Dear Friends:
  Our campaign against the Queen of Thailand who  has seized the land of Hooh 
Yoh Akha and Pah Nmm Akha contineus to build. Please take an interest in this 
case, and contact the Thai Consul, and ask that the Queen return the land. The 
more people who do this, the sooner the Thais are going to realize that the 
status quo will not stand.
  On my mind, and on it day and night now, is the 3rd Akha Journal. Layout, 
editing, writing out some of the stories yet, lots of them, clipping docs, all 
of it, now in marathon mode. 
  Photos I have all layed out, choices not made yet.
  Printing cost and means besides electronic versions are buzzing through my 
head too.
  I have been working months to keep moving old pages from the old site to the 
new html site.
  I just added about 120 pages, so now all the content has been moved back to 
the new site. News archives for 2004 and 2005 I still have not completed, a few 
hundred more pages from there.
  Here are the links for the newly rebuilt content sections:
  Army Reports
Human Rights
  Human Rights Documents
Medical Documents
Police Reports
  There are also a lot of new documents in Vaccinations section:
  Investigation into CGT Mission in Thailand continues. 
  We have numerous people out and about inside these missions actively making 
photos and video documentation of what is going on.
  I have many pictures and video to load, but that will take a while. People in 
Australia, New Zealand, the US are all calling on Racist Rotary to stop funding 
a white project that takes brown children away from their parents. There is no 
way to get around it, this is about colonialism and RACE. No sound thinking 
white person should support any cause that takes minority children away from 
their parents, no matter what they say the reason. What would people say if a 
bunch of Akha wanted to come to the US and take away a bunch of church 
children? Didn't think they were being raised right, too much consumerism, too 
much promiscuous permissive behaviour, talking back to their parents too much, 
gaining too much weight, stuff like that?
  We have notified a number of Rotary offices but they still think this is 
perfectly fine. We think they will think otherwise before this is over. We know 
that Rotary has given at least $30,000 of funds to CGT in Thailand and is 
prepared to give a lot more. You can contact Rotary Internation via your local 
Rotary office. Express to them how disappointed you are that they are willing 
supporting the removal of Akha children.
  Another mission, run by an Oregonian, in Chiangmai, also takes small Akha 
children away from their villages. Dr. Richard P. Haugland Operator.
  We oppose any organization that takes away Akha children. We think people 
should know better than to do that.
  Starfish Country Home School Foundation  278 Moo 10, Baan Nong-On 
T. Intakhin 
A. Maetang, Chiangmai 50150
Phone: 09-963-0623
  See video of the children who have been taken from their parents:
  (the "dumb ones" get sent off to another school at Chiangmai)
  Jobs at Starfish:
  Our New Campaign against the Queen of Thailand
  Now a permanent top case on our home page. 
  The Queen of Thailand continues to seize large amounts of Akha land and then 
requires that the Akha work as slaves on their own land making it convenient 
for her tea and other projects. We compare the Queen of Thailand to King Ahab, 
whose wife Jezebel had Naboth murdered in order to get his vineyard. The 
consequences of that are history, and we see the murder of so many Akha leading 
up to the seizure of Akha lands as no coincidence.
  The land of Hooh Yoh:
  Once again I remind that this case is now at the UN Office of the High 
Commissioner for Human Rights which is a significant progress in the case 
against the Queen.
  We would like to keep reminding people what happened so many times to the 
Akha before these last great land seizures that started in 2003. The beginning 
of 2003 saw brutal murder waged in this region. Naturally we don't think the 
Queen minded, long as she could keep gobbling up valuable mountain lands. Of 
course, if it isn't valuable, why would she want it?
  Forestery and Army and Police all continue along. 
  Look at the brutality below, think about it, next time you head for Thailand 
or quaff a Beer Singh.
  I don't want you to forget about the case of Ms. Meitinee Wongsa, she is 
still in prison in Singapore, and many efforts true and false are working to 
gain her release.
  May the real people succeed in helping her find her freedom and a new life.
  We can not help but note her fiance has continued to work tirelessly to gain 
her release. He now works three jobs to help pay for her lawyers.
  I am setting up a new website, not completed yet, for a 
new exstensive photo archive.
  Case of NCA and ACF in Laos continues:
  I have gotten a new PC which has made my work on the website a lot easier. 
  And there is more yet going on.
  Your help is always appreciated, 
  Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation. Akha Heritage Site.
Donate Via Credit Card Paypal:

PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

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