The JonBenet "Daxis"

by Michael A. Hoffman II


With John Mark Karr having been granted absolution for the killing of JonBenet, the paramount question the Group Mind is asking today is, why was he arrested in the first place? Cab drivers and plumbers all knew what the Boulder DA didn't.

The New York Times is now calling it, "an elaborate global farce." I call it a charade -- of the occult variety.

For some reason or other Karr was made to walk the international media plank to a symphony of whirring digital cameras. Is Colorado prosecutor Mary Lacy merely a publicity hound? I doubt it. Egg on your face is not exactly the publicity anyone would seek.

So what's really going on? Well, first of all don't look for a "solution" from this writer. The stampede for "solutions" is what leads people to swallow some of the dumbest detritus the Cryptocracy can shovel. When suspect David Berkowitz was arrested in 1977, Newsweek instantly put him on its cover with the headline, "The Sick World of Son of Sam." The New York Daily News greeted the arrest of suspect Karr with the headline, "Solved."

"I love of a mystery?" Humanity hates a mystery. It is the peoples' inability to tolerate mystery that leads them to fall sucker to government disinformation funneled by the mouthpiece media. In our fevered desire for the Holy Grail of a solution to any mystery, it's the rush to judgment that defeats us.

The world is a mysterious place to begin with. Once upon a time, that was a lesson that all humans knew. From the stars to the sea, the universe was a dazzling cryptogram and half of the wonder was the ability to appreciate and co-exist with the unknown. But with our modern scientific hubris that we're"breaking the code" and "solving the riddles of the universe," we have developed a conceit of omniscience and an impatience with anyone who fails to deliver us the requisite thrills that come from being assured that our high priests in the lab--or the courts--have it all figured out.

Of course in the case of Karr we didn't believe the official line. Moreover, we were never supposed to believe it. How's that for a twist?

In an occult charade, what is being conveyed to the public is essentially literary. People understand a story better than they can grasp numbers, statistics and lab tests. An effective charade always has the diabolic element of showmanship, so that while most of us did not believe that the weird wack job Karr was the potent killer of Jon Benet, we nevertheless had our eyes glued on him. There was something so revolting and bizarre about his arrest that we couldn't stop spectating.

That was the Cryptocracy's objective: we want you on the edge of your seat; keep watching, and we did, and ended up with an anti-climax, feeling ripped off. Our disappointment is being carefully funneled on to Karr and to a lesser degree, on the Boulder prosecutor who has proved as incompetent as all of her predecessors when it comes to catching the little girl's killer.

The other players are escaping scrutiny: the professor with the name of the comic strip detective who introduced Karr to the world; the cops in California who released him without bail (!) after jailing him for six months for child porn; and the enigmatic Karr himself who has played his assigned role with skill.

Certainly some anger is correctly situated on the Colorado prosecutor. She too appears to be a conscious player. It was her job to be sure that Karr was made to tread the perp walk of fame extending from Thailand to the United States. His DNA could have easily been checked overseas. It wasn't. Here is the transparently lame excuse for why it wasn't: "After he was detained in Thailand, Mr. Karr refused to provide buccal (DNA) swabs on two occasions. Although he later did consent to submit to such a swab, he did so when investigators were not expecting it and when they did not have the necessary kit available." (DA Mary T. Lacy, "Motion to Quash Arrest Warrant," Aug. 28, 2006, p. 4).

If you believe that, then you'll believe that I've got the deed to Mount Everest. The point is, we're not expected to believe it. In this charade, there was nothing about John Mark Karr the Crypocracy wanted or expected us to believe. What they wanted is that we should watch this pageant from alpha to omega. Why?

Who garnered the planetary media attention for Karr? Answer: the cops, the DA and the professor. Karr was a publicity hound and they made his dream come true. In other words, if the Karr charade is a kind of crime on the public, then the officials were partners in that crime with John Mark Karr.

