Kounter kulture icons throw it back in your face.

Penn and Teller, who were considered hip and cool, are used to 
promulgate the government cover story for 911 and the lone nutter JFK 
theory. When Penn Gillette yells that only a crazy person would 
believe in conspiracy theories, he is traumatizing impressionable 
minds, browbeating them into submission.

The Discovery Channel has created American Chopper with the 
dysfunctional Teutels and Monster Garage with perennial bad boy Jesse 
james. Mythbusters taps into that northern californian techno geek 
chic and proffers two unattached heros who gravitate much too close 
to San Francisco to make homophobes anything but paranoid. That's the 
rub, by appearing to be educated counterculture, they wear the mantle 
of authority and come across as honest - so if they say rfid is 
bullshit, then how can it be anything else.  This stuff gets burned 
right into the adolescent mind and creates a powerful deterrent to 
errant  future thought.  And that is what the boys who run things 
want anyhow.

I remember feeling disgust and sadness when Dweezil Zappa hosted that 
show about fighting robots. I kept thinking how badly Frank had 

 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello IPCUSA,
>      I just watched a propaganda spiel on "Myth Busters" on tv 
> the notion there are implant or mind control victims in the US.
>      Myth Busters in general are weak on science, and fairly strong 
> lab work. This production was noticably different than their usual 
> work, and very weak and limited on lab and field work, and with 
> nothing remotely scientific in the rpesentation. The hatchet job 
> relatively quick and cheaply produced, a poor quality shoprt 
> rpesentation obviously biased from start to finish, versus looking 
> the truth or making any effort to find evidence claims of US mind 
> control or unconsensual implantations might sometimes or often be 
> true. 
>        In typical large state propaganda, serious issues are 
> and things which the state sees as weaknesses of the group being 
> attacked are focused upon. For example, the nazis fixated on the 
> semitic nose structure in their attacks on jews (and Cheech and 
> used the exact same nazi parody of a semitic nose in their movie 
> presented a low ethnic attack on Arabs, one Arab having had a camel 
> wife before etc...). 
>       This "Myth Busters" presentation was true to form in this 
> for attacking minority groups with state sponsored or directed 
> propaganda machines. As alledged victims of high technology human 
> rights abuses in the US, we are in fact an opressed minority. This 
> the first major television propaganda attack upon us I am aware of, 
> there have been some talk show and serial attacks already, but 
> like this I know of until now on US network television. I think 
> is even like an admission by US government criminals, that as a 
> movement, we are starting to get into the big leagues politically 
> the US (and we are in the big league already in the former USSR). 
>           Many fragments were pulled from various internet sources, 
> and presented as being representative. All the common points the 
> public (already well brain washed by the mass media from 1930's 
> radio to present), would see as indicating the victims movement is 
> credible. Whoever was behind this, has paid someone to do a lot of 
> reading on the internet, to produce so many diverse claims which 
> be presented as not credible, and rolling them into one ball and 
> painting us all with this ball of distortions and lies with one 
> stroke. 
>       One of the regulars on "Myth Busters" said his source was 
> male he found on the internet, the impression was given this single 
> source was the source for the data of the program about the victims 
> movement on the internet. There were victims movements before there 
> was anything on the internet. The Moscow Zombies, even a few small 
> groups in the US, and the large victims movement of the army 
> experiments. e US army radiation xperiments are now admitted to by 
> US government. Previous to this confession the army radiation 
> experiment victims were given the same treatment we are given now, 
> shared delusional complexes etc... 
>        I do not believe any one internet source makes all the 
> they gave in this Myth Busters production. In science one is 
> to reference ones sources, not just state "UCLA library" or "the 
> internet". Exactly because there can be intentional or accidental 
> distortion, misrepresentation etc... 
>       In this spiel they stated something like "it must be true 
> because it was on the internet", meaning it must not be true 
> it was on the internet. There is plenty of false information on the 
> net, just as there is on tv. Much of the true information on the 
> internet, is data and evidence the American people still are not 
> allowed to see on American television. 
>        The Russian Federation has now confessed to massive high 
> technology human rights abuses under the Soviets, and passed laws 
> against such abuses. Instead of getting the same consideration as 
> fellow victims from the USSR have been given, we are still 
> and now further vuictimised by televised propaganda campaigns 
> presenting us all as being victims of organic (versus 
> induced) mental disease. The supression of high tech human rights 
> abuse victims in the US, largely has followed the more advanced 
> of the USSR. Including how psychiatric manuals were written, the 
> version being written by KGB psychiatrists. As alledged victims, we 
> are psychotic, not because of anything from legitimate psychiatric 
> science, but because of KGB propaganda being copied by other states 
> with their own high tech human rights abuse victims problems. That 
> by other states unable to 100% supress (from complaining to their 
> countrypersons about the crimes) or exterminate their own victims. 
>        I suggest their "information" was not from one of 
> the "experimenters" perusing a single mans site on the net. Most 
> alledged victims on the net are women. I am confident there is no 
> man on the net making all the claims presented in this neonazi 
> propaganda flick. Instead, I suggest it was handed to them by 
> hired them or engaged them to make this amateurish very 
> propaganda attack on our movement. Masny alledged victims are doing 
> poor quality "science" now, however, on the average, their science 
> adheres to the standrads of modern science much better than as seen 
