. But the book is true, based on personal recollections, government documents and third parties and by corroboration by certain of the plaintiffs themselves who now try to disavow the truth. The book was well researched by the publisher and of course sets forth the true accounts of Col. Marvin. This lawsuit is nothing more than an attempt to keep secret what the public should know. And the jury of eight citizens from South Carolina found that Marvin and TrineDay not guilty of libel. Most of us think, myself included, that if you win a civil lawsuit, the other side pays for your lawyers, well that is true in Great Britain, but NOT in the United States. So, we need your help to keep going forward. Please help, I know it is a daunting amount, but we can do it. Please help, please doante what you can, $5, $20, whatever, it does add up. Thank-you very much.

You can help us as we fight for the survival of the truth by writing a check to our "Marvin/TrineDay Defense Fund", and mailing it to P.O. Box 577, Walterville, Oregon 97489 or by donating through either
PayPal, the Amazon Honor system.You can also help by buying a book or two, and/or by placing a link to this page on your website.

You may also order a signed book direct from the author, donate or ask any questions
Call Kris at 1-800-556-2012 or Dangerous Dan at 315-655-3053..

Thank-you. And may God bless you and yours.

Kris Millegan LTC Daniel Marvin
TrineDay Retired Green Beret & author of Expendable Elite

You may donate to our Legal Defense Fund through PayPal here,

OR, through the
Amazon Honor System,

Please help us survive these attacks so they can continue to get this important information out to those who seek it. Send checks or money orders to:

Marvin-TrineDay Legal Defense Fund
P.O. Box 577
Walterville,OR 97489

Make your checks or money orders payable to
Marvin-TrineDay Legal Defense Fund. Thank-you!!!

We sincerely appreciate your help in this effort,
Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin, U.S. Army Special Forces (Retired), Author,

Robert A. (Kris) Millegan, Publisher, TrineDay Press

Complete archives at

Please let us stay on topic and be civil.


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