Paulson Drinks the Kool-Aid


"I find it a little funny that while U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson states 
that the mortgage mess is 'no problem', others who are obviously more removed 
from the situation see it as a ticking time bomb."


by Chris Gaffney

In This Issue.

  a.. Treas. Sec. Paulson drinks the kool aid 
  b.. An intelligent Central Banker speaks 
  c.. Mr. Yen calls yen's price absurd 
  d.. Slow and steady in China
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And's Pfennig!

Paulson Drinks the Kool-Aid

Good day. The currency markets were steady through most of the day yesterday as 
the mortgage mess kept buyers of the U.S. dollar away, while expectations of 
stronger U.S. economic indicators kept investors from selling. Overnight the 
dollar has gained ground versus the euro (EUR) and yen (JPY) as we near the 
release of a report on U.S. manufacturing, which may show that the economy is 
picking up from the slowest pace of growth in four years.

After the weekly jobs numbers, which are expected to be little changed from 
last week's data, the leading indicators gauge from May will be released 
followed by the Philadelphia Fed's manufacturing numbers. The Conference 
board's leading indicators are expected to rise 0.2% after last month's 0.5% 
decline. The index points to the direction of the economy over the next three 
to six months, so a jump back into positive territory may ease some of the 
concern caused by the negative data on the housing market which we have seen 
over the past few days.

U.S. Treasury secretary Paulson is talking like he has already seen the 
numbers, saying yesterday that the economy is "strong" and the collapse of the 
U.S. subprime mortgage market "doesn't pose a significant risk". But not 
everyone at the Fed agrees with Mr. Paulson, as Dallas Fed head Fisher stated 
in a speech yesterday that the housing correction "will take longer to run its 
course than most economic analysts have felt it would take". As I have pointed 
out numerous times, the information I have been reading shows the housing 
market is no where near the bottom, and the effects of this housing slowdown 
have only just begun to trickle down into the other economic data. While one 
week's labor and manufacturing data may show a slight turn around, the real 
trouble is still on the horizon.

This morning's dollar gains will not last long as data released in Europe 
continues to confirm that rates are going to have to increase to offset 
inflationary pressures. European manufacturing and service industries - making 
up two-thirds of the economy - grew at an unexpectedly rapid pace in June 
according to the Royal Bank of Scotland Group's combined index. The index rose 
from 56.8 to 57.7 while most economists expected to see it drop. A reading 
above 50 indicates expansion. The euro area economy expanded 0.6% in the first 
quarter, three times the rate of growth in the United States. Unemployment in 
Europe has dropped to a record low of 7.1% in April and business and consumer 
confidence reached a six-year high in May. Europe is obviously picking up steam 
while the U.S. economy is continuing to waiver.

ECB council member and Belgium central bank head Guy Quaden summed up the 
current state of the world's economy quite nicely in a report published this 
morning: "Macroeconomic conditions have remained robust over the last 12 
months. A gradual rebalancing of growth from the U.S. to Europe and Japan has 
enabled the global pace of economic expansion to be maintained, while 
curtailing the balance of payments disequilibria between the major regions of 
the world. The high cost of energy and increased use of production capacity has 
put upward pressure on prices, leading most central banks to raise their 
interest rates."

Quaden goes on to warn about the high degree of leverage and the possible 
implications it has for the global economy: "Despite this favorable 
environment, signs of nervousness and periods of turbulence have recently been 
observed in the financial system. In a context where the search for yield has 
not only led to a very tight pricing of risks but has also induced some market 
participants to strongly leverage their investments, it would not be surprising 
for even small changes in market conditions to result in a rapid unwinding of 
positions and sharp price adjustments. Some segments of the market, in 
particular the U.S. subprime mortgage market, are already facing problems, 
while others, such as the market for leveraged private equity buyouts, could 
become vulnerable."

