Very interesting.  You edited out the entire my part
of my post about where I stated that no planes hit the
WTC.  Indeed, no planes were used during the entire
911 psyops.

The media inserted CGI's (computer graphic images)into
the footage of the 2nd hit.  So the media was not only
complicit, but an accessory to mass murder.

You also edited out my part about how the WTC was
destroyed by an exotic weapon -- a directed energy
beam weapon -- probably an EM type.  It turned the WTC
to dust so there was no collapse; the dust debris blew
away with the wind.

After you edited out the major part of my post, you
left the remaining in tact so that what my message
says makes no sense.

I sent the message directly to you but you forwarded
it to CIA-drugs.

Just goes to show me that you are on the perps' side
as well.

You should stick to reporting on drugs where you do
some good work and leave the 911 psyops alone;  isn't
it "off topic"?

--- Gritzle70 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Notice the brief mention about flight AA77; later on
> there is also brief mention of controlled
> demolition. 
> The rest of the lengthy article is a list of all the
> "experts" or well known people who have stated that
> the government is complicit.  We are to assume that
> they have so stated this based on the assumptions
> that
> Boeings were hijacked and the WTC was destroyed by
> CD.
> No wonder the perps are laughing and slapping each
> other on the backs about the success of their messy
> 911 psyops.  
> Since even the 911 "truthlings" fell for this rather
> crude psyops, imagine how sophisticated the new ops
> will be.
> --- muckblit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It would have been illegal for AA77 out of Dulles
> > 9/11/2001 to land
> > without radio or altitude transponder, unless it
> had
> > a fighter escort.
> > There is an instance of dereliction of duty that
> > will live in infamy,
> > in the pedophile database.
> > 
> > Therefore an FAA flight controller could not have
> > abandoned that dot
> > on his or her screen. To abandon AA77 without
> > Presidential orders, not
> > vice-presidential weasel words, would have been
> > "unthinkable" for the
> > responsible FAA flight controller. And the same
> > screen was available
> > to FAA flight controllers at Andrews AFB, whose
> > Potomac Valley FAA
> > TRACON screens look the same as those at Dulles,
> > BWI, and National
> > airports, because they are the same. FAA Andrews
> > Potomac Valley
> > TRACON flight controllers are on record in
> > mainstream news as having
> > taken over all FAA flight control at National when
> > the tower at
> > National went out years before 911. Flight
> > controllers at Andrews are
> > fully FAA flight controllers and looking at the
> same
> > representation of
> > the same data package distributed by the same
> > network to all FAA
> > flight controllers in the FAA's Potomac Valley
> > TRACON. You might have
> > heard different, but Andrews AFB is FAA flight
> > control, no disconnect,
> > literally, no disconnect to connect by way of
> > or special
> > invitation from Dick Cheney.
> > 
> > Ironically, the guts of the Potomac Valley TRACON
> > are currently housed
> > at the old Electronic Warfare Center at Vint Hill,
> > Virginia(near
> > Gainesville on the map), which in a further test
> of
> > your gullibility
> > is not even near ANY airport. The radars assembled
> > feeding into that
> > network are scattered over an area including all
> of
> > those
> > airports(Dulles, BWI, National, Andrews), and MANY
> > other radar sites
> > miles beyond those airports. A vast array of
> radars
> > feed into the
> > Potomac Valley TRACON, which then relays the same
> > digital data package
> > to FAA flight controllers at Andrews AFB, Dulles,
> > National, and BWI.
> > Forget "NORAD", learn "TRACON".
> > 
> > It was "unthinkable", if you remember that word
> from
> > the
> > neuro-linguistic neutralization of that same word
> by
> > the high flying
> > "shootdown unthinkable" non sequitur,
> "unthinkable",
> > not to mention
> > highly illegal and certain to instantly get a
> flight
> > controller fired,
> > which would then be the least of his worries in
> > eternal infamy among
> > flight controllers and pilots, "unthinkable" for
> the
> > Dulles flight
> > controller to abandon AA77, knowing that it would
> be
> > illegal for AA77
> > to land on a 10,000 foot runway, or anywhere but a
> > 10,000 foot runway,
> > unless it had a fighter escort. The Dulles flight
> > controller
> > abandoning AA77 was what was "unthinkable", not
> > following standard
> > operating procedure and giving AA77 a fighter
> escort
> > because it was
> > required to land immediately(but only if it had a
> > fighter escort).
> > Both the flight controller and the AA77 pilot
> would
> > lose their jobs,
> > at a bare minimum of "unthinkable" consequences,
> if
> > the Dulles flight
> > controller abandoned the pilot to an impossible
> > requirement to land
> > immediately combined with the illegality of
> landing
> > without a fighter
> > escort.
> > 
> > That's a given. Then you had Porter Goss having
> > breakfast in DC with
> > General Mahmud Ahmed, commander of 911 mastermind
> > KSM and 911 moneyman
> > Omar. What did the 911 Commission say Porter ate
> for
> > breakfast?
> > 
> > The notion of a "high-G...fighter style
> > maneuver...270 degree
> > turn...high speed stall" by  AA77 at the Pentagon
> > 9/11/2001 began with
> > Harry Gold, a civilian contractor at the Pentagon
> > who spoke on local
> > TV, EyeWitness News, channel 9 CBS affiliate,
> > anchored by Mike "Buck"
> > Buchanan and Andrea (?). Harry Gold did not say
> that
> > he saw see any
> > turn, not a hint of a beginning of any turn, but
> he
> > was
> > mis-understood, perhaps deliberately. Details
> > follow, but first...
> > 
> > The notion of a small plane hitting the Pentagon
> > began with USAF
> > propaganda officer Lt Col Art Holbo on the same
> > local TV news show.
> > After the FBI had confiscated local area security
> > videos that would
> > have resolved the 911 Pentagon Magic Bullet issue,
> > notably the
> > Sheraton Hotel and Citgo gas station videos, the
> > government's Magic
> > Bullet propaganda was bolstered by the Pentagon
> > security camera
> > forgery, which did not show any plane. All it
> showed
> > clearly was many
> > artifacts of forgery, which you can easily find on
> > the internet.
> > 
> > Holbo was heard about 10:52am and Harry Gold was
> > heard one hour after
> > Holbo. Art Holbo was not an eye-witness to
> anything,
> > and Harry Gold
> > did not say he saw the plane turn. People want to
> > get something for
> > nothing.
> > 
> > Harry Gold did say that he was looking out a
> window
> > of the Pentagon
> > which faces east. You may remember that the plane
> > struck the west wall
> > of the Pentagon. Harry Gold was looking out the
> > other side of the
> > building. Harry Gold only voiced his guess and
> > presumption that the
> > plane made a tight turn after he saw it fly past
> his
> > window. In fact,
> > the plane made no such tight turn. It continued
> > flying west, "counting
> > coup" on the US Capital, the White House, and CIA
> HQ
=== message truncated ===

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