Russian defector poisoned in London 'on orders of Moscow' 
In a real-life drama straight out of a Le Carré novel, former agent has lunch 
with a mysterious informant in Piccadilly, is told of official plot behind 
journalist's murder - and then, within hours, collapses in agony 
By Sophie Goodchild and Ian Griggs in London, Andrew Osborn in Moscow and Peter 
Popham in Rome 
Published: 19 November 2006 
A Russian security service defector is in a critical condition at a London 
hospital after being poisoned in a plot worthy of a Cold War novel by John le 

Alexander Litvinenko, a former lieutenant-colonel with Russia's FSB security 
service and a staunch critic of Vladimir Putin's regime, fled to Britain in 
2000, saying he feared for his life. Yesterday, the Metropolitan Police said he 
was in a "serious but stable" condition after tests confirmed traces of rat 
poison called thallium in his body .

The 44-year-old defector, who was sentenced in absentia for treason in Russia, 
was taken to hospital when he began vomiting violently. His hair has also 
fallen out and it is understood his kidneys have been damaged by the effects of 
the dose of thallium. The heavy metal, which is hard to obtain in the UK, 
damages the nervous system and lungs. Colourless and odourless, it is used in 
rat poisons in the Middle East.

Mr Litvinenko has told associates he became ill after lunching in a sushi 
restaurant in London on 1 November, the sixth anniversary of his arrival in 
Britain. He gained full British citizenship last month.

The defector's lunch companion was an Italian information-peddler called Mario 
Scaramella, who is alleged to have links with Russian intelligence. He is said 
to have given Mr Litvinenko documents purporting to show that Russian agents 
were implicated in the murder of the Russian investigative reporter, Anna 
Politkovskaya, who was shot in Moscow last month.

Ms Politkovskaya was best known for her revelations about Russian abuses in 
Chechnya, a cause Mr Litvinenko had taken up. Last week an internet news 
agency, Chechenpress, published an interview with him. He refused to say who he 
believed had poisoned him, but said the documents he was given named FSB agents 
in connection with the journalist's murder.

"Judging by these documents, the tracks of the murder of Politkovskaya are 
leading to the Russian FSB," he said. He promised to hand the documents to Ms 
Politkovskaya's paper, Novaya Gazeta, when he recovers, but a specialist told 
the IoS yesterday that his chances of survival were "50-50" based on the levels 
of poison that he has ingested.

Professor John Henry, a toxicologist at St Mary's Hospital in London, said that 
thallium is used in heart scans to record information on blood supply, but can 
be lethal.

"It [thallium] hits everything at once but different parts of the body take 
different times to crumble. It can affect the heart and the effects are 
extremely painful."

The former security agent became seriously ill within two hours of the meeting 
with Mr Scaramella. There is no suggestion that Mr Scaramella had anything to 
do with the poisoning. Mr Litvinenko believes the toxin was in a cup of coffee. 
Police are thought to have him under heavy guard, fearing further attempts on 
his life.

"We can confirm that officers from the specialist crime directorate are 
investigating a suspicious poisoning," said a spokesman for the Metropolitan 
Police. "No arrests have been made."

Mr Litvinenko is wanted in Russia on charges that he exceeded his authority 
while in the FSB and illegally stored explosives at his home. He denies the 
charges, and has said they are fabricated.

He has been a controversial figure in Russia since he claimed in 1998 that his 
FSB bosses had ordered him to assassinate the Russian oligarch, Boris 
Berezovsky. He fell out with the Kremlin and fled to Britain, where he was 
given political asylum. The FSB categorically denied the claim.

In 2003 the former security officer tipped off Scotland Yard about what he said 
was a plot to kill President Vladimir Putin. The police arrested two Russians, 
but released them a few days later on condition that they returned to Moscow.

Over the years he has levelled serious charges against his former spymasters. 
He wrote a book alleging the security service blew up Moscow apartment blocks 
in 1999, killing hundreds, and framed Chechen separatists for the crime. He has 
also suggested the terrorists responsible for the 2004 Beslan school siege may 
have been carrying out FSB orders, and that al-Qa'ida's number two, Ayman 
al-Zawahiri, is a former KGB agent.

Poisons: The deadly toxins, from ricin to dioxin 

Political poisonings appear to have one factor in common - nobody believes the 
victim, at first. Georgi Markov, above, the Bulgarian dissident who was stabbed 
in the leg on Waterloo Bridge in 1978, encountered scepticism when he claimed 
he had been a target of Bulgarian secret agents. But after his death three days 
later, it emerged that a specially adapted umbrella had been used to inject him 
with the deadly ricin poison.

Ukraine's president, Viktor Yushchenko, was mocked by opponents when he said he 
had been poisoned during the 2004 election campaign. Tests showed he had been 
dosed with dioxin, a nerve agent which disfigured him.

