Tuesday, August 22, 2006

"It's important that someone confesses..."

I know many of you consider the Karr imbroglio a distraction from more significant matters. As it happens, this blog shall feature a very significant spy story within hours. Right now, though, I must confess that the Karr/Ramsey business has a can't-take-my-eyes-off-the-car-wreck fascination -- which means that I must indulge in another round-up of mondo bizarro newsbits.

Is Karr covering for an accomplice? Conspiracy fans will get a tingle from this Karr quote, preserved on oxide by his one-time confidant Wendy Hutchens:
"I may or may not have ever been to her grave, I may or may have not ever been to her house."

"Maybe that person who did that ... thinks it's important that someone confesses... And he's chosen that other person to do that in his place ..."
In the meantime, we have additional evidence strongly suggesting (but not proving) that Karr was in Georgia, not Colorado, on Christmas of 1996.

Can we definitively say that Karr was out of state on that holiday? Not necessarily. This story from 2001 notes that a mysterious Jaguar was seen in near the Ramsey home at Christmas, 1996 -- and Karr drove such a vehicle in 1997, although he may not have owned one at the time of the killing. (One of the oddities of this case is that Karr, an ill-to-do teacher, always managed to afford high-end wheels.)

Regardless of where he actually ws on that date, we now know that Karr used this Yahoo email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]. That choice proves obsession, not complicity. He used that account to correspond with professor Michael Tracy, and signed the emails "Daxis."

A handwriting expert with the Secret Service argues that Karr did not write the ransom note. However, Curt Baggett, co-founder of the School of Forensic Document Examination, insists that Karr is the author. This case establishes a new law of physics: For each new claim, an equal and opposite claim shall emerge.

George McCrary, a long-time friend of John Karr's father, claims that Karr's mother tried to burn her son John alive when he was an infant. Could so early a trauma leave lasting scars on the psyche? I will leave that poser for the pros to dope out -- if even they know.

Finally, a non-Karr note on child abuse: I urge readers to read an original piece by Professor Hex, who discusses Joe Lieberman's previous Republican opponent in Connecticut -- Phil Giordano, an ex-Marine and young "G.O.P. hotshot." Turns out Giordano had a prostitute mistress. He was also recorded as saying "I want one of the little girls" -- referring to the lady's 8-year-old daughter and 11-year-old niece.

The motif asserts itself yet again: Republican family values.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Very weird Karr stuff


Yes, I know that the John Mark Karr story has rapidly turned into silly-season material. Face it: We're hooked.

Karr, we learn, was in Thailand to change his sex. (Yet he likes girls. Did he intend to become a lesbian?) Dr. Thep Vechavisit claims that Karr was one of his patients. According to this site, "Doctor Thep Vechavisit has no licence to practise, but makes cosmetic operations at Pratunam Polyclinic." So. A wanna-be female who may also be a wanna-be killer goes to a wanna-be doctor...

Even stranger: The late psychic Dorothy Allison provided a sketch of Jon Benet Ramsey's killer in 1997. The sketch, we now see, bears a remarkable resemblance to John Mark Karr. Hmm...but does it resemble the way Karr looked then?

For a somewhat-skeptical take on Allison (by crime author Katherine Ramsland), go here. For the very-skeptical viewpoint (by Joe Nickell, one of the few CSICOP types who does actual research instead of just snorting harrumph harrumph), go here.

Since the Karr business butts up against the Polly Klaas case, I suppose now would be a good time to get a story on the record which might otherwise go unwritten. This tale may place the Allison matter in some perspective.

As I noted in an earlier post, a friend of mine -- call him Arthur -- was acquainted with Polly's grandfather. Arthur worked with the ad-hoc citizens' group which tried to help find Polly in the two months between the kidnapping and the recovery of the body.

Somehow, Arthur ended up dealing (always by telephone) with one of the many psychics who claimed to have info on the case.

The psychic -- call him Bernie -- insisted that he had never visited Northern California. Yet he pinpointed an unused road not on any current map. He gave accurate, detailed descriptions of structures and geographical features found along a rural trail known only to few locals. Bernie insisted that something important would happen at a specific location along this trail on Halloween, which happened to fall within that two-month "search" period.

