My New Book: A Time To Lead 
Dear Theresa J.,
>From Palgrave
Pub. September 4, 2007
Buy it now on Amazon!
Listen to an audiobook clip 
I'm excited to announce that this month, my personal memoir hit the shelves. 
It's entitled, A Time to Lead: For Duty, Honor and Country. 
  When I set out writing A Time to Lead, I wanted to tell a story -- a story 
about America. I quickly realized the only way I could really do that was by 
telling you the way I experienced it. The book chronicles periods of my own 
life: growing up in the South during the 1950's, my life as a soldier, my life 
in politics, and beyond; it's told through my experience, and the experience of 
others. Our communities and our country face many challenges. Our stories unite 
  This is my story. 
  During the next several months, I'll be touring America to tell this story; I 
hope to see you along the way. 
  My official website,, is a resource for my updated tour 
schedule, recent news, videos, and more. Please check it out, and be sure to 
sign up for email updates. 
  Wes Clark
  P.S. - Be sure to tune in to Comedy Central tonight, Wednesday the 19th, at 
11pm ET; I'll be Jon Stewart's guest on The Daily Show. Also, I'll be appearing 
on Hardball on MSNBC at 7pm ET. 
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  Subject: Can Iraq Get Blackwater to Go? 
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 21:25:30 -0400 
Check out these Audio Highlights:
  Viggo Mortensen
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow chats with Viggo Mortensen
Farm Aid and bio-diesel
The Randi Rhodes Show
Randi chats with Willie and Annie Nelson, Woody Harrelson and Kelly King about 
Farm Aid and the wonders of bio-diesel fuel 
Straw Poll
The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom conducts a Democratic Presidential straw poll 
Funniest Wrong Number Ever
The Lionel Show
Lionel answers a call for another radio show, the confused caller has no clue 
what to do? 
  Report Card Time
The Rachel Maddow Show
The al-Qaeda report card... 6 years later 
  Brent Budowsky
The Randi Rhodes Show
Randi talks with Brent Budowsky, writer for The Hill, about the Petraeus 
hearings and the Webb Amendment 
Can Iraq Get Blackwater to Go?
By Nancy Scola on September 17, 2007 - 9:05pm
  We mentioned this morning that the Iraqi government has revoked the operating 
license of Blackwater USA, a contractor/security firm/private army working in 
Iraq. But to say that we have any real idea what that means, or indeed what 
Blackwater has been doing in Iraq since the war began, would be suggesting 
certainty where absolutely none exists. Congressman Henry Waxman has been 
looking into Blackwater and related security firms for years, has called it "an 
indecipherable world of contractors and subcontractors." That's 
congressionalese for a giant, murky mess. Even the instance that has gotten 
Blackwater in trouble with the Iraqi government is confusing, but is said to 
involved the deaths of 8 Iraqis and the wounding of more than a dozen more. 
  The U.S. government is unhappy with the move because Blackwater provides 
security for all American diplomats and State Department employees. (They are 
the guys with guns surrounding Paul Bremer in photos from his time as Coalition 
Provisional Authority chief.) Also, Blackwater has deep connections within the 
Bush Administration; Vice Chairman Cofer Black was the chief counterterrorism 
official on 9/11. Former CIA intelligence officer Larry Johnson has this to say:
  Depending on whether the Blackwater security firm stays in Iraq will inform 
us whether Prime Minister Maliki has any power or is just a U.S. puppet. My 
money is on the puppet.
  One problem with their eviction? 
  The Iraqi government has zero power to enforce a decision to oust a firm like 
Blackwater. For starters, Blackwater has a bigger air force and more armored 
vehicles then the Iraqi Army and police put together.
  Filmmaker Robert Greenwald has a short video here highlighting what is known 
about Blackwater, including the many millions in no-bid government contracts 
they've received since the start of the war. 
