"Sean," you continue you baiting and lying. What's a matter can't your sycophant, the relapsed neo-nazi Leander speak for themselves?

Please post where I have "accused" anyone else, in over 10 years on the Internet, of being John F. "Chip" Berlet.

If you feel I have slandered you, please take me to court.

You say a lot but without ever any substance.

I have never claimed to be able to type well and so if you have a probably with my syntax, well shucks.

All you ever do is call me names ... and not answer questions.

Have a nice day!

Kris Millegan

On Sep 21, 2007, at 11:04 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

This is what it's all about -- seeing conspiratorial enemies everywhere, making unfounded and libelous accusations against those conspiratorial enemies, failing to check one's facts, being ungrounded in reality, associative (delirious, incoherent) thought processes, psychotic stalking, etc. Quite a few conspiracy theorists are suffering from drug-aggravated paranoid schizophrenia and have never mastered the basic tools of historical and social science research. Their truth standards are feeble to non-existent.

RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Having a slow day ...

The below comments underline your level of research, prejudicial
thinking and unbalanced rhetorical which produces such sub-par
intellectual output.

You really have no idea of what you are talking about, and lie often

There are more people on the cia-drug list than before you felt the
need to notice. There are way more than twice as many folks on cia-
drugs than spook Berlet's political-research.

Cia-drugs is not an ideology but an email list which shares
information and observations.

No one is compelled to be here. It is just an email list that there
are some would like to see go away and/or sing a different tune.

Your logic that Sean isn't Berlet is because of what he writes? I
recommend you study intelligence operations.

And Sean isn't Sean. Sean is John. John Foster "Chip" Berlet , spook
and go to person to smack down stories of corruption and conspiracy.

If you care not to understand, then I am sure there is nothing that I
could say, because it is plain as the nose on your face.

Oh and by the way, "Sean" dispargaes Sutton as does Berlet, because
Sutton tells the truth and Berlet/McBride is a spook either stuffing
the truth or leading you down a rabbit hole.

Believe it or no, I really dunna care.

We all meet our Maker alone.


On Sep 21, 2007, at 9:21 AM, LeaNder wrote:

> Re: Wikipedia on Jacob Schiff
> The problem I have with CIA drugs has nothing to do with Sutton, but
> much with the cia-druggies (or what is left of them) simplistic
> application of his "Heglian-dialectics-rule to everything they watch. > Sutton may well have misused Hegel to describe a puzzling phenomenon.
> Did he write this rule is universial? Billions of people out there
> only waiting for the Scull and Bonies to pull their strings.
> It's simply utterly silly.
> Sean's idea of conflict between opposing parties makes much more sense > and has the accompanying advantage that you can look at the world out
> there instead of stewing in the self importance of your paranoia.
> I base this comment on an extended self-experiment in cia-druggies
> ideology.
> Concerning Sean, if Kris would be so sure about Sean's identity he
> wouldn't contradict himself in every line he writes, would stop to
> link
> to something he calls "research", but that is really a piss poor piece
> of libel that only shows the state of his mellow mind and finally
> would open the period of the cia-drugs-list-take and Brian Quid's
> (sp.
> ?) dead for everybody out there to see and to judge for himself, how
> convincing Kris Milligan's research is.
> Interestingly the moment I started to criticize his "research", I was
> blocked from his list too. Before I watched people being blocked for
> supposedly being agents of dark powers. Harmless people, just like me.
> Suddenly I was such a dark agent myself.
> Kris is simply an idiot, I rarely use this kind of language, but you
> started the topic.
> -jo
> ... I know you and
>> Sean have an aversion because you associate him with the CIA Drugs
>> crowd. Try not to hold that against him - this is not his fault!
>> Sutton is actually a very fine scholar.
>> Tim Howells
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