Lack of Water in Paraguay Alarming

Asuncion, Aug 30 (Prensa Latina) A UN Development Program report informed Wednesday that nearly half the population of Paraguay lacks water, irrespective of the abundant water resources in the nation.

According to the PNUD, 2.5 million inhabitants of urban and rural zones do not have access to water, a similar situation faced by 40,000 indigenous people in the Chaco, site of one of the largest reservoirs in the world: the Guarani water-bearing zone.

The situation has worsened due to the last few months of drought. PNUD Coordinator in Paraguay Julio Fernandez warned of the need to boost investments for drinking water.

The report based on Permanent Home Surveys by the General Statistics, Surveys and Censuses Department concluded that 1.4 million citizens were granted that service between 1997 and 2005.


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