
You heard about the old boy that was asked about the apathy and ignorance of 
most folks. He said, "I don't know and I don't care."

Then there is the mature man that was told what a wonderful farm the good Lord 
had given him with orchards, gardens, deep well and rock house. Shaking his 
head, he replied, "You should have seen the place when the Lord had it to 

Most believe we have the right to our opinions, I would argue that it is more 
important that our opinions be right.


As a nation, we have drifted very far from the principles upon which our 
country was founded. I doubt that Washington and Jefferson would even recognize 
what their posterity has done to what was once a constitutional republic. I am 
old enough to say that I don't even recognize my country anymore. We don't 
deserve God's protective hand, that is for sure. However, as God would have 
spared Sodom for the sake of ten righteous souls, I am praying that there are 
yet enough truly righteous men and women in these United States that God will 
be pleased to spare us.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Stop Blaming Theology For Your Apathy
I know dispensationalists who will excuse their apathy by saying, "It's the 
last days, and there is nothing we can do about it." Or, "This is just prophecy 
being fulfilled; we can't stop it."

Maybe... The Best 911 Explanation Available
Well, the end game was this: Flight 93 was to land on the Whitehouse. You see, 
under US law at the time, if that happened, it would be martial law in the US 
and under those conditions, the entire 911 plot could have been completely 
tidied up, all the evidence buried.;article=107154;title=APFN

Pilots for 9/11 Truth
We are focused on determining the truth of that fateful day since the United 
States Government doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with answers. We stand 
with the Scholars and Veterans for Truth along side family members of the 

VIDEO: Bush Knew 9/11 Was Coming
It's been categorically proven that the Bush Administration knew 9/11 was 
coming. They knew the exact date, the exact place, and the exact means, and 
still, even while it was in progress, did nothing to stop it. During and after 
9/11, they told the public that the reason they took no action to halt the 
attacks or warn the people in tower 2 was that they were caught by surprise

VIDEO: Evidence Showing US Government Complicity in the 911 Attack
This is a ten-minute clip from the new public domain documentary "Everybody's 
Gotta Learn Sometime". You can watch the whole thing at Google Video.

VIDEO: Evidence that the U.S. Government Planned & Executed 9/11
Great set of interviews that outline the overwhelming evidence that 9/11 was an 
inside job.

About Face: Soldiers Call for Iraq Withdrawal
Interviews with active-duty soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen who have 
signed the Appeal for Redress reveal an array of motivations.

Appeal for Redress From the War in Iraq
As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully 
urge my political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of all 
American military forces and bases from Iraq. Staying in Iraq will not work and 
is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to come home.

VIDEO: Daily Show on Bush's "We're Not Winning, We're Not Loosing"
 Jon Stewart tracks Bush's clear and consistent message on Iraq and throws in a 
Tony "I Don't Know" Snow instant classic for good measure.

Iraq's Death Squads: An Instrument Of The Occupation
The U.S. did not invade Iraq to establish "democracy" and "free Iraqis". The 
U.S. invaded and destroyed Iraq in order to humiliate and divide Muslims - 
Arabs in particular -, protect Israel's Zionist expansion and control Iraq's 
natural wealth. So, the U.S.-imposed democracy by force is fraud. 'Democracy is 
like a plant; it grows from bottom up, not from top down'.

Video: Scarborough Sees The Light--"Bush is delusional"
Scarborough has made a definite turn-around on Bush over the past year, but it 
hasn't been as evident as it was on Wednesday's Scarborough Country.

Navy Vet Says He Was Tortured By U.S. Forces
The 29-year-old Navy veteran was held at Camp Cropper, the United States 
military's maximum security detention site in Baghdad. To this day, Vance has 
no idea why the U.S. government imprisoned him and, he says, tortured him from 
April to July of this year.

Torture Is Now Part of the American Soul
You might have imagined that every possible means of inflicting pain had 
already been devised. But never underestimate the human capacity for invention. 
United States interrogators have found a new way of destroying a human being

VIDEO: Abu Ghraib - The Bottom Line
Video   collage  about the torture of Iraqi civilians at Abu Ghraib prison in 

Ex-soldiers break `silence' on Israeli excesses
There were pictures of Palestinians bound and blindfolded. There was a photo of 
a settler carrying an assault rifle with a decal on the magazine clip: "Kill 
'em all, Let God sort 'em out." Another was of graffiti on a wall: "Arabs to 
the gas chamber."

AUDIO: George Galloway - Israel : A History Of Violence
British Member Of Parliament, George Galloway Answers Questions From A Zionist 

The De-Zionization Of America (And Israel)
"Jewish politics" has come to be exemplified by Zionism, a racist ideology 
calling for a Jewish supremacist state in all of Palestine (and parts of other 
countries neighboring Israel), and this is supposedly somehow "justified" by 
"The Holocaust"

Guest Opinion: North American Union Would Supplant U.S. Sovereignty
That information clearly reveals that the Bush administration is running a 
"shadow government" with Mexico and Canada in which unelected bureaucrats are 
crafting a broad range of policy changes.

