-----Forwarded Message-----
>You are receiving this message through the magic of technology 
>as I am not sending it to you myself. My Web site developer is.
>I am not where I can send any messages personally right now. 
>Hopefully in 3 months I will be able to do so again.
>This edition is probably information that you generally know, but 
>I thought it a good idea to document it. The BEST thing to do is 
>to provide it to neighbors and friends who probably don't know 
>this truth.
>To know that I'm okay, log onto my Blog. I post on it virtually
>every day, often several times per day. You will find it displayed
>on the main page of my Web site.
>When I cannot be online, I have been reading the multitude of
>Emails that I have downloaded from people. It's amazing to me
>how many mistakes certain people have made because they have
>not read my editions. I have been publishing for 6 years now. One
>would think that by now at least some of what I have published
>would have become information that people know. But that doesn't
>seem to be the case.
>I have sacrificed much to bring this history to you, so please read it-
>especially those of you who have been with me for years.
>It has been since August 2003 since I have been able to see my grandson
>because I refuse to live in the US any longer. We talk, but it's just not
>the same.
>I am considered a terrorist, and so are you in the US even though you haven't 
>anything to merit it. Therefore, there is no way that I could ever return.
>I knew this when I left, and resisted the urge to return when I was in a 
>country in which I don't speak the language-or very little of it certainly.
>The good news is that there is someone who has told me more than once
>that he loves me. It's not the man who said it to me in the past, but someone
>If he and I get together, there is no way that I will be able to read the 
>of Emails people send me that I am able to read now. So if you are not on the
>same page as I am, your Email will have to be deleted unread.
>I'm sorry, but he will come first, unlike the man the US gov't used to target 
>as my life with him was not based on love; it was based on fraud.
>Peace at this beautiful time of year,
>Arlene Johnson
>Click on the icon that says Magazine.
>Password: message

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