Crossfire War - "Kosovo - Behind the Facade" - The Greater Albania Myth

By Willard Payne

Crossfire War - TEHRAN WATCH - Southeast Europe Theatre: Vienna - Brussels - Pristina/Pristina - Belgrade - Tehran; "Kosovo Behind the Facade" - Russell Gordon - NATO Support of "Greater Albania" Continuation of Wars Against Serbia - Legacy of League of Prizren 1878 - 1943

Night Watch: PRIZREN - The linked article by journalist Russell Gordon is by far the most thorough article this editor has ever read on the Southeast Europe flashpoint-Kosovo. He points out that daily incidents of violence constantly occur against Serbs by Albanian groups which are tacitly supported by NATO-OSCE-UN. Regular readers of know that Belgrade last January signed a security agreement with Tehran, which is going to be used in defense of Serbian people, that will keep the West militarily busy and completely on the defensive. It will be Iran's way of supporting renewed fighting in their attempt to silence Vienna. [SERBIANNA]

But Gordon also outlines in detail the current situation in the disputed province, with Kosovo being the main center of organized crime in Europe, whose Albanian criminal networks reach from London-Paris to the US. Gordon even mentions that the crime groups are headed by Albanian political leaders that have been praised by Western media and governments as forces of stability: Agim Ceku, Kosovo's unofficial Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci and Ramash Haradinaj. His article goes on to mention that the heroin labs are even protected by NATO units and that Albanian criminal groups have even bought off politicians in Washington, much like the American mafia decades ago.

But in so many ways that is business as usual. Being a center of white slave trafficiking and narcotics is not a threat to international stability. What the criminal networks have done for Albanians in Kosovo is to create a flourishing underground, tax free economy, reliable, steady employment and with the occupation units of the EU-NATO-UN having their corrupt cut. But what is more disturbing, as Gordon's article points out, is that Western military intelligence has detected serious inroads into Kosovo- Albanian military - political groups by Islamic Jihad terrorists, Wahabist, and that their obvious radical influence, a direct immediate threat to Europe, are no secret, especially since anti-Western sermons are preached constantly from all the new mosques in the province-battlefield. Requests for further investigations into these groups have been either ignored or rejected by officers and officials higher up in NATO's, the EU or the OSCE's (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) command structure.

The reason for this conditioned, programmed ignorance can be found in European history, its imperial obsessesd history of re-alignment of boundaries, creation of buffer states, spheres of influence. For some dark reason a lot of Europe's conferences and congresses convened over the centuries, designed to promote the latest grand scheme to control the continent, have always revolved around wars against the Serbs. That is why, in the current war, most of Brussels' military action has been directed against Belgrade. I suspect this could be traced back to European tribal disputes and migrations back to Roman times or even before. Gordon referred to its more modern manifestation in the form of a gathering called the League of Prizren covened in 1878, formed to promote a Greater Albania as a region autonomous of the Ottoman Empire. It was to be composed of parts of Albania-Kosovo-Montenegro-Macedonia-Greece-Serbia.

The city of Prizren today is located at one of the crossroads of the current ethnic-religious war. It is in southern Kosovo between Albania and Macedonia and therefore falls within the area of Serbia Belgrade has declared will never be independent. The call for a greater Albania was resurrected by Adolf Hitler in 1943 at his Second League of Prizren and the map he presented is still used today by Albanian nationalist leaders like General Agim Ceku, the U. S. trained, former Croatian general who led Operation Storm in 1995 that displaced 250,000 Serbs. Ceku and his forces, which included European Neo-Nazis groups, had American air cover. This was actually an extension of NATO's air attacks against Bosnian Serbs that began the previous year, which signalled NATO's entry into this theatre as justification for the alliance's existence after the Cold War ended in 1990.

Brussels was actually following the same militaristic pattern as previous powers in search of a convenient, easy conflict, its power projection to establish its rule. The military cooperation between NATO and Albanian guerrilla groups continued in the late 1990's as NATO bombed Serbia for 78 days in 1999. Their excuses for their action can be summed up by a remark made by Washington's main representative in this theatre Ambassador Richard Holbrooke that, "Serbs are murderous assholes." This is the exact same sentiment that has echoed throughout so much of Europe's history, which is why Hitler's map of Greater Albania is taken seriously by Washington-Brussels and the Bilderberg Group, which is the highest level of deluded decision making in the West.

And now, true to form, they are ignoring Tehran's influence, not only with Islamic terrorist groups but also the security agreement between Iran-Serbia. Other than corruption, ignorance in Brussels-Vienna-Washington is Tehran's greatest weapon. NATO's offensive days are over. They believe that the Albanian flag flying along side the stars and stripes is a sign of continued military cooperation. Only when the shooting becomes more obvious than it is now will Brussels-Washington realize the Albanians have no more use for them and that Iran is quite willing to work with both Albanians and Serbians trapping NATO-EU-UN in the crossfire.

Despite the insulated, illusory tradition established policy makers are programed into occasionally one of them can still connect with reality, which can result in some accurate warnings. One of them came in 1998 through then Washington Secretary of Defense William Cohen who stated why he was by no means eager to see NATO commit troops in support of Kosovo independence. He actually stated if Brussels does commit them they can be attacked by both sides. Of course he was ignored.

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