"Theresa J. Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 14:08:59 -0700 
Subject: Checks and Balances 
From: "People For the American Way" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Forward this e-mail | Subscribe to PFAW Action Alerts 
  Dear Theresa J.,
  When did Americans begin to take the Constitution for granted? When did our 
vision for justice blur so dangerously?
  As activists and Americans, every day we gaze, gawk, and stare at a President 
who defies the values we hold dearest. Some of us are angry. Others terrified. 
Many of us are both. And yet as members of People For the American Way, we can 
repair our battered Constitution. We can fight off President Bush's coming 
assaults on the Constitution. We can see a better way. It takes vision. And it 
takes action.
  If you're angry or terrified or share our vision of the Constitution, can you 
give now so that we can take urgently needed action?
  At a time when Bush's gloomy polling flirts with Nixon's, many grow weary and 
are just counting the days for this presidency to end. But we cannot simply 
avert our eyes, and People For the American Way will not just ride out the end 
of the Bush era. We can see our president's warped view of the executive 
branch. We see it clearly—as the ideological underpinning of arrogant, 
terrifying, and shameful abuse of power.
  That's why we do our work. That's why we fight against the NSA's illegal 
domestic spying. That's why we push for the restoration of habeas corpus. 
That's why we demand that White House stonewallers be held accountable by 
holding them in contempt of Congress. When some politicians and members of the 
media let John Roberts and Samuel Alito lull them into believing that the Far 
Right actually does respect precedent and the Constitution, or does understand 
fundamental checks and balances, we expose the truth.
  It's critical that we open our nation's eyes to how fragile our Constitution 
really is. We must spread the word that the Court, no less than the Presidency, 
will be on the ballot in November, and a wise electorate will vote accordingly.
  Will you help us educate and mobilize our electorate? Will you help put the 
Supreme Court on the ballot?
  It's already clear that the Far Right yearns to make this an issue to 
motivate and turn out its voters. Republican presidential candidates are 
already dangling the obscene promise of more Far Right nominees to the court in 
order to placate their intolerant base. It's right-wing code for turning back 
the clock on decades of social justice progress.
  But we're looking to the future—and taking action now to protect it. People 
For the American Way is poised to launch an all-encompassing Supreme Court 
Campaign leading up to the 2008 elections. We need your help executing our 
vision, built on three pillars:
  Identify Senate races and presidential battlegrounds where Americans will 
care deeply about the Court and the Constitution it interprets. 
Scrutinize recent decisions and upcoming cases that tell the story of what the 
Court is doing to our rights and freedoms in order to create compelling ways to 
tell that story to voters. 
Charge into those battlegrounds and get the story to voters who most need to 
hear it. 
Can you help us start a conversation that will help progressive and moderate 
Americans see clearly that a vote for a better tomorrow must also be a vote for 
a fairer Supreme Court?
  In so many ways, People For the American Way is already starting this 
conversation. This week, we're gathering in Chicago with other progressives for 
the second annual YearlyKos convention, which we're proud to sponsor. We've 
organized several events, including one called "Reversing the Alito Effect," 
dedicated to strategizing with the netroots and others about how progressives 
can reverse the damage done by the Roberts-Alito Court.
  PFAW's Ralph G. Neas will talk with Slate.com editor and legal affairs writer 
Dahlia Lithwick, Harvard Law professor David Barron, and Philadelphia attorney 
Adam Bonin about how to mobilize progressives in 2008 and beyond to keep Far 
Right justices from dominating the Court, and defying our Constitution, for a 
generation or more.
  Will you help us with this and other projects critical to making America see 
clearly that the Supreme Court matters to justice and fairness and our everyday 
  Thank you.
  —Your Friends at People For the American Way
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  Thu, 02 Aug 2007 19:35:25 GMT 
From: "Julie, SaveOurEnvironment.org" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "Theresa Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Last chance to write your Rep! 
  Last chance!
  You have until tomorrow (Friday) to ask your Representative to support 
renewable energy.
  Click here to write your letter now!
  Dear Theresa,
  Last chance! The House vote on vital energy legislation has been moved to 
tomorrow, Friday, August 3. That means you have one last chance to tell your 
Representative to support a strong national standard for renewable energy.
  Make sure that Rep. Smith knows you support clean, renewable energy - click 
here to take action now!
