Giving up our sovereignty, Constitution
Monday, April 17, 2006 1:12 AM PDT

It seems the immigration issue has brought something to light. The different immigration bills before the Senate, the protests by the Latino community, the president, and even the Register staff all have one thing in common; they do not understand the reason for borders.

Mexican President Vicente Fox's communist policies are forcing millions of Mexicans to look for a better life across the poorly controlled U.S. border. The resulting conflict of this large movement of illegal immigrants comes when they try to reestablish their Mexico on U.S. soil instead of assimilating into the American way. All of this conflict can be avoided if the border was implemented in the correct way.

The United States has a very unique form of government, very different than both Mexico and Canada. Canada to the north is a socialist nation and to the south are Marxists and communist nations. We are the only nation in the world where the Constitution places real limits on government and is in fact a true republic. It is therefore necessary to educate those entering from other nations about this unique form of government.

Borders become the centerpieces. Not just a means for security, it is a gate for immigrants that have passed exams for citizenship. Newcomers are required to learn about our way of life and our language. Illegal immigrants that don't understand English are easily duped into conspiratorial ways because information is given to them second hand. Some history books written in Spanish even say California belongs to them. Mexicans wave their flag above the U.S. flag as a result of not knowing it was Spain and the American Indian that controlled this state. Mexico only had position a mere 24 years. By not understanding a free society, they continue to demand the government supply their needs. A great number of hospitals near the southern border are being closed because illegal immigrants expect free medical service.

Strong borders are very necessary to keep our nation's sovereignty. Why is it then that our state department wants them removed? Bush was in Mexico with Canada's prime minister at the end of this last month for the same reason the three leaders met in Waco, Texas, in March of 2005. They are working on their "Security and Prosperity Partnership." As a continuation of NAFTA and CAFTA, this seeks to merge many national functions of the three countries and removes our borders as well. Simply put, it overrides our Constitution with an international government. NAFTA and CAFTA have already allowed international courts to overrule our Supreme Court. This kind of action used to be called treason, but now it's covered up and referred to as the "New World Order."

The CFR is very ingenious. By continually coming up with plans to make illegal immigrants legal, they effectively are producing a huge voter base that never need to study the history of our Constitution, nor learn English to find out they have been duped. This base is being pulled by the far left to help promote unconstitutional legislation necessary for this international control.

Now it becomes the job of good Americans to take on the task of teaching about constitutional government to those wanting to learn. Keep in mind, our public school textbooks don't help much either because Christian leaders wrote the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Textbooks are now required to leave out Christian influence, which means there isn't much left to print.

There is a speaker coming to Napa on Wednesday, April 19, who has a great deal of world government experience. His topic is "An Overview of Our World" and will give the basics of different forms of government and explain why our unique republic should not merge with other nations. This presentation from John McManus is set at a high school level for both adults and students. Check this newspaper's April 13 "Coming Up" section for details.

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