Arthur and a small group of other Polly-hunters spent that entire night in this remote locale. And they saw...nothing.

In the end, nothing Bernie said had any discernable relation to the case.

After the captrue of Richard Davis, Bernie became increasingly manic and impossible to deal with -- so much so that my friend Arthur, normally tolerant and unflappable, found himself close to losing his temper.

I still have no idea if psychics have ever proven helpful in detective work. The little-seen film Man on a Swing, with Cliff Robertson and Joel Grey, does a good job of capturing the difficulties of dealing with such claimants.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Karr, his ex, and the usenet trail

Guilty or no, John Mark Karr presents us with an intriguing conundrum. So, perhaps, does his former wife -- as we shall soon see.

Credible reports in the Mexican press have exposed pedophile rings in that country, rings which service the elites. Similar reports have come out of other nations. Do such criminal enterprises exist in the United States? Karr has made a few cryptic remarks which -- arguably -- hint at such a scenario at play in the Jon Benet Ramsey case.

But, but but...many people now strongly suspect that his confession is as phony as the Niger documents. He claims that he used chloroform, yet no trace of chloroform was found on her body.

More details on the Karr case have emerged; see here and here. (Thanks to the esteemed Professor Hex for the links.) We learn that Karr once married a 13-year-old girl named Quientana Shotts. This report ascribes an older age to her. (Ah, southerners! They don't feel queasy about grown men marrying children, but god forbid grown men from marrying grown men...)
After leaving Europe, Karr told employers, he had made his way first to Costa Rica, teaching English to business people. But Mark Henker, the owner of the school where Karr says he worked, said Thursday the only John he's had working with him over the last few years went by a different name. Costa Rica immigration officials say a John Karr left Costa Rica on Aug. 3, 2004, crossing the border into Nicaragua by land.

His next stop was Honduras, where he returned to teaching students at an English school until 2005, according to a school employee.
How does a man so ill-to-do finance such travels? Call me paranoid, but this aspect of the tale carries a vague whiff of spookiness.

I'm also a little disturbed to learn that Karr had considered writing a book on the Jon Benet Ramsey case. (As readers know, I did some initial spadework on a Polly Klaas book -- but that doesn't mean I had anything to do with the event!) Pursuant, perhaps, to that project, Karr corresponded with Richard Allen Davis, convicted of killing Polly.

Karr has also expressed sympathy for Michael Jackson.

Mark Klaas, asked for his reactions to Karr's move to Petaluma, responded: "I can't believe that he moved there for any other reason than to be close to my daughter's situation. Give me another reason for someone to move to a sleepy little town in Northern California." Maybe he wanted to see where Reagan's "Morning in America" commercials were filmed? Petaluma is pleasant, but I would not go out of my way to live there.

Is John Mark Karr a child molester? He apparently wants very much to be taken for one. Call it molester mystique.

Before you dismiss the guy as nothing more than an ultra-creepy fantasist, check out his usenet trail. Not only is his history even more disturbing than we previously knew, we learn that his wife -- the woman who provided his alibi -- must have known about his interactions with the underaged.

A man named John Karr (who must be the same person; the age coincides, as does the name of his wife) made several postings to usenet ten years ago, promoting a concept called "Powerwurks." An example:
If it would help anyone on this newsgroup, I have the complete data base of the National Center For Missing and Exploited Children. I downloaded it from their website. Their URL is http://www.missingkids.org If you don't have web access, I'd be glad to help.

My name is John Karr, creator of PowerWurks; a world wide support organization for kids, teens and college students. At this time, it is an e-mail based crisis feedback program. I have alot of plans for the future, like an 800 hotline and more. All my plans revolve around kids. I am very concerned about the well being of all young people. I'll do anything I can to help find a missing child. I have 3 children of my own and I don't know what I would do if they were taken from me.