  Do you really trust energy companies to shape our nation's energy policy? 
  Unfortunately, that is exactly what will happen unless YOU contact your 
Representative today. Right now, Big Oil and other special interests whose main 
concern is to preserve their huge profits by doing business as usual, stand in 
the way of our cleaner energy future. But we simply can't afford that sort of 
backwards thinking any more - we need the Energy Bill to be as strong as 
  Click here to tell your Representative that you support the Udall-Platts 
renewable electricity standard amendment.
  By tapping into America's renewable energy potential, we can cut global 
warming pollution, create jobs, save consumers money, and increase our energy 
  Without strong renewable energy standards, global warming will continue to 
threaten our planet. If we don't act now, the consequences could be severe:
  The loss of up to 50% of all species on Earth. As oceans continue to warm, 
thousands of species will face extinction.
More frequent, more intense heat waves like the 2003 tragedy that killed 30,000 
people in Western Europe.
Increased droughts and wildfires, especially in the Western U.S.
Increased flooding in coastal regions as sea levels rise. If seas rise by 80 
feet, 50 million Americans could lose their homes.
Energy companies are lobbying hard to make sure that a renewable electricity 
standard amendment is not included in the Energy Bill. Please hurry - we can't 
afford to let their reactionary rhetoric go unchallenged. 
  Click here to tell Rep. Smith that renewable energy standards are essential - 
and you're counting on the House to act!
  This is a critical time when our actions as a nation will affect our 
environment for years to come.
  Please forward this message on to your friends and family and ask them to 
join you TODAY.
  Thank you again for your help.
  Julie Waterman
  Support Our Work - Click here now to make a secure online donation to help 
support our efforts to protect our clean water, clean air, endangered species 
and wild places. 
  This message was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit your subscription management 
page to modify your email communication preferences or update your personal 
profile. To stop ALL email from SaveOurEnvironment.org, click to remove 
yourself from our lists (or reply via email with "remove or unsubscribe" in the 
subject line).
  Thu, 02 Aug 2007 18:36:15 GMT 
From: "FP Media Reform Daily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "Theresa J. Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Media Headlines for August 2, 2007 
News of the movement for August 2, 2007
'Robber Baron Over the Last Century' -- Dow Jones Union Head on Likely New Boss 
Rupert Murdoch
  Besides amassing a media empire, Rupert Murdoch has repeatedly been accused 
of using his media holdings to advance his political agenda. How will Murdoch 
affect the Wall Street Journal?
Democracy Now!
Murdoch Wins Dow Jones, Copps Says 'Not So Fast!'
  Rupert Murdoch's Dow Jones deal means more media consolidation and fewer 
independent voices. "What's good for shareholders of huge media conglomerates 
isn't always what's good for the public interest or our civic dialogue," says 
the FCC's Michael Copps.
Radio Online
FCC's Copps Warns Dow Jones Deal Needs Scrutiny
  FCC Commissioner Michael Copps is sounding a note of caution on News Corp.'s 
deal to buy Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal. The deal could face some 
questions from the FCC about its impact on the New York media market.
Ira Teinowitz, TV Week
Murdoch Cuts Wide Swath Through New York City
  A glance at Rupert Murdoch's career through the prism of New York journalism 
shows a man who has built a sprawling media and entertainment empire, using the 
city as a platform from which to wield his influence across the globe.
Adam Goldman, Associated Press
Murdoch Deal Comes as Media Ownership Debate Heats Up
  Even as News Corp. attorneys were ironing out the final details of its 
acquisition of Dow Jones, the fight in Washington over media ownership limits 
began heating up again.
Amy Schatz, Wall Street Journal
Paper's Journalists Dread the Arrival of Meddling Murdoch
  Several Wall Street Journal employees were considering whether to resign in 
light of Rupert Murdoch's criticisms of Journal articles as too long and his 
musings that it might be time to abandon the print version of the publication.
Ian Munro, Sydney Morning Herald
'Unthinkable' Arrives -- Response to Murdoch Takeover
  As word spread this afternoon that Rupert Murdoch had won over enough of the 
Bancroft family to capture Dow Jones and the prized Wall Street Journal, 
responses from all corners of the media -- and political -- world started 
Editor & Publisher
Diversity Issues Weighed Along with Ownership
  The deal to sell Dow Jones, owner of the Wall Street Journal, to Rupert 
Murdoch resonated with journalists who have worked for the Journal slightly 
differently than it did for others.
