President Bush Signs Bill Expanding Warrantless Wiretapping--What do you 
To: "Theresa J Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2007 16:12:16 -0400 (EDT) 
August 6, 2007
  President Bush Signs Bill to Expand Warrantless Wiretapping
On August 5, President Bush signed into law S.1927, a bill amending the Foreign 
Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978. The law expands the ability of certain 
government agencies to monitor phone calls, emails, and other communications 
that are part of a foreign intelligence investigation.
I Support the Expansion of Warrantless Wiretapping
I Oppose the Expansion of Warrantless Wiretapping
  House Passes SCHIP Legislation
On August 1, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3162, a bill dealing with 
the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Learn more about the specifics 
of the bill and let Congress know what you think by clicking here .
  Congress Passes Ethics Bill
On July 31, the House of Representatives voted 411-8 to pass S.1, the 
Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act of 2007. On August 2, the 
Senate passed its version 83-14. The bill contains reforms for lobbying and 
earmark disclosure, among other things.
Tell Congress what you think. 
  Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
On July 31, House of Representatives passed H.R. 2831, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair 
Pay Act. This bill amends previous pieces of legislation dealing with 
discriminatory compensation in the workplace. Read more here.
  House Passes 9/11 Bill
On July 27, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1, which calls for 
implementation of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. What do you think?
  What Other Bills Are People Writing to Congress About?
Read Letters to Leaders and find out! 
S.590 and H.R. 2776, concerning renewable energy tax credits 
H.R. 1726, calling for more humane treatment of farm animals
H.R. 2605, which would establish a sunset for the 2002 resolution authorizing 
force against IraqH.R. 976, calling for tax relief for small businesses
H.R. 180, requiring the identification of companies that do business in the 
SudanH.R. 2610, the Skill Game Protection Act
H.R. 1022, concerning the Assault Weapons Ban
Congress is currently in recess for the month of August.
  FY08 Appropriations Bills
For more information on FY08 Appropriations bills, click here.
 Passport Trouble?
New regulations concerning air travel security went into effect in January, 
causing a backlog in processing passport applications. To learn more, click 
  Seminar: Think Like A Legislator
Are you a government relations professional? If your job entails influencing 
elected officials on the federal or state level, you need to attend our 
upcoming online seminar Think Like a Legislat 
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   Gore: Polluters manipulate climate info By GILLIAN WONG, Associated Press 
Tue Aug 7, 10:28 AM ET
SINGAPORE - Research aimed at disputing the scientific consensus on global 
warming is part of a huge public misinformation campaign funded by some of the 
world's largest carbon polluters, former Vice President Al Gore said Tuesday. 
"There has been an organized campaign, financed to the tune of about $10 
million a year from some of the largest carbon polluters, to create the 
impression that there is disagreement in the scientific community," Gore said 
at a forum in Singapore. "In actuality, there is very little disagreement."
  Gore likened the campaign to the millions of dollars spent by U.S. tobacco 
companies years ago on creating the appearance of scientific debate on 
smoking's harmful effects.
  "This is one of the strongest of scientific consensus views in the history of 
science," Gore said. "We live in a world where what used to be called 
propaganda now has a major role to play in shaping public opinion."
  After the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, made up of the 
world's top climate scientists, released a report in February that warned that 
the cause of global warming is "very likely" man-made, "the deniers offered a 
bounty of $10,000 for each article disputing the consensus that people could 
crank out and get published somewhere," Gore said.
  "They're trying to manipulate opinion and they are taking us for fools," he 
  He said ExxonMobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded oil company, is 
one of the major fuel companies involved in trying to mislead the public about 
global warming.
  ExxonMobil said the allegation was "completely false."
  "The recycling of this type of discredited conspiracy theory diverts 
attention from the real challenge at hand: how to provide the energy needed to 
improve global living standards while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions," 
company spokesman Gantt Walton said.
  Last year, British and American science advocacy groups accused ExxonMobil of 
funding groups that undermine the scientific consensus on climate change. The 
company said the scientists' reports were just attempts to smear ExxonMobil's 
name and confuse the debate.
