Jailed oil oligarch faces 'absurd' new charges 

By Adrian Blomfield in Moscow
Last Updated: 2:09am GMT 06/02/2007

      Russia brought new criminal charges against the jailed oligarch Mikhail 
Khodorkovsky yesterday in an apparent attempt to ensure that one of Vladimir 
Putin's chief rivals remains in prison beyond next year's presidential 

      Khodorkovsky, once Russia's richest man, could face 15 more years of 
incarceration in a remote Siberian prison camp after he and a business 
associate, Platon Lebedev, were accused of embezzling and laundering £20 
billion in illegal oil revenues.

      Lawyers for the two men immediately denounced the charges as a 
politically motivated campaign to neuter one of the Kremlin's most outspoken 
critics before elections that are expected to bring to power a successor picked 
by Mr Putin.

      Khodorkovsky would have been eligible for parole in October having served 
half of an eight-year sentence, including pre-trial detention. The former head 
of the Yukos oil company was found guilty of tax evasion and fraud during 
perhaps the most politically charged trial of the post-Soviet era in 2005.

      Khodorkovsky, who has continued to criticise the government from behind 
bars, called the new charges "insane and absurd". It is unclear whether he was 
intending to compete in the elections, though analysts say he would almost 
certainly have used his wealth to fund a liberal opposition candidate.

      Maria Lipman, of the Moscow Carnegie Centre, a respected think-tank, 
said: "Like the first case, this new one also seems politically motivated. And 
like the first case, it also raises significant doubts with regard to the 
quality of the Russian justice system."

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