----- Original Message -----
Something rotten in the cotton - West Nile Spraying

Look at this CDC map of diseases below.  A friend of mine found it when she was trying to find out why they are spraying for mosquitos in Idaho at this time of year.   Supposedly 19 people in entire country from West Nile virus but they are spraying millions of acres and they will be killing beneficial critters like honey bees in the process.   
The way this deal works is that the county supervisors declare their county a disaster area - then they get federal money for the spraying.  In one county, the FED's are paying $200,000 for the spraying. 
On West Nile virus, there was an interesting story in the Billings Gazette in 2003. 
West Nile virus in hawk puzzles
Then almost a year later to the day - 'coincidently', a couple of Wildlife veterinarians from that area were killed in a car wreck.   Rumor had it that they had been investigating how a hawk might have come to have the West Nile virus ON the feather follicles and NOT IN the blood stream:
Wildlife Veterinarian couple killed in car accident
Auto accident claims lives of renowned husband/wife wildlife veterinarians Tom Thorne and Elizabeth Williams
by Wyoming Game & Fish Department
December 30, 2004
Subject: take a look
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 21:56:07 -0700

Vicky Davis
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man - brave, hated,
and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the TIMID join him, For then
it costs NOTHING to be a Patriot." -- Mark Twain

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