Wow, and here are the same spook crew using the same cointelpro tricks, name calling, raising the noise level, creating divisions, driving real research away and laying false memes. "Sean McBride," Dick Eastman and webfairy are a cointelpro operation. They "fight and bicker," but it is all an act.

Spook Berlet using his false Internet handle is here using a NLP trick of calling out people by their name, so as to make them and their ideas the objects of derision. It's "sean's" typical fare, it is a tactic he uses to raise the invective levels, which make people mad, get into arguments, say irrational things which then breaks-up any cohesiveness that has been developed.

The criminal act of 9-11 was much more than 19 hijackers flying planes into a building. The largest part of the operation is psychological warfare or as the literal German translation says world- view warfare. and the majority of the effort was/is directed at Americans, especially political activists and government corruption disassemblers. Berlet (Sean McBride) and crew are part of the effort. Last I looked, Berlet's organization Political Research Associates receives over $500,000 a year from the foundations for a three person office, and one of those is independently wealthy, to produce a few reports each year on conspiracy theorists, fundamentalist, etc. Ever wonder where "Sean" got the time.

I truly don't have the all the time that "Sean" seems to have to hang out and "debate," I have to work to live. So, I must be brief.

"Sean," here is using dialectics to harden sides, which can then be broken various ways. A false dialectic, one posed as a a terrible fight between Good (GHW Bush) and Evil (George W. Bush). This dialectic conveniently makes GHW Bush, and friends, the CFR, etc. the good guys, quite the rehabilitation.

Chip/"Sean" and crew lay down so many false memes and lies that I just find it amazing.

Here's one "sean" said recently that using a fake name was/is a time honored tradition, even sullied the Founding Fathers. Funny, he has told me that uses a false name because he fears the Mossad and "crazy people." Doesn't sound much like G. Washington, Madison, Monroe, Jefferson, Adams etc.

Chip, The Founding Fathers used their real names and stood up to King George. They pledged the honor, their fortunes and their lives. The Declaration of Independence was signed by real people using their real names.

You call people names and swagger around with false superiority, because that is your job. The job of a spook to spy on, harrass and spin people around, away from the truth and down the rabbit holes.

Kris Millegan
On Sep 13, 2007, at 9:07 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

Wow -- I just flipped through a pile of sludge posted by Andy McCracken on the split between Bush 43/41 over Israel and neoconservatism -- there is not a single documented fact in the entire mess! McCracken is driven entirely by emotion on this subject -- whatever analytical abilities he has break down completely when confronted with the well-known history of bad relations between the Bush 41 inner circle and the neoconservatives.

Sidney Blumenthal's credentials as a researcher and thinker so far exceed McCracken's that it is a joke. Compared to Blumenthal, McCracken is a snot-nosed little twerp.

The Internet is awash with half-baked conspiracy theorists who are drowning in their own fevered fantasies. It's quite a spectacle. Thank God for the solid political researchers like Sidney Blumenthal, Glenn Greenwald, Phil Weiss, Juan Cole and others to compensate for the trash.

By the way, behind this grid lies many hundreds of reputable books and articles that have been carefully data mined. McCracken is unable to discuss in an informed way any of the 66 points on the grid.

The Radical Split Between Bush 43/Bush 41 Over Israel

[Bush 43/Bush 41]

1. AEI (American Enterprise Institute) [+/-]
2. AIPAC [+/-]
3. America First [-/+]
4. anti-Muslim incitement [+/-]
5. Brent Scowcroft [-/+]
6. Christian Zionists [+/-]
7. CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) [-/+]
8. Clash of Civilizations [+/-]
9. Colin Powell [-/+]
10. Douglas Feith [+/-]
11. foreign policy realism [-/+]
12. Global War on Terror [+/-]
13. Greater Israel [+/-]
14. Iran War [+/-]
15. Iraq War [+/-]
16. Israel First [+/-]
17. Israel lobby [+/-]
18. James Baker [-/+]
19. JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs) [+/-]
20. Likud [+/-]
21. mainstream Christianity [-/+]
22. messianic ethnic cultism [+/-]
23. Mideast peace process [-/+]
24. neoconservatives [+/-]
25. oil industry [-/+]
26. Old Testament cultism [+/-]
27. Paul Wolfowitz [+/-]
28. PNAC [+/-]
29. religious Zionism [+/-]
30. Richard Armitage [-/+]
31. Richard Perle [+/-]
32. traditional conservatism [-/+]
33. West Bank settlements [+/-]

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