
I wish you and Seanus all the best. I hope you share something other than me 
with him, as that could get dry and mono-tone-us otherwise as an impersonal 
crusade without even a sip of mystery like intractable quagmires have to 
recommend them to visitors.

"Nazi's didn't completely invent
their dirty tricks, they stole the worst ideas everywhere, some from
the US. What I always found missing in our post war society was a deep
inquiry" -BS

Borrowed ideas, yes, such as "concentration camps" from the English in the Boer 
War, "Final Solution" both the term itself and specific genocidal methods 
learned from Canadian missionaries, propaganda from American advertising as 
Joseph Goebbels said before WW2, and most importantly by FAR, funding for 
building Darwinist might-makes-right racist utopia courtesy of 19th century US 
robber barons and managed by Prescott Bush, else they could not have afforded 
Speers and Riefenstahl for Goebbels to pimp US aid as "Hitler's Economy", as if 
not funded by US Robber Baron loot, plundered from Americans going through the 
Great Depression. No inquiry, so Prescott set up the Little Hitler Factory 
using recycled German expertise. Of the correspondence between the US Great 
Depression and Prescott's utopia in Germany, his son GHWB said,"What we are 
doing is capital transfer to those who are higher, tighter, and righter...if 
the American people knew what we ARE(not
 were 1920's 1930's 1940's but 1980's) doing, they would chase us down the 
street and lynch(Nuremburg) us(US robber barons and Enronistas and 
Dubai-headquartered no-bidders )". Not a chance, we read even less than our 
forefathers, so we have twice-unelected Dubai-ya and two trillion dollars more 
added to the cost of building Prescott's utopia.

And we don't even get a new Leni Riefenstahl movie or Speers architecture. 
Somebody figured out we don't require much in the way of bread-and-circuses 
anymore. But Hollywood does incorporate "Triumph of the Will" into every sequel 
in the "But We're the Good Guys" series of cops-and-robbers, 
cowboys-and-indians, and lone crazed good guy lone crazed bad guy. Hollywood 
teaches us that understairs mentality is really a glorious existentialist jump 
out all the more so for less pay and no strategic benefit and white trash mercs 
are better than an endless procession of haji indian cannon fodder extras 
almost resembling a video game inculcating a craving for high tech weapons and 
impersonal crusades.

Years ago Kris asked me to look at Sean's early posts. As background, Kris had 
noticed that the pseudonym Sean McBride is an Irish character like Virginius 
Haufniensis is a German character, real or fictional they are presumably 
personal symbols communicating something, perhaps a hidden joke on us, as well 
as aliases.

Kris supposed that Sean, alternate name for John and Chip, could be a hidden 
joke, already at the inception a better supported speculation than most 911 
positions still unsupported with facts, you must agree.

Kris noted that the McBride alias became active on the internet at precisely 
the same time as Chip Berlet received a $100,000 grant to engage in internet 

I responded that Sean or McBride's internet operation was based on a Boston 
suburb and near Harvard, same as Berlet.

Again, initial speculation allowed to survive because it has factual support 
and no factual debunk. Someone not Sean showing us a driver's license of 
someone would be a non-fact, Sean's best substitute for publishing his lifetime 
grant record to establish to his victims the purity of his motives in stalking 
and harrassing us after love is long gone.

Threatening to sue is not factual debunk, is it? No.

Chip Berlet went to college with Condeleeza Rice and myself. I did not meet 
them or encounter their names. Seanus Berlet dropped out, and has been 
well-funded ever since, often by the kind of grants that law requires be made 
public. I wonder if McBride would be able to carry his libel, slander, and 
defamation lawsuit through all the way without offering his voice for 
identification by acquaintances of Chip Berlet. I like that better than Sean's 
idea of having his lawyer show somebody's driver's license, which is a non-fact 
without corroboration.

Do you notice "Sean" is not a great friend or ally of yourself, unless you like 
the "you insulted my wife" type of self-ingration process in lieu of another 
social process? I urge you to consider his other social graces and maybe you 
would experience the same dearth of facts and logic which has pegged my 
valuation of "Sean" at below zero. On the other hand, you have turned up a lot 
of facts, which qualifies you as an internet poster.

I wanted you to draw more conclusions. I know so many people who offer 
preliminary speculations as conclusions without ever turning up any supporting 
facts, but you turn up mountains of facts and never draw conclusions. Even 
academics arrange their facts in a conspicuous configuration in their published 
writings. Still, if all you want to be is a researcher, that puts you on a 
level above those who push unsupported speculations as conclusion for years 
after the apparent predicate falls by the wayside. "Engine part too small", for 
instance, too small to be the front turbofan but right size to be what it is in 
Rolls-Royce engines on American Airlines Boeing 757, but we are still hearing 
"engine part too small".

"Engine part too small", "tight high-g turn", "we will bury you(Kruschev)", 
memorable if easily debunked, but I cannot remember anything Sean has ever said 
or is pandering right now. Memorable is probably the low bar, below speculation 
couched as conclusion. Do you remember anything Seanus has said?

