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Plea to Matt Drudge
The American People remain in the dark ...  They haven't the slightest Idea what it means to be a member of the Trilateral Commission (TC) , the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Bilderbergers (B).

HA, HA, Ha
Drudge is a coward. Drudge's web site performs a service to the Hegelian dialectic and not to the American people. He is a conduit for disseminators of propaganda. You can't find anywhere in his site the political facts of life.
Drudge is playing the Left/ Right phoney game constructed by mostly members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
He has accepted his narrow role to represent the massaged "conservative" points of view by selecting stories for the "controlled right". Wittingly or not Drudge is assigned a "conservative" mission just as has been assigned a "liberal" part to play. Both ultimately are conduits for material managed by the SS like Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) operatives.
Drudge and Salon are used like the reins of a horse to guide the affairs of the nation in a deliberate direction.
Those controlling the reins and spurs are members or employees of the above mentioned organizations. (CFR), (TC) & (B) are seldom if ever mentioned by the deluded "leaders" of the Left and Right.
Drudge refuses to tell the American People the political facts of life ... he is content being a mere cheerleader. He was permitted an ascendency of influence to balance the Hegelian dialectic.
(See America's Secret Establishment by Dr. Anthony Sutton) Drudge may believe he is independent( rationalization).
Drudge like Pavlov's dog ... reacts in a predictable way that the controllers can depend on.  
The AP article above about Lee Raymond is devoid of valuable information. It is a half truth.
The AP and  Drudge fail to tell you that Lee Raymond has membership in the Council on Foreign Relations who's members promise to keep secret the content of their meetings. Lee Raymond is also a member Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission. Both organizations are dedicated to destroying United States sovereignty.
Is that not important?  Apparently not for Matt Drudge.
To find the truth ... one must go to must go to such sites as;;  and to find out how the world really works. Those sites don't have the whistle's and flash bangs. But the truth goes a long way.
Drudge needs to spill the beans and stop giving us gas. Come on Matt the Country is in Crisis!  Expose the Council on Foreign Relations for the treasonous organization it is. .
G. Richard Arnold

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