After reading this report, I just had to include it in today's Pfennig as it 
eloquently reflects my thoughts on the current state of the global economy. I 
find it a little funny that while U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson states that 
the mortgage mess is "no problem", others who are obviously more removed from 
the situation see it as a ticking time bomb. I think Paulson has been "drinking 
the Kool-Aid" of the current administration and is ignoring what is likely to 
become a major economic event over the next few years.

Now back to the currency markets. Look at this dip below $1.34 by the euro as a 
buying opportunity as a report tomorrow is expected to show that German 
business optimism is buoyant. The Ifo institute's sentiment index probably 
reached 108.4 after May's reading of 108.6. These are the highest readings 
since records began in 1991. If the Ifo data come in where expected, the euro 
will likely move back up over 1.34 as the focus will return on the ECB and the 
likelihood of at least two more interest rate increases this year.

The yen continues to be sold as Japanese households move earnings overseas in 
search of higher yields. Apparently it is bonus time in Japan, and with 
interest rates lower than anywhere else in the industrialized world, Japanese 
workers continue to sell the yen and move the proceeds into higher yielding 
markets. "Mr. Yen", Eisuka Sakakibara, whom we have quoted several times in the 
past, continues to warn of the risks associated with these flows out of the 
yen. Sakakibara, who got his nickname when he was the top currency official to 
Japan's Ministry of Finance, said the Bank of Japan needs to increase interest 
rates soon because the yen's slide has fueled a "dangerous" bubble in carry 
trades. "The cheapness of the yen has reached absurd levels and the only cause 
for that is low interest rates," Sakakibara said in an interview yesterday.

More of the same out of China overnight, as another Chinese central banker 
reaffirmed the government's policy of keeping the renminbi (CNY) stable, a day 
after Secretary Paulson said he'll seek "more creative" ways to press for 
increased flexibility. The world must be "patient" over the pace of the 
nation's economic policy changes according to Wu Xiaoling who is deputy 
governor of the People's Bank of China. But the U.S. Congress is quickly 
running out of patience and will continue to put pressure on the administration 
to do something about it. "I share your frustration on the pace of change in 
China," Paulson told U.S. lawmakers in testimony yesterday. "We clearly found 
that the currency is undervalued, that it doesn't reflect economic reality."

What I find amazing is that while Congress and Paulson continue to focus on 
China and the obviously undervalued renminbi, neither wants to try and address 
the mortgage mess right here at home. I think it is obvious the Chinese are 
going to move at their own pace, despite any attempts to force them otherwise. 
The Chinese renminbi will increase in value as increases in interest rates and 
economic growth will allow the Chinese government to accelerate the currency's 
appreciation. I don't look for an overnight revaluation, but gradually faster 

Currencies today: A$ .8459, kiwi .7620, C$ .9373, euro 1.3379, sterling 1.9898, 
Swiss .8051, ISK 62.39, rand 7.1733, krone 6.003, SEK 6.9198, forint 185.83, 
zloty 2.8320, koruna 21.4172, yen 123.66, sing 1.5383, HKD 7.8120, INR 40.73, 
China 7.8205, pesos 10.8485, dollar index 82.51, Silver $13.16, and Gold. 

That's it for today. Spent a wonderful evening with my wife as we attended an 
outdoor concert by John Mayer. The weather was absolutely amazing which helped 
to make it a great night. I plan on stopping by to see Chuck tonight, so I'll 
be able to give you a first hand account of his recovery. Hope everyone has a 
terrific Thursday!!

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Editor's Note: Chris Gaffney is Vice President of EverBank World Markets and 
the alternate author of the popular "Daily Pfennig" newsletter. This valuable 
newsletter is delivered via email to tens of thousands of market watchers 
globally, and helps traders stay on top of the economic, currency, and market 

Mr. Gaffney has been involved in investment services since 1987 and is director 
of sales for structured products at EverBank World Markets. He is a Chartered 
Financial Analyst and also holds degrees in accounting and finance from 
Washington University in St. Louis.

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