This means that Karr is not totally innocent and neither are his handlers. Delusional people routinely afflict detectives with wild confessions to sensational crimes. Seldom are they are as successfully as Karr, however, in rocketing to the center ring in the universal media circus. So one could say that Karr had powerful backers for his wish-fulfillment.

In occult charades of this type there is almost always a code. In Son of Sam it was the "Hello from the Gutters of New York" letters to Jimmy Breslin. With this one, it's the supposed code name with which Karr is said to have communicated with Prof. Tracey, "Daxis."

We can break that word down several ways: Ax Sid, Dis Ax, Sax ID and a few more. Recall that JonBenet was age six. DA Lacy and Prof. Tracey claimed that Karr "expressed a preference for girls about six years of age." Based on that information, I slice "Daxis" this way: DA Six, i.e. District Attorney Six. If my supposition is correct, Daxis is a code word for a DA who has a preference for the number six or someone who could be identified as the sixth dictrict attorney.

Is "DA Six" the actual murderer? Is Karr only temporarily assuming this identity while tipping the public to it by subtly indicating official complicity?

The word Dax, by the way, is a financial standard of measurement: "DAX is a Blue Chip stock market index consisting of the 30 major German companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Prices are taken from the electronic Xetra trading system." The word Xetra has another electronic aspect, it's a "multitask Mobile Smartphone."

Market index. Smartphone. Hello, operator, get me the subconscious Group Mind of the whole world. Hello world? Have I got a multitask message for you! The officials don't want to find the killer of this sexualized six year old child pageant star. They want to toy with finding him. They want to release formerly secret details of the case known only to the killer: he had oral sex with the child; he caused her gentials to bleed (DA Mary T. Lacy, "Motion to Quash Arrest Warrant," Aug. 28, 2006, p. 4).

The market index of the media is that sex and death sells newspapers and raises Nielsen and Alexa ratings. If Ayatollah Khomeni was right and America is indeed the "Great Satan," or if Ambrose Bierce was right when he said of America, "My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of felony," then perhaps it is worthwhile to entertain the probability that the American System has a heavy investment in the death of innocence.

Now innocence is not only killed through the sexualization of a six year old girl by her parents by involving her in adult-female impersonator "pageants," or through the actual murder of the child herself. Innocence is also killed when the murderer is allowed to go unpunished and effigies are ritually punished in his place and he is free to kill another child. John Mark Karr played that particular part in this particular pageant: the child-murderer who had been free for a decade.

As previously stated, most of us knew from the outset that Karr was only playing a role, and now we know that the DA and the media were playing along. The investigation, capture, arrest and extradition of John Mark Karr was a sort of movie of the week. It was gripping, even though we understood that it was just a movie.

On the evening of the day the revelators made manifest their charade (Monday, Aug. 28), the Republican family values network, Fox, debuted the second installment of their occult mystery series, "Vanished." Approximately every five minutes in the course of the show there's a sex reference (this at 9 pm on a summer night when plenty of vacationing six-year-olds are still awake); or there's a cynical voyeurist exhibition of the death of innocence. In the pilot episode a boy we thought had been rescued is shown being blown to bits by a bomb. The plot of "Vanished" turns on the kidnapped wife of a US Senator, who may have staged her own abduction.

The FBI's lead investigator is a rude, nasty fellow. The lead female reporter on the case is a an obnoxious scoundrel with the sexual mores of an alley cat. The Senator is an uncivil sour-face. The blacks are all subservient to the whites. "Vanished" packs multiple simulated sex acts -- once the exclusive province of R-rated movies -- these are shown about every fifteen minutes, the better to raise the ratings and the profits.

"Vanished" is a meter for gauging the current state of processing of the American people. The show has high ratings and it is broadcast on the network devoted to Mr. Bush's Christian Crusade at home and in the Middle East. Our great-grandparents would have quickly lynched everyone involved with this "TV program," but we run to get another bowl of popcorn.

The Fox network's "Vanished" is not about the disappearance of the wife of a US Senator. Its the exposition of a magician's trick, whereby the innocence of America has been made to vanish.

