

Research the New World Order. There is a lot of stuff
on the internet, lot's of it disinformation I'm sure,
but read all you can and sort out what seems
reasonable to you. A great book to read is "Behold a
Pale Horse" by William Cooper. Take a class on the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights so you know what
is being stolen from you. Research the I.M.F. and the
world banks. Read up on the Rockefellers and the
Rothschilds, the Trilateral Commission and the Council
on Foreign Relations. See what you can find on the
Bilderberg Group and other secret organizations like
the Freemasons or Skull and Bones. Follow the voting
records of your representatives. Research S.W.A.T. and
military tactics. Search the web for Illuminati
related material. Just keep in mind you can only
believe a third of what you hear and about half of
what you see. 

Luck tends to favor the Prepared. That's just the way
it is. There's no way to tell what the future holds
but if you know history than you can make an educated
guess. Martial law is coming to America. One more
terrorist attacc (and it will happen) to top 9-11, and
we might as well kiss the "Bill of Rights" bye-bye. Be
prepared to defend it. Exercise your first and second
amendment rights. Speak what you feel and have the
means to bacc it up. Have plenty of ammunition, and
know how to get good use of it. Learn how to skin
animals and get yourself a good outdoors survival
pacc. Nothing excessive, just the bare minimum, what
ever you can carry that won't get in the way of your
gun. Reusable weapons like swords and bow and arrows
aren't a bad idea either. Get organized, band together
with likeminded people. There are a lot of us out
there and we need to start coming together as a
volatile force. "United we stand, divided we fall."
Find yourself, and learn how to use, a ham radio.
Communication is a necessity, and in times of
emergency, cell phones have time and time again proven
to be unreliable. Get used to camping, if you're not
already. I don't know if the people will revolt, but
we are Americans after all. When the U.N. sends in
Chinese troops (and they will) to police us, excuse
me, "keep us safe", some of us will not stand for it.
Those of us who haven't yet been sent off to the
F.E.M.A. camps that is. Whether it's revolutionary war
or just a loss of modern comforts, be prepared. 

Resist the chip. A microchip under your skin makes you
a servant of the beast. It matters not what your
religious beliefs are, R.F.I.D. is wrong. The digital
angel is nothing more than a backdoor for our
corporate ran government to have access to your every
action. Use cash. Credit cards, checks. And bank cards
allow "them" to tracc your spending. Do some research
on economical shock testing and you will see why this
is so important. Refuse any car upgrades like On-Star
or any other G.P.S. You are not an animal, don't allow
yourself to be treated like one. Leave your cell phone
at home whenever doing anything that you don't want
being monitored. All cell phones contain G.P.S. and
can also be used as a bug to listen to you
conversation even when not in use. Don't use your
shopping discount cards; your consumer privacy is
worth a dollar or two, isn't it? If you absolutely
have to have a bank account, use it only for paying
bills. The bank is your enemy, as mentioned in "Know
Your Enemy". Drive with your visor down and wear a
full-face helmet when riding on a Motorcycle. Wear
sunglasses and hats whenever possible. Big Brother has
eyes everywhere, cameras on every corner and such.
Protect your privacy at all cost. 

Your body is under constant attacc from the New World
Order. They own the F.D.A. and therefore have control
of what is passed off on the public as safe. One major
goal of the elite is population control, even
reduction, and this is being accomplished. Cancer
rates are on the rise. In the forties, less than one
percent of the population died of cancer, now,
however, one in three is expected to get one form of
cancer or another. The reason for this is simple, it's
all deliberate. The food and drug administration is
killing you as you read this. Aspartame, saccharine,
sodium luareth and laurel sulfates, partially
hydrogenated oils, the list goes on. All poisons,
approved for human use by your benevolent F.D.A.
Monosodium Glutamate is known to slow brain activity,
mercury is known to cause madness, and yet they are
both readily found in almost all inoculations. Along
with aborted fetal tissue, this is what you pump into
your developing children long before the have an
immune system of their own. Fluoride, a common water
additive, is a proven toxin. Communities with
fluoridated water have been found to have an average
I.Q. of 10 points lower than communities with
untainted drinking water. This poison attaccs the
thyroid gland and is also known to cause fertility
problems. Read the bacc of toothpaste tube or
mouthwash, it's right there in plain English, "Do Not
Consume." Yet the F.D.A. recommends that you submit
yourself to the tap with eight glasses of impure H20 a
day. Prescriptions are becoming more and more common.
Over 500,000 of the youth in the public education are
constantly under the influence of legal psychotropic
drugs. In many cases, anti-depressants cause an
increase in suicidal and violent behavior. I haven't
been able to find one mass school or workplace
shooting that didn't involve the main suspect being a
patient on a mood altering, doctor approved poison.
Read up on this because you will rarely hear of the
downsides of Zoloft or Prozac from your favorite news
source. In fact, turn off your television because your
mind is being poisoned as well. And if you have kids
in the government schools, take them out now. Public
education is nothing more than a twelve-year socialist
brainwashing camp. Stop poisoning your body. Stop
poisoning your mind. 

Now that you know that you are in the middle of a war,
get yourself into a position of power and cause
change. Become a teacher, a politician, an
entertainer, anything you can do where you can
influence others. Spread the truth, for that is our
only real chance for a future where freedom is more
than just a word. Don't become apathetic. That's what
"they" want from those who wake up from their
semiconscious sleep. Get active and don't be afraid of
what may happen if you speak your mind because what
will happen if we remain silent is infinitely worse.

Skip Wigmore
Light of Life Ministries
Smithfield, NC
Rev. 18:4

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