Please don't hesitate to ask for my assistance. I can't send the huge data base to you but I will share any information that might help you.
Powerwurks soon morphed:
PowerWurks is a support organization for kids, teens and college students but all ages are welcome. We provide a safe and private environment where you can freely and comfortably express your thoughts and feelings on any subject. No subject is banned from discussion. All conversations are strictly confidential and that's a promise!!
The latter post seems like a fairly obvious ploy to gather contact information from vulnerable young people. The first one, which speaks to an interest in kids that have already gone missing, seems more troubling.

There are quite a few "Powerwurks" postings on usenet from this period, most of which do not contain Karr's name. For example, in the group k12.chat.elementary, a poster known only as "Powerwurks" asks "Is sex among people under 10 a rarity or common place?" See also here and the anti-drug message here. Other messages purport to instruct youngsters in the art of maintaining anonymity on the net -- because "the internet is a dangerous place."

As we have discussed, Karr's wife Lara has provided an alibi for the Jon Benet Ramsey case. Should we take her statement at face value? One Powerwurks post from June 3, 1996, reads as follows:

My name is Lara, and I live in the United States. I am married with three small children. I would enjoy writing to another female from another country. Please respond via e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The message may seem innocent enough at first glance, but it indicates that Lara knew full well about Powerwurks. It wasn't something that John Karr hid from her. Note too the odd interest in foreign matters -- a recurrent motif in the Karr tale. The vast majority of Americans don't give a damn about the rest of the world; why did Lara?

Some other Powerwurks posts originate with one George Wheeler, then 44, who was looking for a "SWF." The messages seem quite innocent; still, one wonders what this fellow would now have to say about John Karr.

The old Powerwurks domain, run by Karr, was an AOL site and is no loger operational. There is no archive of it at Archive.org. Someone created a "Powerwurks.com" domain yesterday -- August 17. The page offers some of the same information given here. The anonymous author condemns John Karr -- for good reason. But why the anonymity?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Did John Karr write in code?

Forgive my fascination with the Karr case -- but the mystery has become something of a national pastime, hasn't it? I have a feeling that, in the end, the guy is going to turn out to be nothing more than a sick fantasist. But even so, some of the clues are unnerving...

For example, check out this usenet posting from 1997 (and yes, this really is the same Karr):
To the Treasured ones. Eak, Ache, somber.

-------------==== Posted via Sexzilla News ====------------------
Code. It's gotta be code. But for what, I wonder? Sounds to me like the guy was networking with three contacts...one with a name beginning with E, another whose name begins with A, and another whose name begins with S.

Why hasn't the media tried to contact anyone else involved with Powerwurks?

And why hasn't anyone asked Lara what she knew about Powerwurks? I am limited in what I can say, since she is not a public figure. But if Karr was using Powerwurks in 1996 to troll for the underaged...and if she knew about it...well, there are implications.

Some have speculated that the horror novel Dark Resurrection was written by the John Karr linked to the Ramsey case. In fact, that author is a different Karr.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Karr update

Mainstream news sources have taken notice of John Mark Karr's usenet trail, and of the "Powerwurks" ploy he attempted back in 1996. Powerwurks appears to have been a "company" (if we can call it that) designed to help Karr contact vulnerable young people. (For more details, scroll down or go here.)

So far, though, nobody else seems to have noticed that Lara, his wife at the time, used a Powerwurks address. To my way of thinking, this means that she probably had some idea as to what her husband was up to. (And no-one has identified or contacted the other Powerwurks-linked individual, the mysterious George Wheeler.)

Incidentally, Lara may have backtracked -- just a bit -- on her alibi.

Let's throw a little cold water on the oft-heard suggestion that all this journalistic Karr-nage is a nothing but a ploy to divert national attention from Iraq (or Lebanon, or whatever). Back in the '60s, some fringe folk believed that Beatlemania was a conspiracy designed to divert young people away from studying the JFK assassination. You can't think that way without becoming too paranoid to function in society.

Of course, some will counter that if you're not paranoid, you're not paying attention.

PS: Sometimes I wish I had Xymphora's certitude. He fastens on a theory early on and never lets go. Me, I change my ideas on l'affaire Karr about once an hour.

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