  A note from Al Franken 
 It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a campaign in full swing.  The 
polls show that we’re within single digits of overtaking Norm Coleman, one of 
George W. Bush’s favorite Senators.  We’re seeing huge crowds and big 
enthusiasm everywhere we go.  And over 52,000 donors (so far!) have ensured 
that we’ll have the resources to continue to hold Sen. Coleman’s feet to the 
  But as Franni and I criss-cross the state, I’m meeting more and more 
Minnesotans who remind me why it’s so important that we put our country back on 
the right track.
  There’s the nurse in Cambridge who sees elderly patients admitted into her 
intensive care unit because they can’t afford their medications, or because 
they’re forced to cut their pills in half.
  There’s the steelworker in Hibbing, up on the Iron Range, who worries that 
the pension he’s been counting on for 15 years will simply disappear if his 
company goes bankrupt.
  And there’s the father in Bemidji who lost his son to a roadside bomb in 
  This campaign doesn’t just belong to me.  It belongs to Minnesotans like 
these who desperately want real leadership on health care, on pensions, on the 
war in Iraq.  And it belongs to progressive Americans like you who believe that 
we’re all in this together.
  I need your help to continue our momentum.  Even if you only have a few 
dollars to spare, your contribution will help me stand up to the right-wing 
machine.  And if you can make that contribution before the fundraising quarter 
ends on September 30th, you’ll help me prove to the pundits that our 
people-powered campaign is strong enough to beat the special interests.
  Thanks for everything you do, 
Al Franken 
 Prepared and Paid for by Al Franken for Senate 
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Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 20:28:02 -0700 
From: "Kucinich for President" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "Theresa J. Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: September 26th, House Party for Debate 
September 26th, House Party for Debate 
  Dear Theresa J. Steed,
  The next major presidential debate is coming up soon: 
Wednesday, September 26th, and we're planning a nationwide house
party to watch the broadcast on MSNBC.
  Please host a house party, cheer for Dennis, and then join us on
a conference call with Dennis and a surprise celebrity
guest. Here's what we have planned: 
  Join Dennis Live After the Debate
  Directly after the debate, Dennis will join a special conference
call to speak directly with you about the debate. This will give
you an exclusive chance to listen to Dennis firsthand. Once you
sign up to host or attend a Debate Party, you will be given the
conference call information. 
  Ask Dennis A Question
  If you have a specific question that you'd like to ask Dennis,
email us. We will select a few questions, which Dennis will
answer live over the phone. Email your submissions to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject line "Sept 26
Question" and we may pick yours.
  Special Celebrity Guest
  As you know, Dennis is friends with many celebrities, and one of
them has agreed to make a guest appearance to speak directly with
you on a conference call. To find out who the celebrity guest
is, you have to host or attend a house party. 
  Prize for Party Who Raises the Most Money 
  As if all of this is not exciting enough, we're also offering a
special prize to the house party who raises the most amount of
money: The Host that raises the most money will be able to join
Elizabeth and Dennis for Dinner the next time they are in your
part of the country.
  Please, join us on Wednesday September 26 for a national house
party to watch the New Hampshire presidential debate on MSNBC.
We'll give you everything you need to host a house party. 
  Sign up here
  If you have any questions about what house parties are or how to
host one, please go to the house party section on the web site
or call 877-413-3664. 
  Thank you, 
Dennis for President Team 
  This message was intended for: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
You were added to the system August 30, 2007. For more
click here.[EMAIL 
  Update your preferences:
  Paid for and authorized by Kucinich for President 2008, Inc. 
P.O. Box 110180, Cleveland, OH  44111 | (877) 41-DENNIS.  
Subject: Can Iraq Get Blackwater to Go? 