In South Africa, Steve Biko, the anti-apartheid activist who died in custody in 
1977, was allegedly poisoned with thallium. There were claims of a plot to use 
the same poison on Nelson Mandela when he was on Robben Island. 

A Russian security service defector is in a critical condition at a London 
hospital after being poisoned in a plot worthy of a Cold War novel by John le 

Alexander Litvinenko, a former lieutenant-colonel with Russia's FSB security 
service and a staunch critic of Vladimir Putin's regime, fled to Britain in 
2000, saying he feared for his life. Yesterday, the Metropolitan Police said he 
was in a "serious but stable" condition after tests confirmed traces of rat 
poison called thallium in his body .

The 44-year-old defector, who was sentenced in absentia for treason in Russia, 
was taken to hospital when he began vomiting violently. His hair has also 
fallen out and it is understood his kidneys have been damaged by the effects of 
the dose of thallium. The heavy metal, which is hard to obtain in the UK, 
damages the nervous system and lungs. Colourless and odourless, it is used in 
rat poisons in the Middle East.

Mr Litvinenko has told associates he became ill after lunching in a sushi 
restaurant in London on 1 November, the sixth anniversary of his arrival in 
Britain. He gained full British citizenship last month.

The defector's lunch companion was an Italian information-peddler called Mario 
Scaramella, who is alleged to have links with Russian intelligence. He is said 
to have given Mr Litvinenko documents purporting to show that Russian agents 
were implicated in the murder of the Russian investigative reporter, Anna 
Politkovskaya, who was shot in Moscow last month.

Ms Politkovskaya was best known for her revelations about Russian abuses in 
Chechnya, a cause Mr Litvinenko had taken up. Last week an internet news 
agency, Chechenpress, published an interview with him. He refused to say who he 
believed had poisoned him, but said the documents he was given named FSB agents 
in connection with the journalist's murder.

"Judging by these documents, the tracks of the murder of Politkovskaya are 
leading to the Russian FSB," he said. He promised to hand the documents to Ms 
Politkovskaya's paper, Novaya Gazeta, when he recovers, but a specialist told 
the IoS yesterday that his chances of survival were "50-50" based on the levels 
of poison that he has ingested.

Professor John Henry, a toxicologist at St Mary's Hospital in London, said that 
thallium is used in heart scans to record information on blood supply, but can 
be lethal.

"It [thallium] hits everything at once but different parts of the body take 
different times to crumble. It can affect the heart and the effects are 
extremely painful."

The former security agent became seriously ill within two hours of the meeting 
with Mr Scaramella. There is no suggestion that Mr Scaramella had anything to 
do with the poisoning. Mr Litvinenko believes the toxin was in a cup of coffee. 
Police are thought to have him under heavy guard, fearing further attempts on 
his life.

"We can confirm that officers from the specialist crime directorate are 
investigating a suspicious poisoning," said a spokesman for the Metropolitan 
Police. "No arrests have been made."

Mr Litvinenko is wanted in Russia on charges that he exceeded his authority 
while in the FSB and illegally stored explosives at his home. He denies the 
charges, and has said they are fabricated.

He has been a controversial figure in Russia since he claimed in 1998 that his 
FSB bosses had ordered him to assassinate the Russian oligarch, Boris 
Berezovsky. He fell out with the Kremlin and fled to Britain, where he was 
given political asylum. The FSB categorically denied the claim.

In 2003 the former security officer tipped off Scotland Yard about what he said 
was a plot to kill President Vladimir Putin. The police arrested two Russians, 
but released them a few days later on condition that they returned to Moscow.

Over the years he has levelled serious charges against his former spymasters. 
He wrote a book alleging the security service blew up Moscow apartment blocks 
in 1999, killing hundreds, and framed Chechen separatists for the crime. He has 
also suggested the terrorists responsible for the 2004 Beslan school siege may 
have been carrying out FSB orders, and that al-Qa'ida's number two, Ayman 
al-Zawahiri, is a former KGB agent.

Poisons: The deadly toxins, from ricin to dioxin 

Political poisonings appear to have one factor in common - nobody believes the 
victim, at first. Georgi Markov, above, the Bulgarian dissident who was stabbed 
in the leg on Waterloo Bridge in 1978, encountered scepticism when he claimed 
he had been a target of Bulgarian secret agents. But after his death three days 
later, it emerged that a specially adapted umbrella had been used to inject him 
with the deadly ricin poison.

Ukraine's president, Viktor Yushchenko, was mocked by opponents when he said he 
had been poisoned during the 2004 election campaign. Tests showed he had been 
dosed with dioxin, a nerve agent which disfigured him.

In South Africa, Steve Biko, the anti-apartheid activist who died in custody in 
1977, was allegedly poisoned with thallium. There were claims of a plot to use 
the same poison on Nelson Mandela when he was on Robben Island. 

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