Richard Prince, Maynard Institute
So Who Is on that New Wall Street Journal Board to 'Buffer' Murdoch?
  A "special committee" to serve as a "buffer" between the new owner of the 
Wall Street Journal, Rupert Murdoch, and the paper's "independent" newsroom 
operation has been agreed upon by both sides in the Dow Jones sale.
Editor & Publisher
Planet Murdoch - Is Nothing Out of His Reach?
  Now that his News Corp empire is absorbing the second best-selling newspaper 
in the U.S. -- and one of its two or three most politically influential -- 
Rupert Murdoch is more powerful than almost anybody without access to a nuclear 
Stephen Foley, The Independent
Murdoch's Winning Bid May Have Been an Inside Job
  News Corp.'s bullet-proof strategy to win Dow Jones was borne on the advice 
of legal, editorial and financial advisers. And in the case of the advisers, 
the master stroke was Rupert Murdoch's decision to hire Dow Jones's own former 
David Weidner, MarketWatch
Murdoch-Dow Jones Deal Not Page One News for New York Post
  The sale of Dow Jones to Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. rated Page One coverage 
in three of New York's largest daily papers, but not, apparently, in Murdoch's 
own New York Post.
Joe Strupp, Editor & Publisher
FCC Stifles Public Debate on Media Ownership
  The FCC's decision to rush the process of review and debate on the complex 
issue of media ownership does a major disservice to the public and this 
country's long history of democratic discourse.
Free Press
Joint Statement of FCC Commissioners Copps and Adelstein on Media Ownership 
Studies Comment Period
  The two Democratic FCC Commissioners blasted the agency for giving inadequate 
time for public comment for 10 media ownership studies, calling the decision 
Federal Communications Commission
FCC Releases Media Consolidation Research
  The FCC has released ten studies on the effects of media consolidation, and 
it hasn't taken long for critics to attack the findings and the agency.
Ira Teinowitz, Advertising Age
NABJ Candidates Oppose Media Consolidation
  Over the past 15 years, the FCC has acquiesced to big business. Regulations 
have relaxed significantly, resulting in fewer demands for larger media 
companies to be good corporate citizens and foster minority media ownership and 
Richard Prince, Maynard Institute
FCC Puts Ownership Diversity Issues Out for Comment
  The FCC is providing the public only 60 days to comment on ten research 
studies that took dozens of economists and lawyers over eight months to 
prepare. Commissioners Michael Copps and Jonathan Adelstein say that's not 
enough time.
John Eggerton, Broadcasting & Cable
 Tell the FCC to Stop Big Media 
The sale of Dow Jones to Rupert Murdoch is much more than a business 
transaction. It highlights structural policy issues that are threatening the 
health of our democracy. Watch and rate the Murdoch video and join the fight 
against media consolidation. 
   Reps. Boucher and Upton Introduce 'Community Broadband Act of 2007'
Office of Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.) Federal Communications Commission Approves 
Mass Sell-Off of Public Airwaves
Democracy Now! Shield Law Passes House Judiciary
Broadcasting & Cable Focus Turns to Bidders in Spectrum Auction
ComputerWorld Sprint Pulls Out of Wireless Spectrum Venture with Cable Operators
mocoNews.net Sen. Dick Durbin Thanks Public for Involvement in Broadband 
OpenLeft.com Google, Tech Group Ask FCC to Limit Copyright Warnings
Silicon Valley Business Journal Public Wants More Tech in Classrooms
eSchool News 
Aug 2
Michael Copps: Winning a Better Media for Everyone 
Chicago, IL
Aug 2-5
YearlyKos Convention 
Chicago, IL
Aug 3-9
Southern Christian Leadership Conference 
Atlanta, GA
Aug 7-9
Journalism That Matters: The DC Sessions 
Washington, DC
Aug 8-12
National Association of Black Journalists 32nd Annual Convention & Career Fair 
Las Vegas, NV
Aug 30-Sep2
NLGJA's 2007 National Convention & 4th Annual LGBT Media Summit 
San Diego, CA
Sep 7-9
2007 Global Fusion Conference 
St. Louis, MO
Sep 17-18
Future of Music Policy Summit 
Washington, DC
Complete Calendar »    
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