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 21:25:30 -0400 
Check out these Audio Highlights:
  Viggo Mortensen
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow chats with Viggo Mortensen
Farm Aid and bio-diesel
The Randi Rhodes Show
Randi chats with Willie and Annie Nelson, Woody Harrelson and Kelly King about 
Farm Aid and the wonders of bio-diesel fuel 
Straw Poll
The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom conducts a Democratic Presidential straw poll 
Funniest Wrong Number Ever
The Lionel Show
Lionel answers a call for another radio show, the confused caller has no clue 
what to do? 
  Report Card Time
The Rachel Maddow Show
The al-Qaeda report card... 6 years later 
  Brent Budowsky
The Randi Rhodes Show
Randi talks with Brent Budowsky, writer for The Hill, about the Petraeus 
hearings and the Webb Amendment 
Can Iraq Get Blackwater to Go?
By Nancy Scola on September 17, 2007 - 9:05pm
  We mentioned this morning that the Iraqi government has revoked the operating 
license of Blackwater USA, a contractor/security firm/private army working in 
Iraq. But to say that we have any real idea what that means, or indeed what 
Blackwater has been doing in Iraq since the war began, would be suggesting 
certainty where absolutely none exists. Congressman Henry Waxman has been 
looking into Blackwater and related security firms for years, has called it "an 
indecipherable world of contractors and subcontractors." That's 
congressionalese for a giant, murky mess. Even the instance that has gotten 
Blackwater in trouble with the Iraqi government is confusing, but is said to 
involved the deaths of 8 Iraqis and the wounding of more than a dozen more. 
  The U.S. government is unhappy with the move because Blackwater provides 
security for all American diplomats and State Department employees. (They are 
the guys with guns surrounding Paul Bremer in photos from his time as Coalition 
Provisional Authority chief.) Also, Blackwater has deep connections within the 
Bush Administration; Vice Chairman Cofer Black was the chief counterterrorism 
official on 9/11. Former CIA intelligence officer Larry Johnson has this to say:
  Depending on whether the Blackwater security firm stays in Iraq will inform 
us whether Prime Minister Maliki has any power or is just a U.S. puppet. My 
money is on the puppet.
  One problem with their eviction? 
  The Iraqi government has zero power to enforce a decision to oust a firm like 
Blackwater. For starters, Blackwater has a bigger air force and more armored 
vehicles then the Iraqi Army and police put together.
  Filmmaker Robert Greenwald has a short video here highlighting what is known 
about Blackwater, including the many millions in no-bid government contracts 
they've received since the start of the war. 
A note from Al Franken 
 It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a campaign in full swing.  The 
polls show that we’re within single digits of overtaking Norm Coleman, one of 
George W. Bush’s favorite Senators.  We’re seeing huge crowds and big 
enthusiasm everywhere we go.  And over 52,000 donors (so far!) have ensured 
that we’ll have the resources to continue to hold Sen. Coleman’s feet to the 
  But as Franni and I criss-cross the state, I’m meeting more and more 
Minnesotans who remind me why it’s so important that we put our country back on 
the right track.
  There’s the nurse in Cambridge who sees elderly patients admitted into her 
intensive care unit because they can’t afford their medications, or because 
they’re forced to cut their pills in half.
  There’s the steelworker in Hibbing, up on the Iron Range, who worries that 
the pension he’s been counting on for 15 years will simply disappear if his 
company goes bankrupt.
  And there’s the father in Bemidji who lost his son to a roadside bomb in 
  This campaign doesn’t just belong to me.  It belongs to Minnesotans like 
these who desperately want real leadership on health care, on pensions, on the 
war in Iraq.  And it belongs to progressive Americans like you who believe that 
we’re all in this together.
  I need your help to continue our momentum.  Even if you only have a few 
dollars to spare, your contribution will help me stand up to the right-wing 
machine.  And if you can make that contribution before the fundraising quarter 
ends on September 30th, you’ll help me prove to the pundits that our 
people-powered campaign is strong enough to beat the special interests.
  Thanks for everything you do, 
Al Franken 
 Prepared and Paid for by Al Franken for Senate 

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

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