> this program. We are weak on hard well done science as a mvoement, 
> at least we are far stronger thus far, than the boogle eyed 
> goof balls on television employed to discredit us. 
>     The "myth busters" proclaimed the myth busted. This is odd, as 
> the beginning, the main point appeared to be some persons claim of 
> detecting inplants with a stud finder. The "Myth Busters" in fact, 
> were able to detect chip implants in pets with a stud finder, so it 
> seems they actually confirmed the original myth they set out 
> to "bust". 
>       Of coruse they played the "alien mind control" angle. Mostly 
> just some spooky looking chick talking about that, no sources 
> completely out of context with the other sorts of claims they were 
> examining. If all else fails, they often pretend we are all "UFO" 
> cases. This at least serves to draw attention away from criminal 
> governmental / military / corporate programs. 
>       The "Myth Busters" gave blood to the Red Cross. Previous to 
> giving blood, they told them they would be looking to see if they 
> getting chipped while giving blood. How brilliant, you make a raid 
> high tech human rights criminals, and announce in advance you will 
> make the raid, then find no evidence. Maybe if they were chipping 
> people, they would not do it when given advance warning they were 
> being investigated? Personally, I doubt many, if any, are many 
> when giving blood to the Red Cross. Certainly this rag journalistic 
> effort gave no evidence if such allegations might or mioght not be 
> true. 
>       So what experts did they ask if chips could be used for mind 
> control? They asked vets chipping pets, if their chips could be 
> for mind control, with no response shown, just some comical 
> speculations by the "myth busters". As if vets would know anything 
> about mind control, they better would have asked boy scout troop 
> leaders. 
>      That high tech human rights abuse criminals in the US 
> government / corporate complex / media, and / or their enablers / 
> protectors, are striking back at us, I take as a good sign. If 
> crimes are ever going to be made public to the American people, I 
> think first we will see public attacks against the credibility of 
> cause. Those of us in this movement before the internet, know what 
> is like for the American people to have no possible way, except 
> out of the US, or talking to one of the few victims yet to be 
> neutralised bought off or eliminated some way, to learn about these
> horrible and ongoing crimes in America.
>          I consider the "Myth Busters" program has whored itself 
> to criminal interests with this proppaganda, and that the data 
> provided them in fact came from some hidden source which directed 
> action. That this program now has no credibility, to have allowed 
> itself to be used in such a fashion.
>       How about "Myth Busters" redeem themselves, and launch a 
> investigation into allegations of these sorts of crimes, rather 
than a 
> weak propaganda smear of such allegations? They can start by trying 
> discredit my claim that I have intact detectable implants in my 
> now, implanted by some criminal faction of the US government / 
> military (using nazi scientists), in early 1982. And in case there 
> many who are making correct allegations, but some of us are 
> and have no implants, they could also check several other alledged 
> implant victims for implants. Not with stud testers, but with 
> medical methods. 
>       Of course "Myth Busters" will not redeem themselves, and use 
> credible field lab or scientific methods to check the allegations 
> Americans claiming to be victims of illegal US mind control and / 
> implant experiements. The reason they will not, is because it is 
> already obvious, from this presentation, they are nothing about 
> science or truth, and that their productions can be purchased or 
> corrupted if you have the right criminal connections or influence. 
>      The "Myth Busters" in this presentation busted only one myth. 
> myth that the "Myth Busters" themselves are in any sense scientists 
> unbiased research journalists. I ask the "Myth Busters", if they 
> tortured and raped by soem corporation they offended some way, how 
> would they like it if their claims were ridiculsed and they were 
> propagandised to be suffering from paranoid delucions, not from 
> victimisation? Certainly rape and low tech torture leave much less 
> evidence than high technology human rights abuses do. Only in 
> it is verboten to present credible evidence of high technology 
> rights abuse on the major networks, unless it is alledged to be of 
> origins. 
>      It is easy to pretend the US media is free. On some issues, it 
> still is not, for major network television, which is the main 
> of American culture and appetites now. And criminals armed with 
> control weapons and implants, with considerable economic police 
> governmental and military resources, have found it easy enough to 
> enforce a full ban on any positive evidence of US governmental mind 
> control or illegal implantation getting on to the major networks. 
> day their neonazi censorship is going to fail, and the American 
> will become aware of these horrendous crimes against all of 
> We should prepare for that day, as it is not so many years away. If 
> does not come soon, then probably the American dictators will have 
> be thrown from absolute power on some issues at a heavy price in 
> blood of patriots and tyrants. Then the American people will be 
> the truth. I think the truth will come out with only a low cost in 
> life, but the cost in human suffering will continue to be terrible, 
> now, and for several decades already. 
>      The "Myth Busters" did not even address the issue of remote 
> torture. I would like to see how well one of those goof balls would 
> hold up, if he did something right on this issue, and wound up with 
> electrode firing in his balls, lower back, feet, or brain. Then he 
> might understand how deep the crime is he has committed in the 
> American people, by slandering American patriotic heros, who 
> terrible odds, and at terrible personal cost in money pain social 
> position promotions etc..., have elected to warn the American 
> of these sorts of crimes. For now, the internet is the ionly level 
> playing field we have in America, this will soon change. 
> Best,
> Alan Van Arsdale  
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