The Sean McBride alias is evidently desperate to find something memorable to 
say these days. I find his communications content-free, and sad to say, not 
even memorable content-free or, a new low bar: puzzling content-free. Puzzles 
can be fun. I have solved a lot of puzzles, if I choose to be generous and take 
up a puzzle posed by a question. The only low-bar entry of Sean's there was the 
Shakespeare question, but,"Methinks he doth protest too much" destroyed Sean's 
position on Shakespeare, so I thought of a Greek author and a question that 
would interest a hierarchicalist. Maybe like Shakespeare and all court jesters 
when mocking the king, Oedipus Rex was really about gay Alexander murdering his 
father and his campaign as an interlude with mother. Of course as far as Johnny 
Gotsch-Gannon in the White House, we do not mean the Tim White and Ted 
Gunderson and Sean McBride house. As far as gay Alexander and no-bid 
fear-tactic plunder under the big Dubya in
 Spencer Tracy's cum DCI's Mad Mad Mad Mad World, we do see Alexander's PNAC 
policy murdering his father's Baker Plan, don't we?

Then we might look for fourth generation Bush family Oedipal Lex, son and 
father's shared Mother's milk, finding that milk in no-bid war profiteering for 
no other purpose, obscene oil company profits over the protestations of Sean's 
and Ruppert's oilco janitors, poppies liberated from Afghan Taliban not 
international al-CIA-duh for 911 heroin partners the Paks, and Bekaa Valley 
poppies liberated by the US for 911 and PanAm 103 air crash and 911 heroin 
funding partners the Lebanese heroin families. Money love as unifying milk, 
Oedipal Lex for Alexander and father and Prescott and Sam.

-Bob Dodds

----- Original Message ----
From: Lea N. der <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: mark urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2007 11:54:34 AM
Subject: This was not the Bob I knew



One of my biggest problems, I think, is that I don't recognize when the
problem I have has to do with stupidity; maybe the reason is, I do not
accept conventional use in this field. .... We only can judge verbal
expression on the net and that is only part of the game.

Bob life, streets, Washington: Admittedly I felt
sorry, I pondered if I could help him to get paid jobs in writing web
pages for artists over here. But it is getting more difficult over here
too, especially in artist circles. 


He mentioned something on cia-drugs and he told me a little about it
later. He did things in the field of art, photography. And he was
active in the larger Linux society.


He seems to live under absolutely harsh conditions. And I think Kris is
poison for him. It does not help him the least to sort out his problems
and decide which way to move on, to improve his conditions a little. 

I always had the impression that he is basically a warm and helpful
person. [ look what Catherine Fitts did .. that is the road needed ...]
To me it felt as if Kris gave a shit about his taking cia-drugs so
seriously to copy it into his own site. Sean at least added a link and
kept it as long as Bob's site existed.

Remember when Bob told us, he needed money to buy a new
pair of shows? He lost one getting into the heavy drug quarters in
Washington. Or did he only tell this me, or did only I pay attention?


Bob was trying to host Brian's research - all that was left of him for
a while.

I think Bob - without realizing it - allows Kris to manipulate him into
fighting his fight for him. He pulls everybody on the list now into
this dirty little running gag Chip, Chippie and other funny little
insults.  I was caught in the group dynamics with Sean  myself at the
time of Brian Quig's dead. The problem is, Bob would need to take a
step back and watch carefully  what Kris says  vs what he does. Check it with
other data. And than he would discover that Kris manipulates him to
fight an enemy of his own design. ... What lies behind this, only
weakness? Probably. But you need to open your eyes to see.

The net Bob is caught in are the devious elites, that is the only
secure mental space for him. Yes there are devious elites but the
devious ones are on every little strata of society. As there is a
connection between weakness and deviance. If you are weak and Kris
obviously is, and you can't fight straight you need dirty tricks.  It's
a basic human flaw.

Maybe if I had more time and patience with Bob, his last action
wouldn't have happened.  This was not the Bob, I knew. 

That was a little brown shoes foot soldier. Will he sent somebody to
kill me over here at the place in Cologne, were I live. Not quite as
easy as in Brian's case. Although I thought about Brian when I choose a
dark little road off the filled streets at night the other day and a
big car headed my way.

Have you noticed how very, very selectively my mails on this topic were
forwarded by Kris? Kris censure? Never!!! He blamed me for not being
able to speak for myself to ignore my reply on political-research. And,
if I see things correctly, he did not forward my last comment, that
would harm his neo-Nazi slander that is now connected on the net with
my name. See how easy this works without any interference from the
services who have to do their jobs. The Nazi's didn't completely invent
their dirty tricks, they stole the worst ideas everywhere, some from
the US. What I always found missing in our post war society was a deep
inquiry into what exactly had happened with the humans down to the last
one on the streets.

Selection is the most basic element in manipulation. I wish Bob, would
see and understand.

Take care, thanks for the comments.

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