thank you!

--- In, "norgesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "mark urban" <mcurb@> wrote:
>  mcveigh corresponded extensively with gore vidal before 
>  his "execution".
> does anybody have copies of that material?
> ~~~~~
> Vidal and the McVeigh Execution
> On May 5, 2001, Gore Vidal announced that he would attend Timothy 
McVeigh's execution in Indiana and write a piece about it for Vanity 
Fair. As it turned out, Vidal did not attend the execution because he 
didn't have enough time to get to the U.S. from Italy after McVeigh - 
on Friday, June 8 - abruptly ended his appeals, thus allowing the 
June 11 execution to take place. Most observers thought McVeigh would 
get a stay as his appeals worked their way through the courts. 
> For people interested in this issue as it relates to Vidal, I've 
put together a list of links to stories I've found on the web. 
Needless to say, if a site takes down its story, then the link will 
no longer be good. 
> Vidal and McVeigh made contact after Vidal wrote a piece on the 
drug war and the loss of freedom in America for Vanity Fair in 
November 1998. Vidal's post-execution piece on McVeigh - which 
includes excerpts from their correspondence - appears in the 
September 2001 issue of the magazine. And Vidal's book on the World 
Trade Center attack has more material about his relationship with 
> Many of the stories that appeared about Vidal's involvement with 
McVeigh has since been take off the internet (as older stories often 
are). Here, though, are some links to pieces that remain: 
>  The online magazine Salon published this story about Vidal's 
contact with McVeigh. 
>  Writer Justin Raimondo defends Vidal in an essay on 
>  Here's a reprint of a Washington Post article on the subject. 
>  A story on the BBC's web site depicts an execution chamber along 
with photos of Vidal and McVeigh. 
>  This report appeared in the Brisith newspaper The Guardian 
>  USA Today published a story on Vidal and McVeigh 
>  The liberal web site Fantastic Forum supports Vidal in his efforts 
to explain McVeigh (this will open as a PDF file in a new window). 
>  Vidal defends McVeigh at the Edinburgh Book Festival, as reported 
in The Guardian. Or you can read the actual interview from the 
>  The Russian newspaper Pravda ran this piece in English about Vidal 
and McVeigh. 
>  This Reuters story shares Vidal's view that McVeigh had help in 
doing what he did. 
>  In this piece, Vidal casts McVeigh as a hero, the author says, not 
quite accurately. 
>  On a related matter, here is a list of articles that examine 
Vidal's views on the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the World 
Trade Center. 
> by Harry Kloman
> The Gore Vidal Index is the most comprehensive Vidal site on the 
> An essay on Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: The Newest World 
> The World Trade Center Attack
> And Vidal's Writing on the Subject
> Vidal and the McVeigh Execution

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