  Walton said the company's financial support does not mean control over any 
group's views, and that ExxonMobil believes that the risk that greenhouse gas 
emissions is contributing to climate change warrants taking action to limit 
  Gore said that with growing awareness of climate change, the world will see 
an acceleration in efforts to fight the problem, and urged businesses to 
recognize that reducing carbon emissions is in their long-term interest.
  But while Washington should lead by example, he said developing nations also 
have to play a part.
  "Countries like China, just to give an example, which will next year be the 
largest emitter in the world, can't be excluded just because it's technically a 
developing country," Gore said. "When you look at the absolute amount of CO2 
each year and going forward, China will soon surpass the U.S."
  Gore said that as the Asian giant's economy expands, China faces an increased 
risk from climate change and must leapfrog old, polluting technologies while 
maintaining growth.
  The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency said in June that China 
overtook the United States in carbon dioxide emissions by about 7.5 percent in 
2006. China was 2 percent below the U.S. in greenhouse gas emissions in 2005, 
the agency said.
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 Full Coverage: Climate Change
Off the Wires
Gore: Polluters manipulate climate info AP, 4 minutes ago Bush climate meeting 
draws doubts about action Reuters, Tue Aug 7, 9:10 AM ET Feature Articles
As icecaps melt, Russia races for Arctic's resources  The Christian Science 
Monitor via Yahoo! News, Jul 31 Are Britain's Floods Linked to Global Warming? via Yahoo! News, Jul 24 News Stories
Warm Water Creatures May Soon Rule the Oceans via Yahoo! News, 
Jul 24 Small Ice Sources Pose Big Threat to Rising Seas via 
Yahoo! News, Jul 20 Opinion & Editorials
Climate change beyond our control  at Toronto Star (reg req'd), Jun 03 The 
Emperor's Green Clothes  at Spiegel Online, Jun 01 World News
4 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraqi capital AP Taliban launch frontal attack on 
base AP UK asks US to release 5 from Guantanamo AP Gore: Polluters manipulate 
climate info AP Musharraf rejects US strikes in Pakistan AP Most Viewed - World
Scientists reveal secret of levitation AFP Government defends plan on 
Aborigines AP Repeat art heist on French Riviera AP Taliban launch frontal 
attack on base AP Musharraf rejects US strikes in Pakistan AP World Video
New Clues in Search for Maddy McCann ABC News - Tue Aug 7, 11:02 AM ET Floods 
hit north eastern Greece BBC - 2 hours, 20 minutes ago Israel evicts Hebron 
settlers BBC - 2 hours, 26 minutes ago Hope for missing UK girl CNN - Tue Aug 
7, 10:35 AM ET 
Sponsored Links( What's this? )
 Gore: Polluters manipulate climate info By GILLIAN WONG, Associated Press 
Tue Aug 7, 10:28 AM ET
SINGAPORE - Research aimed at disputing the scientific consensus on global 
warming is part of a huge public misinformation campaign funded by some of the 
world's largest carbon polluters, former Vice President Al Gore said Tuesday. 
"There has been an organized campaign, financed to the tune of about $10 
million a year from some of the largest carbon polluters, to create the 
impression that there is disagreement in the scientific community," Gore said 
at a forum in Singapore. "In actuality, there is very little disagreement."
  Gore likened the campaign to the millions of dollars spent by U.S. tobacco 
companies years ago on creating the appearance of scientific debate on 
smoking's harmful effects.
  "This is one of the strongest of scientific consensus views in the history of 
science," Gore said. "We live in a world where what used to be called 
propaganda now has a major role to play in shaping public opinion."
  After the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, made up of the 
world's top climate scientists, released a report in February that warned that 
the cause of global warming is "very likely" man-made, "the deniers offered a 
bounty of $10,000 for each article disputing the consensus that people could 
crank out and get published somewhere," Gore said.
  "They're trying to manipulate opinion and they are taking us for fools," he 
  He said ExxonMobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded oil company, is 
one of the major fuel companies involved in trying to mislead the public about 
global warming.
  ExxonMobil said the allegation was "completely false."
  "The recycling of this type of discredited conspiracy theory diverts 
attention from the real challenge at hand: how to provide the energy needed to 
improve global living standards while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions," 
company spokesman Gantt Walton said.
  Last year, British and American science advocacy groups accused ExxonMobil of 
funding groups that undermine the scientific consensus on climate change. The 
company said the scientists' reports were just attempts to smear ExxonMobil's 
name and confuse the debate.