After all is said and done, that's the crux of the Karr charade:

We've got JonBenet's killer.

No, we don't.

Yes, we do.

The joke's on you.

Hoffman's wrong. It's not a play.

In Thailand we forgot to test for DNA.

Copyright©2006. All Rights Reserved

[Hoffman is the author of Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare]

August 29, 2006


The Devil and JonBenet

A Few Preliminary Observations on Anomalies in the JonBenet Case

by Michael A. Hoffman II

John Mark Karr may have been promoted as a suspect because of the extreme ambiguity that surrounds him, because it looks as though he's innocent -- or he's being made to look innocent -- even while the prosecutors are telling us he's guilty, so we have an experiment in the double-mind here, played out for mass public consumption. And, wherever you have a double, it is indicative of the shadow side.

It has been mentioned fleetingly and tantalizingly in the media that Karr was a "sex change" candidate in Thailand, and that he had already undergone some form of "sex change treatment" toward that objective. Now, no one really changes their gender through surgery and hormones. Male so-called "transsexuals" are not women, they just become castrated female impersonators. Historically, female impersonation is a staple of American television, cinema and stage plays. In fact, such impersonation is as old as the Elizabethan theatre. The most potent element it conjures is the Androgyne, the symbolic figure who presides over the Alchemical change of era time in the rituals of human alchemy, that is to say, the process of altering the psychology and personality of targeted populations through public rituals disguised as "current events, serial killers" and "sex crimes," coupled with manipulation of symbols and the use of hypnotic key words, which this writer terms twilight language.

The JonBenet case is a mystery wrapped in a riddle. It carries a huge thrill quotient for the public. The mystery fairly scintillates. The masses are on the alert here, even as they slept through the George Bush press conference on Monday, wherein he announced that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction and had nothing to do with 9/11. The cryonic freeze/thaw process worked nicely for the Cryptocracy vis a vis the Bush/Iraq war: freeze the fact that there was no reason to invade Iraq at the time of the invasion, then a few years later mock the somnambulist suckers by thawing the fact and let the main perpetrator of the lies (Bush) expose them himself, to zero outrage and protest from the masses; that's the cryonic free/thaw formula of the alchemist's laboratory.

I've seen it played out a hundred times in lone nut, serial killer and sex crime cases. Freeze the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was only a self-admitted "patsy" in a labyrinth JFK King/Kill-33 conspiracy involving three shooters and many accomplices, and portray him as a lone nut at the time of the assassination. Years later, thaw the facts about many accomplices and then muddy the conspiracy waters to such a vast extent that the urban legend that "everybody killed Kennedy" builds momentum. Then watch to see if any perpetrator is ever brought to justice for killing the president. And of course no one has, even though Charles Harrelson, the last surviving reputed triggerman, still lives. But somnambulism, the frozen, death-in-life apathy of zombieism, prevails in the case of Harrelson, about whom there is almost no media curiosity or sleuthing. But watch the thaw after Harrelson dies; then the masses will be inundated with a tsunami of swirling, pulsating speculation, what ifs and muddying of the waters concerning Harrelson.

Somnambulism is the end-result for the Iraq revelation the President of the United States made on Monday about Saddam, weapons of mass destruction and 9/11, even as the American Group Mind is on episodic high alert in the latest twist in the JonBenet case. Alchemically, what's the difference between the two? Are we in the freeze or the thaw phase of JonBenet?

The Karr/Benet case is relighting the psychic pressure cooker in a manner not seen since the D.C. Sniper.

One of the Son of Sam killers from the 1970s was named John Wheat Carr. He and John Mark Karr fit the trident name pattern in such cases: Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wayne Gacy, etc.

The only other Benet this famous in American culture is Steven Vincent Benet, author of the classic tale (later made into a movie), "The Devil and Daniel Webster."

If you'd like to add a few more tingles to your spine, a guy named Poe paid me to write this column (I kid you not).

August 23, 2006

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