peace           Wed, 09 May 2007 14:54:26 GMT    From:  "Russ Feingold, U.S. 
Senator" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  View Contact Details   Add Mobile Alert     To:  
"Matilda Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    Subject:  Who's Holding Up My Bill?   
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.monospace {font-family:Courier, monospace;                                Dear 
  A Republican Senator is trying to derail my campaign finance disclosure bill, 
and I need your help to figure out who it is.
  My legislation, the Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act (S. 223), requires 
Senate campaigns to submit campaign finance reports electronically.  Sounds 
simple enough doesn't it?   House campaigns, political parties, Presidential 
campaigns, and even 527's already file their reports online – but that's not 
the case in the Senate.    
  The Senate has exempted themselves from this requirement and is only required 
to file paper reports.  The public's ability to review these reports in a 
timely manner is substantially curtailed by these antiquated paper filings.  
Not only that, it costs taxpayers over $250,000 per year to have these reports 
scanned and made available online at a much later date.
  When Senator Feinstein and I sought to pass this legislation by unanimous 
consent, an objection was voiced on the floor "on behalf of a Republican 
senator."  Senators are within their rights to object to a bill coming to the 
floor of the Senate, but the objecting senator has not been named, and no one 
has spoken to me about any objection they may have to this legislation.  
  The use of these so-called "secret holds" has rightly come under attack in 
recent years, and I need your help to try and determine who may be delaying 
this common sense reform measure.
  If you are represented by a Republican senator, please contact them and ask 
if they're holding up my Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act.  You can get 
contact info for your senators here.  If you live in a state with two 
Democratic senators, consider forwarding this email to your friends in states 
that aren't so lucky.
  If you learn of anything that may be useful in helping me identify the 
"Secret Hold Senator," email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I have no intention of dropping this issue and I appreciate your help in 
keeping the pressure on to try and identify this anonymous objector.
  Russ Feingold
United States Senator
Honorary Chair, Progressive Patriots Fund
          Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this. 
          If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for 
Progressive Patriots Fund. 
          This message was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit your subscription 
management page to modify your email communication preferences or update your 
personal profile. To stop ALL email from Progressive Patriots Fund, click to 
remove yourself from our lists (or reply via email with "remove" in the subject 

          Authorized and paid for by the Progressive Patriots Fund, 
Daniel D. Hannula, Superior, WI, Treasurer 
        PO Box 628008 Middleton, WI 53562 | phone: 608.831.1308 | fax: 
Manage your profile | Your Patriot Action Team | Unsubscribe from this list

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            "theresa j. steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    From:  "John Edwards" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    Subject:  100,000 voices to end the war    Date:  Tue, 
08 May 2007 14:43:43 -0400  #message { overflow:auto; visibility:hidden }  

Dear theresa j.,

Congress has reached a fork in the road on the war in Iraq and they urgently 
need your help to choose the right path.

One direction leads straight to more war with no end in sight. It's a road 
paved with symbolic deauthorization bills, hoping for veto-overrides that never 
come, and so-called temporary extensions that give Bush all the money he needs 
without ever actually bringing a single troop home.

But in the other direction lies real action—using Congress' funding power right 
now to pass another binding plan to force George Bush to actually end this war.

Only massive, direct public pressure will get Congress to choose the right 
path. Congress took the right first step by passing their last funding bill. 
But following Bush's veto the resolve in Washington has started to fade. If we 
want to end this war, we've got to speak up now.

So this week we're gathering 100,000 voices calling on Congress to stand firm 
and send back a binding plan to end the war. We're at nearly 70,000 signatures 
now, and we need your help to get over the top. Please sign our emergency 
petition right away.

After you've signed yourself, please ask at least one person you know to do the 
same. Getting to 100,000 will take all of us.

The latest news from Washington is that Congress is considering abandoning 
their binding plan to end the war and instead give Bush another 
extension—probably until September. This is completely irresponsible. When 
September rolls around, we'll be right back in the same place and Bush will 
push for another extension, just like he's been doing for years.

This has to stop now. It's already clear that the escalation has failed. Bush 
has no authority to use American troops to police a civil war, but that's what 
he's doing. There is no military solution to the sectarian violence in Iraq.

Enough is enough. It's time to end the war. And that means no more extensions, 
no more delays, no more non-binding anything.

If Congress is going to find the courage to end the war, they're going to need 
to get it from you. This is the moment of choice. The road our nation embarks 
down this week will have massive consequences for our troops, their families, 
and our country. And as citizens who know this war needs to end, we must raise 
our voice today.

We're aiming to deliver 100,000 signatures this week to show Congress that the 
American people are counting on them to end this war. Please help make that 
happen by adding your name today, and finding as many people as you can to join 
our call.

Thank you,

--John Edwards
  Tuesday, May 08, 2007

P.S. Last week, your tremendous outpouring of support enabled us to run an 
emergency ad in Washington DC calling on Congress to stand firm, and then to 
expand the plan to run the ad in Iowa. You can see the original and Iowa 
version of the ad, as well as the version with dozens of citizens voices added 
in online, at:

            How You Can Take Action                   Make sure you receive 
email updates from Senator Edwards. Find out how to add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to 
your Address Book. 

Click here to unsubscribe from email sent by John Edwards for President. 

Paid for by John Edwards for President 410 Market Street, Suite 400, Chapel 
Hill, NC 27516 (919) 636-3131. Contributions to John Edwards 
for President are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. 


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