  Walton said the company's financial support does not mean control over any 
group's views, and that ExxonMobil believes that the risk that greenhouse gas 
emissions is contributing to climate change warrants taking action to limit 
  Gore said that with growing awareness of climate change, the world will see 
an acceleration in efforts to fight the problem, and urged businesses to 
recognize that reducing carbon emissions is in their long-term interest.
  But while Washington should lead by example, he said developing nations also 
have to play a part.
  "Countries like China, just to give an example, which will next year be the 
largest emitter in the world, can't be excluded just because it's technically a 
developing country," Gore said. "When you look at the absolute amount of CO2 
each year and going forward, China will soon surpass the U.S."
  Gore said that as the Asian giant's economy expands, China faces an increased 
risk from climate change and must leapfrog old, polluting technologies while 
maintaining growth.
  The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency said in June that China 
overtook the United States in carbon dioxide emissions by about 7.5 percent in 
2006. China was 2 percent below the U.S. in greenhouse gas emissions in 2005, 
the agency said.
Email Story IM Story Printable View RECOMMEND THIS STORY
          Recommend It: 
  Average (314 votes)
 » Recommended Stories
 Full Coverage: Climate Change
Off the Wires
Gore: Polluters manipulate climate info AP, 12 minutes ago Bush climate meeting 
draws doubts about action Reuters, Tue Aug 7, 9:10 AM ET Feature Articles
As icecaps melt, Russia races for Arctic's resources  The Christian Science 
Monitor via Yahoo! News, Jul 31 Are Britain's Floods Linked to Global Warming? via Yahoo! News, Jul 24 News Stories
Warm Water Creatures May Soon Rule the Oceans via Yahoo! News, 
Jul 24 Small Ice Sources Pose Big Threat to Rising Seas via 
Yahoo! News, Jul 20 Opinion & Editorials
Climate change beyond our control  at Toronto Star (reg req'd), Jun 03 The 
Emperor's Green Clothes  at Spiegel Online, Jun 01 World News
4 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraqi capital AP Taliban launch frontal attack on 
base AP UK asks US to release 5 from Guantanamo AP Gore: Polluters manipulate 
climate info AP Musharraf rejects US strikes in Pakistan AP Most Viewed - World
Scientists reveal secret of levitation AFP Government defends plan on 
Aborigines AP Repeat art heist on French Riviera AP Taliban launch frontal 
attack on base AP Musharraf rejects US strikes in Pakistan AP World Video
New Clues in Search for Maddy McCann ABC News - Tue Aug 7, 11:02 AM ET Floods 
hit north eastern Greece BBC - 2 hours, 22 minutes ago Israel evicts Hebron 
settlers BBC - 2 hours, 28 minutes ago Hope for missing UK girl CNN - Tue Aug 
7, 10:35 AM ET 
Sponsored Links( What's this? )  
AP Photo: Former U.S. Vice President, Al Gore, waves to the press, Tuesday Aug. 
7, 2007 in... Slideshow: Al Gore 
World Video 
  New Clues in Search for Maddy McCann 
ABC News  
  Floods hit north eastern Greece 
» All news video
 Elsewhere on the Web Taliban in frontal attack on base Pakistan pulls Bhutto arrest order 
ABC News: Olympics: One Year and Counting 
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NEWS ALERTS Tue, 07 Aug 2007 17:37:53 GMT 
From: "AFL-CIO Now blog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "Theresa J. Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Tune in Tonight: Candidates Answer Your Questions 
  Aug. 7, 2007
At Chicago’s Resurrection Health Care, big bosses get big pay, many front-line 
health care workers live in poverty.
Tonight’s the night when seven Democratic presidential candidates have their 
chance to speak directly to union family voters. Some 15,000 are expected at 
Chicago’s Soldier Field for the AFL-CIO Presidential Candidates Forum moderated 
by MSNBC “Countdown” host Keith Olbermann. Hundreds of thousands more are 
expected to view or listen to the live coverage that begins on MSNBC and XM 
Radio’s channel 130 at 7 p.m. EDT (6 p.m. CDT). The forum will feature 
questions to the candidates from among the more than 2,200 submitted by union 
members to the AFL-CIO Working Families Vote 2008 website.