North American Union Leader Says Merger Just Crisis Away
Robert Pastor, a leading intellectual force in the move to create an EU-style 
North American Community, told WND he believes a new 9/11 crisis could be the 
catalyst to merge the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

Law-Enforcement Socialism
Every year, more prisons are built, more money is funneled to police 
departments, more criminal law is written and yet domestic crime remains a 
major problem.

Esteemed Professor and Law Expert Warns Of Police State
Francis A Boyle says 9/11 was allowed to happen, war on terror is facilitating 
the downfall of The Republic, concentration camps are in place and US citizens 
are the targets.

The War On Toddlerism
Treating children as young as four as sexual deviants, criminals and 
subversives emphasizes slip towards the police state

Neocon Lapdogs: "Round Up Traitors And Put Them In Camps"
These idiots demonize such allegations against their ilk as the frothing of 
"leftist internet junkies" while at the same time calling for internment camps 
to be used against law abiding American citizens in a Hitler-esque fashion.

US Army Announces Readiness for Total Military Takeover of America
The first of the USANORTH plans for the total military takeover of the United 
States, from its few remaining civilian overseers, rest with a new series of 
draconian laws recently enacted by their top Military Leaders.

What Patriotic Christians Can Do For America?
What can those of us do who plan to stay and "tough it out" in America? Are we 
totally without recourse? Is there nothing we can do to truly help turn the 
ship of state around?

God Concious Mortal
The God-conscious mortal is certain of salvation; he is unafraid of life; he is 
honest and consistent. He knows how bravely to endure unavoidable suffering; he 
is uncomplaining when faced by inescapable hardship.

At The Very Least We Should Petition Our "Leaders" To Bring Our Troops Home
All of the justifications initially provided by the U.S. for waging war on Iraq 
have been exposed as lies; the real reasons for the invasion -- to control 
Iraq's oil reserves and to increase U.S. strategic influence in the region -- 
now stand revealed.

>From Jenni:
I dont know how I got on your mailing list but I love to hear from you. I find 
the information that you send very valuable because I dont know what to believe 
on the news because there is so much more that they keep from us. Thank you! 
Please keep on sending this to me!

You are a communist. Remove.

Old Bill...
All those who ignore the obvious need the help.  Keep The Truth Flowing!  Your 
posts are RIGHT ON!!!

Please, remove my name from you list. My husband is in Iraq.

Raz Khan...
Wow this is good, thanks alot for this stuff keep it coming, i fully support 
your attempts in freeing America, and every other nation, its people like you 
that gives us hope that maybe one day this world will be free

A BIG thanks to you Ron, for this 9/11 link. And I thought I had seen 
everything at goggle and u-tube about the truth about 9/11. If only every 
registered republican voter would see ALL THREE video at this site. Than come 
November there would not be a republican candidate left standing. Again thanks 
you Ron from the bottom of my speak truth to power activist hart.

Please send me all the information you have about our government and what they 
are up to.

Please keep it coming, it's amusing to see what the looney right is up too, 
you're almost a crazy as the looney left.

I'm not sure how I got on this, but I've been getting your e-mails for a while 
now.  This is the first I have read, and I'm glad I did.  I read it with the 
intention of finding out how to unsubscribe, but you really have given me some 
food for thought this morning.  I usually try to avoid all things political and 
news related, not because I don't want to know what goes on in the world, but 
simpy because every story I find is biased and corrupt anyway.  It's nice to 
read something that brings to light the importance of morals, truth and faith, 
whether in God or in our country.  Thank you for taking the time to send these 

Thanks for all you do and Merry Christmas...


Speaking of Christmas, not the present buying one but, the Jesus' birthday one, 
I wonder what type of detainee torture Jesus would recommend and also, which 
country would he nuke first, Iran or Korea?

God forgive us, we know not what we do. We are ignorant of your plan as we have 
mostly given up caring. God, please try to cheer up Jesus and tell him happy 
birthday. He must be pretty disappointed with us, this time of year.

from the Urantia Book,
"It required a great power, a mighty influence, to free the
thinking and living of the Western peoples from the withering grasp
of a totalitarian ecclesiastical domination. Secularism did break
the bonds of church control, and now in turn it threatens to
establish a new and godless type of mastery over the hearts and
minds of modern man. The tyrannical and dictatorial political state
is the direct offspring of scientific materialism and philosophic
secularism. Secularism no sooner frees man from the domination of
the institutionalized church than it sells him into slavish bondage
to the totalitarian state. Secularism frees man from ecclesiastical
slavery only to betray him into the tyranny of political and
economic slavery."

"Materialism denies God, secularism simply ignores him; at
least that was the earlier attitude. More recently, secularism has
assumed a more militant attitude, assuming to take the place of the
religion whose totalitarian bondage it onetime resisted. Twentieth-
century secularism tends to affirm that man does not need God. But
beware! this godless philosophy of human society will lead only to
unrest, animosity, unhappiness, war, and world-wide disaster."


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Sorry I woke you. Just trying to plant some seeds.

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