  Quick Poll: Do you think government should do more to help average Americans 
  Got comments? Post them at:
 Olbermann Set to Host ‘Biggest Job Interview in History’
   Political Mobilization Tops AFL-CIO Executive Council Agenda
   Report Documents Skewed Pay at Resurrection
   Edwards, Obama Walk with Striking Workers in Chicago
   Six Utah Coal Miners Trapped 1,500 Feet Underground
   Edwards: Time for a President Who Puts People First in Trade Deals
   Solidarity Center Tour Spotlights Work to Stop AIDS in Africa
   Tue, 07 Aug 2007 17:37:53 GMT 
From: "AFL-CIO Now blog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "Theresa J. Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Tune in Tonight: Candidates Answer Your Questions 
  Aug. 7, 2007
At Chicago’s Resurrection Health Care, big bosses get big pay, many front-line 
health care workers live in poverty.
Tonight’s the night when seven Democratic presidential candidates have their 
chance to speak directly to union family voters. Some 15,000 are expected at 
Chicago’s Soldier Field for the AFL-CIO Presidential Candidates Forum moderated 
by MSNBC “Countdown” host Keith Olbermann. Hundreds of thousands more are 
expected to view or listen to the live coverage that begins on MSNBC and XM 
Radio’s channel 130 at 7 p.m. EDT (6 p.m. CDT). The forum will feature 
questions to the candidates from among the more than 2,200 submitted by union 
members to the AFL-CIO Working Families Vote 2008 website.
  Quick Poll: Do you think government should do more to help average Americans 
  Got comments? Post them at:
 Olbermann Set to Host ‘Biggest Job Interview in History’
   Political Mobilization Tops AFL-CIO Executive Council Agenda
   Report Documents Skewed Pay at Resurrection
   Edwards, Obama Walk with Striking Workers in Chicago
   Six Utah Coal Miners Trapped 1,500 Feet Underground
   Edwards: Time for a President Who Puts People First in Trade Deals
   Solidarity Center Tour Spotlights Work to Stop AIDS in Africa
  Read more important news of the day on the issues working families care about 
on AFL-CIO Now.
Visit the Web address below to tell your friends about this. 
If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for Working 
Families e-Activist Network.  
If you would like to unsubscribe from the e-Activist Network, or update your 
account settings, please visit your subscription management page.  
   Get an alert when there are new stories about:
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 
Vice President Al Gore 
reducing greenhouse gas emissions 
» More alerts
 Tue, 07 Aug 2007 17:37:53 GMT 
From: "AFL-CIO Now blog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "Theresa J. Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Tune in Tonight: Candidates Answer Your Questions 
 Aug. 7, 2007
  At Chicago’s Resurrection Health Care, big bosses get big pay, many 
front-line health care workers live in poverty.
Tonight’s the night when seven Democratic presidential candidates have their 
chance to speak directly to union family voters. Some 15,000 are expected at 
Chicago’s Soldier Field for the AFL-CIO Presidential Candidates Forum moderated 
by MSNBC “Countdown” host Keith Olbermann. Hundreds of thousands more are 
expected to view or listen to the live coverage that begins on MSNBC and XM 
Radio’s channel 130 at 7 p.m. EDT (6 p.m. CDT). The forum will feature 
questions to the candidates from among the more than 2,200 submitted by union 
members to the AFL-CIO Working Families Vote 2008 website.
  Quick Poll: Do you think government should do more to help average Americans 
  Got comments? Post them at:
 Olbermann Set to Host ‘Biggest Job Interview in History’
   Political Mobilization Tops AFL-CIO Executive Council Agenda
   Report Documents Skewed Pay at Resurrection
   Edwards, Obama Walk with Striking Workers in Chicago
   Six Utah Coal Miners Trapped 1,500 Feet Underground
   Edwards: Time for a President Who Puts People First in Trade Deals
   Solidarity Center Tour Spotlights Work to Stop AIDS in Africa
  Read more important news of the day on the issues working families care about 
on AFL-CIO Now.
Visit the Web address below to tell your friends about this. 
If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for Working 
Families e-Activist Network.  
If you would like to unsubscribe from the e-Activist Network, or update your 
account settings, please visit your subscription management page.  

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